Faecal examination for parasites – indications, course, price [EXPLAINED]

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Testing your faeces for parasites is a good step in the event of a digestive system malfunction. They are very often commissioned to children. This test detects not only the adult form of the parasite, but also the eggs and their fragments. Testing your stool for parasites allows you to quickly recognize and implement treatment that is usually successful.

Faecal parasite test – what does it detect?

The field of study of parasites and the treatment of parasitic infections is parasitology. In the case of human parasites living in the digestive system, stool examination is the most common for diagnostic purposes. In addition to identifying the specific type of parasite that causes discomfort, stool testing also evaluates other parameters, including the consistency and color of the stool. In addition, it allows you to detect cells that are inappropriate for stool, blood or remains of undigested food.

The most frequently detected parasite there is pinworm, as well as human roundworm. Tapeworms and intestinal nematodes are also among the common parasites detected by faecal examination.

Further part under the video.

How is a stool test performed?

The stool sample is analyzed by the laboratory, to which the patient delivers the test material collected in accordance with the recommendations. At the very beginning, the feces are viewed by macroscopic method, i.e. under low magnification. Already at this stage, many irregularities can be detected. The main attention is paid to the consistency of the stool, the mucus or blood present in it. Fragments of parasites or adults can also be observed in this way.

Then it goes to viewing a stool sample under a microscope. It is at this stage that the species of the parasite is identified, eggs or cysts are detected, and the number of objects detected. The preparation is dyed and concentrated using selected methods. Each analysis may be slightly different.

You can purchase a mail-order examination of the intestinal microflora and intestinal markers for parasites at Medonet Market.


If human pinworm is detected, a microscopic evaluation of a perianal swab is also performed. The test allows the patient’s condition to be monitored, therefore it is performed before starting treatment and a few weeks after its completion. The smear also detects bare tapeworm eggs.

Read also:

  1. Human parasites: causes, symptoms, treatment
  2. Fecal occult blood test
  3. Swabs – what are they and when to do them?

When to do a stool test for parasites?

The need for stool tests for parasites can be determined by a doctor based on the history and symptoms described by the patient. The presence of some parasites is fairly easy to see. This applies, for example, to pinworms, the presence of which is manifested by severe itching around the anus. However, not all intestinal parasites are so easily identified by symptoms. Screening for parasites may be indicated in the case of:

  1. loss of appetite;
  2. weight loss;
  3. weakness;
  4. problems with concentration;
  5. the occurrence of fever;
  6. severe urticaria;
  7. nervous system disorders (e.g., epilepsy-like symptoms);
  8. diarrhea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

In the event of the above-mentioned symptoms, get tested as soon as possible. At Medonet Market, you can now buy a stool test for parasites.

Some parasites of the digestive system contribute to various types of changes, damage or symptoms from other systems. This is the case, for example, when parasites or their larvae end up in the lungs or other organs. They can also lead to the formation of abscesses or tumors. It all depends on the species of the parasite. The doctor’s domain remains the assessment of disturbing symptoms and commissioning tests for parasites.

Preparation for the examination of feces for parasites

Testing the stool for parasites requires the patient to prepare the samples appropriately. Follow the recommendations developed by the laboratory of your choice. General recommendations may include the following:

  1. Before the examination, the doctor or the laboratory should inform about the medications taken, as well as about the diet that may affect the bowel movement;
  2. stool collection is performed from 7 days to three weeks after discontinuation of the use of certain medications, including antibiotics, drugs for parasites or contrast agents for imaging tests;
  3. special containers for stools with a sterile spatula can be purchased at the pharmacy, which will facilitate the self-collection of material for testing – be prepared to collect three (usually) or four (if there is a risk of parasite infestation from tropical countries) stool samples at intervals of several days;
  4. it is recommended to transfer the faeces to a clean disposable tray or paper, and then use a spatula to transfer the stool collected from several places into a container (up to 2/3 of its volume); in the case of watery faeces, approx. 1 ml is collected;
  5. the container should be sealed and then signed as required by the laboratory (e.g. date and time of collection, patient’s name and surname);
  6. the finished sample is delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible, usually on the day of collection; it may be acceptable to store the container briefly in the refrigerator.

The stool sample must not be contaminated, so do not allow it to come into contact with urine, water or other substances.

There may be a problem collection of feces from young children or infants. A convenient solution is to use a thoroughly cleaned potty. For the youngest, you can prepare an iron-ironed diaper and use it when the child is to defecate. Then, with a spatula, it is enough to transfer the feces into the container.

Do you want to test for parasites without leaving your home? You can order a fecal eosinophilic protein X test by mail – after self-collection, the sample is sent to the laboratory.

Faecal examination for parasites – how many times?

How many times should the feces be collected for the test to be reliable? One sampling may not show the presence of parasites, although they do exist. This is why most doctors recommend it taking a stool sample three times for testing. Subsequent samples are taken 2-3 days after the previous test. During this time, the parasite can develop and the test will be able to detect it. It should be noted that if we see parasites while collecting a stool sample for testing, we should collect them and place them in a separate container, pouring a small amount of water into it. They should also be analyzed. They should be delivered to the laboratory within XNUMX hours.

If giardiasis is suspected, it may be necessary to repeat the stool test six times over a two-week period.

Order today Mailbox test for Giardia lamblia or Shipment genetic test for human roundworm, depending on your needs. The sample for testing is taken by yourself, and the shipment of the sample is included in the price of the test.

Examination of feces for parasites – price

The examination of faeces for parasites is not an expensive examination, and in addition, it is most often performed at the National Health Fund. The price ranges from a dozen or so zlotys. Only a doctor is able to determine if there are any indications that it is necessary. This examination is most often referred by the family doctor when the patient complains about symptoms such as: sudden, ravenous appetite or lack of it, abdominal pain, rash. Additionally, children develop irritability and cry. Preventive execution is very important stool tests for parasites in a child going to kindergarten or nursery.


If a parasite is found in one of the family members, the test is also commissioned to the rest.

Unfortunately, statistics show that as many as 90 percent of children who attend educational institutions are carriers of parasites. Pinworms are most often found in them.

Other parasite tests

One of the basic diagnostic methods for parasitic diseases is stool examination. This is essential in the case of digestive system parasites. In some cases, additional tests are also used. Some are especially useful when the presence of parasites in other body systems is suspected. Some parasites can be identified by:

  1. blood tests for parasites;
  2. studies of the content of the duodenum (e.g., intestinal tail, liver fluke);
  3. urine test (blood fluke);
  4. a vaginal or cervical smear test (trichomoniasis);
  5. assessment of material from the respiratory tract;
  6. cerebrospinal fluid analysis (e.g., Gambia trypanosom, toxoplasmosis);
  7. examination of tissue fragments.

If you want to support the body in the fight against parasites or prevent parasitic infections, order Worms – a mixture of herbs with tansy, wormwood and calamus.

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