Facts and myths about melatonin, or what is worth knowing to finally get enough sleep?
National Sleep Foundation Publication partner

Melatonin restores the normal day and night rhythm and helps with disturbed sleep rhythms. It has a high security profile. What is worth knowing more about it to take care of health and good-quality sleep?

Melatonin is a naturally occurring substance in our body

FACT. Melatonin is a substance produced by the human body, mainly in the pineal gland. It plays a very important role in regulating sleep and activity. Thanks to it, our body knows that it should sleep at night and be active during the day. Its concentration varies throughout the day depending on the daylight. Secretion begins between 21.00 p.m. and 22.00 p.m., increases at night, and reaches its highest concentration between 2.00 a.m. and 4.00 a.m. The gradual reduction of its production takes place around 7.00. Therefore, melatonin is called the night hormone.

Age-dependent melatonin level

FACT. The circadian rhythm of melatonin synthesis gradually flattens with age, especially after the age of 55. The highest level of secretion occurs between 4 and 10 years of age, and its decrease is observed during puberty. Another significant decrease in the level of melatonin secretion occurs on average around the age of 55. In the elderly, the differences between daytime and nighttime melatonin levels are lowest, which may cause sleep problems in these people.

The circadian rhythm of melatonin at different ages (dark belt – dark period):

Melatonin is safe to use

FACT. Melatonin is safe to use, no clinically significant interactions of melatonin with other drugs are observed in practice, although fluvoxamine, citalopram, omeprazole and lansoprazole increase the concentration of melatonin in the blood. The most serious side effect of melatonin when used to treat sleep disturbances is worsening of symptoms when the drug is used at the wrong time of day. Taking a high dose too late may shift the rhythm of sleep into the morning hours, make you feel sleepy and negatively affect your ability to drive and use machines the next morning.

As a general rule, higher doses – 5 mg – should be used by most people in the evening, which is no later than midnight. Melatonin is not addictive, does not build tolerance, even with long-term use – in the case of a treatment period longer than 6 weeks, it is worth consulting a doctor or pharmacist for further treatment duration and melatonin dose.

There are different dosage schedules for melatonin

FACT. The dose of melatonin administered depends on the type of sleep disturbance and even age. In the case of people over 55 years of age it is worth using 5 mg of melatonin, but at different times depending on the problem with sleep: in case of problems with falling asleep, use 5 mg an hour before the planned fall asleep; in case of problems with shallow sleep or waking up at night, use 5 mg when you plan to fall asleep.

Long-term use of melatonin is often continued in the elderly. In the case of younger people, e.g. in the delayed phase of falling asleep – when we go to bed too late and wake up too late in the morning – start with a higher dose of 5 mg three hours before bedtime, and after improving (after 6 – 3 weeks), go to lower doses 3 – 1 mg and we aim to end melatonin use.

The use of melatonin should be consulted with a doctor

MYTH. Melatonin is available in pharmacies as an over-the-counter drug (up to 5 mg), as well as a dietary supplement (up to 1 mg), and its use does not need to be consulted with a doctor. A medical consultation is recommended when sleep problems persist despite proper sleep hygiene and the proper use of melatonin.

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