Fainting during pregnancy: prevention and treatment. Video
Fainting can be one of the signs of pregnancy. Moreover, even if the woman did not lose consciousness, but only felt dizzy and weak, this may be a reason to visit a gynecologist or take a pregnancy test.
Fainting during pregnancy: prevention and treatment
Fainting during pregnancy: what is the reason?
Already at the beginning of the first trimester, serious changes occur in a woman’s body, which can lead to such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, weakness and dizziness, as well as loss of consciousness. The main reason for fainting during pregnancy is a sharp drop in blood pressure caused by a change in hormonal levels.
This happens especially often with those who suffered from hypotension before pregnancy.
There are many things that can cause a drop in blood pressure during pregnancy. For example, acute respiratory infections, exacerbation of a chronic illness, and overwork or stress can cause fainting. Moreover, it is often enough for a pregnant woman to spend some time in a stuffy room to feel bad and faint. Another reason is a decrease in blood sugar levels caused by inappropriate diet or malnutrition.
Fainting during pregnancy is often a one-time event, so it shouldn’t be a cause for serious concern or stress. If the loss of consciousness is repeated several times, it is necessary to consult a doctor: he will conduct an examination and help to avoid recurrence of this unpleasant symptom.
Prevention of fainting during pregnancy
Loss of consciousness in the first trimester may recur if the woman does not take proper care of herself.
To avoid them, you need to strictly observe a number of important prohibitions:
- do not stay in stuffy places for a long time or stand motionless
- it is not recommended to get up quickly, especially after sleeping
- in no case should you starve: if some procedures in the hospital should be done on an empty stomach, you should take some food with you so that you can have a quick snack after visiting the doctor
- no need to move a lot unnecessarily, often use public transport on hot days
If you are afraid of fainting, try not to go for walks or trips alone and always keep ammonia in your purse.
Use additional preventive measures to improve your well-being. Try to adjust your schedule so that you can get enough sleep and walk in the fresh air for 2 hours a day. You should not try to do as many things as possible, give your body a rest. Shower regularly or even swim under the supervision of an experienced instructor. Just remember that cold and hot water is harmful for pregnant women, so you need to choose a comfortable temperature. Reconsider your diet and give up fast foods and not-so-healthy convenience foods. Fermented milk products, freshly squeezed juices, lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruits – all this will help improve your well-being and avoid fainting.
It is also very important to eat often, but little by little, so that the body is not deficient in sugar.
It happens that even all of the above precautions cannot save the expectant mother from losing consciousness. If you feel dizzy and weak, and then your eyes start to darken, do not panic. The best way to avoid fainting in this situation is to lie down with your feet higher than your head. If there is simply nowhere to lie, it’s okay: squat down, press your knees to your chest and lower your head. Finally, if there are people around, don’t be afraid to ask them for help. There is no shame in this. In addition, surely at least someone around you will find a remedy that will help bring you to your senses.
Treatment of fainting during pregnancy
If fainting occurs frequently and is complicated by serious illness, it will most likely be hospitalization. There is no need to be afraid of this: if you get rid of such problems in the first trimester, this will only benefit you and your baby, and in the future pregnancy will proceed much easier. If there are no complications, most likely, the doctor will simply prescribe medications for you and tell you how to change your lifestyle so that fainting does not recur. However, in any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
Exercise for pregnant women will be an excellent “cure” for fainting.
Correctly selected exercises will help improve endurance, strengthen immunity, learn proper breathing, normalize blood pressure, and improve well-being. Regular exercise can help you quickly deal with weakness and dizziness. But remember that only an experienced specialist should select a set of exercises.
Dizziness during pregnancy
Taking special medications is also a good option, which, of course, should also be started only after consultation. For example, aralia tincture and eleutherococcus extract help to normalize blood pressure during pregnancy. Such funds will not harm the mother and her unborn child, but they will help get rid of fainting within a few days.
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