Tale of Glass Balls.
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Very often, our clients do not want simple, realistic solutions, they want solutions that are fabulous, deep and beautiful. After all, this creates their rich inner world for them!
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A fairy tale and reality are two ways, two formats of perception of life.
Reality is the perception of what is happening as a series of neutral events, certain objective facts. This is an objective perception (as far as possible). A fairy tale is a subjective interpretation, comprehension, thinking out and arbitrary interpretation of what is happening with the active involvement of the imagination, as a result of which something whole and emotional, a beautiful or terrible fairy tale is composed about life (or about something more specific: a specific person or a specific situation). A person with the help of perception always forms a complete image of the world (situation). If there are not enough parts to the picture, a person looks for them, thinks out or invents them. It is connected with this that, having seen the same event, different people interpret it differently.
A fold of fat in different people can mean anything, from: «I’m a terrible fat woman!» to “I can take good care of myself” and “I can afford and enjoy myself.” A fold of fat can be perceived as «I’m ready for motherhood» and simply: «A fold of fat.»
What determines this or that way of seeing (perceiving) the situation, the creation of certain fairy tales? Any fairy tales are created on the basis of local (and family) culture, primarily due to habits, traditions, as well as emotions and moods. However, traditions and emotions do not determine everything: smart and adult people themselves choose in which fairy tale or with which fairy tales they should live. And when you leave fairy tales, start living in reality.
We can say that this is the Choice of the most appropriate Life Tale. Probably best of all positive and promising. See Emotion and Vision
The Tale of the Glass Balls
Glass, crystal-like balls for children are the same as gold bars or diamonds for adults. Winning even one gold bar or diamond is good luck and joy, but in the life of one little boy an absolute miracle happened — the stars aligned so incredibly that he won all the balls from all his classmates at recess. See The Tale of the Glass Balls
Appropriateness of formats
The perception of life events in the format of a fairy tale is natural and typical for people. In this sense, we can say that all people live in fairy tales almost all the time of their lives.
Describing events in a reality format is a more difficult and less common skill that requires special training.
If a fairy tale is more beautiful and richer than reality, then it is more natural and correct to live in a fairy tale. Which, in fact, is happening.
If a particular fairy tale is negative, traumatic, creates sore points in the soul, then it is usually more preferable to switch to the format of reality in the perception of events. Events such as humiliation, insult, insult, rape are usually experienced very hard, although in reality they may turn out to be events of not the greatest significance.
Where to study it?
The theme of Fairy Tale and Reality is discussed at the training «Emotion Management» in Sinton.