
The topic of erection, maintaining an erection in a situation that requires it, concerns every man, and problems in this area are extremely common. Often the reasons can be found in the burden of a lot of work, experiencing stress, as well as in health anomalies of the body. So how to deal with this problem?
Erection – what is it exactly?
An erection occurs when certain stimuli reach the brain, which are then processed into nerve impulses resulting in, among others, erection. dilation of the pupils and blood flow to the penis. As a result, due to the pressure jump, it stiffens the member and increases its volume. Achieving an erection becomes a necessity if the desire of the partners is to perform sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, getting an erection is not the end of the topic, the man’s task is to maintain an erection long enough to ensure the satisfaction of both parties. And this is where problems sometimes arise – a man is unable to maintain an erection for various reasons, which causes shame to build up in him, complexes arise, and he begins to avoid intimate close-ups.
What about an erection?
In most cases, men do not have problems with erection, much more often problems arise when they want to maintain an erection. It is not uncommon for the disturbing question of “how to get an erection?” to arise. Of course, a medical consultation is important in this regard, but it is worth reaching for specifics that strengthen libido and sex drive. They certainly won’t hurt, and sometimes they can even be a salutary means of enriching your sex life.
No erection during intercourse – what to do?
Very often, men spend sleepless nights thinking about the failure in the sphere of physical intercourse. And this is how they treat the lack of erection in a situation where there is no lack of sexual stimulation. Sometimes it can be an isolated event, e.g. after drinking alcohol. However, if the problem recurs often, then it cannot be underestimated. The causes often come down to changes in the blood vessels of the penis (atherosclerosis, excess sugar in the blood).
It also happens that the penis drops during intercourse. Such troubles may result from the fear of failure, the inability to control emotions. However, one cannot stop at assumptions. You need to do research and precisely determine the causes of this troublesome ailment. Various potency-enhancing drugs can also be useful in dealing with problems in this area. It is worth trying to buy the right one for you in search of a satisfying sex life.
How to improve and strengthen an erection?
Before you go for specialist advice about your condition, try simple ways to maintain an erection. Change positions and ways of stimulation during intercourse. It may also be useful to masturbate temporarily to strengthen an erection. It is also important to cooperate with your partner, who should make sure that you do not feel that the situation is embarrassing for you.
In the case of the perceived fear of intercourse, resulting from a possible failure, there is certainly stress. And this one has it to himself that he often paralyzes. Then it is worth trying to loosen up, get acquainted with relaxation techniques, attach more importance to developing foreplay.
However, if it is not experiencing violent emotions that causes impotence and lack of erection or a problem with maintaining it, go to a doctor who, taking into account your situation, will prescribe appropriate drugs to improve potency.