Facts and myths about wound healing

A wound is damage to the skin. It can be a superficial rubbing of the epidermis only or damage to the deeper layers of the skin and blood vessels. Most of us know how to deal with a wound, but are we sure? Learn the facts and myths about wound healing.

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1/ 11 Decontamination of wounds

The wound should not be disinfected with a large amount of alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, it may hinder the healing of the wound. Rather, a bleeding wound should be rinsed with clean, cold soapy water. photo of BE&W

2/ 11 Moisturizing wounds

When treating wounds, it is important to moisten them with special wound healing agents that facilitate healing. photo of BE&W

3/11 Dressing wounds

Covering small wounds with a plaster is beneficial, it protects the wound from irritation, accelerating healing. Read more in Put to the wound.

4/ 11 Wound infection

Wound infections should be treated with antibiotic ointments. This ointment must be prescribed by a doctor. Read more. photo of BE&W

5/ 11 Bandaging wounds

Extensive wounds should be bandaged to prevent the edges of the wound from spreading and becoming infected.

6/ 11 Sewing the wound

Large and deep wounds should be sutured by a surgeon – this will facilitate their healing and reduce pain.

7/ 11 Compressing the wound

Wound hemorrhage should be stopped by pressure, preferably with sterile dressings.

8/ 11 Butter for burns

In no case should you lubricate the burn with butter, oil or egg white. This can raise the temperature of a burned skin, increasing the pain and making it difficult to heal. Read more in First aid for burns.

9/ 11 Nose haemorrhage

You can stop a nosebleed with a cold tampon and cool compresses on the nape and neck. The head should not be tilted back as it may cause choking with blood in the event of a large haemorrhage.

10/ 11 Bites

Animal bites and soil contaminated wounds should be decontaminated. The patient should receive anti-tetanus serum and / or anti-rabies serum. read more

11/11 Blood anatomy

The wound can heal by the so-called Rapid growth consisting in quick, simple sticking of the edges and the formation of a small scar or through granulation, which is a longer process and leads to the formation of a large, visible scar with discoloration. Read more BE&W photo

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