Facts and myths about in vitro

In Poland, thanks to IVF, more than 3 children have been born. kids. In the world, this number exceeds 5 million. What is known about this method after nearly 40 years of its use? We present the most important information about infertility and in vitro fertilization and debunk myths that are harmful to children conceived in this way and their parents.

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1/ 11 Infertility mainly affects women

MYTH. Every year, infertility affects approximately 1,5 million couples in Poland, men and women equally. In 20 – 30 percent. cases of infertility affect both partners.

2/ 11 Infertility has to do with late parenthood

FACT. The average age of childbirth in Poland has been increasing since the beginning of the 90s. In 1990 it was 26,2 years, while in 2013 it was already 29 years. The intensity of births in the 30-34 age group is also systematically growing. The period of maximum fertility in women falls on the age of 18-20, then remains relatively constant in the age range of 20-28, and then slowly decreases to the age of 33, and after the age of 35 it begins to drastically decrease. With age, a woman begins to develop hormonal disorders, the quality and quantity of eggs and the function of the ovaries decrease.

3/ 11 A man’s age is irrelevant

MYTH. As the aging process progresses, the volume of the ejaculate and sperm motility decrease significantly. The negative influence of age on the morphology of male reproductive cells, an increase in the frequency of chromosomal disorders and the risk of spontaneous miscarriage has also been proven. Moreover, regardless of age, a gradual decrease in the quality of male sperm has been observed for many years. Currently, 1 ml of an average man’s semen contains from several to 30 million sperm, while a few dozen years ago their number was on average twice as large.

4/ 11 Diet affects fertility

FACT. Every couple seeking offspring should modify their lifestyle, paying particular attention to eating habits. Nicotine, alcohol and drugs have a very negative effect on fertility. It is also recommended to avoid highly processed foods and foods high in sugar.

5/ 11 Incorrect body weight makes it difficult to get pregnant

FACT. In obese women (BMI> 35), the time of trying to get pregnant is at least two times longer than in women with a normal BMI. Overweight women may also have problems with fertility.

6/ 11 Regular physical activity promotes fertility

FACT. Women who practice recreational sports for 30-60 minutes a day are less likely to experience problems with getting pregnant related to ovulation disorders. On the other hand, prolonged, intense effort, as well as too little adipose tissue in the body of women, may lead to the cessation of menstruation. In women who are underweight (BMI <19), the time to pregnancy is four times longer than in women of normal weight. In the case of men, the type of sport they do is also important, e.g. cycling, during which the testes overheat for a long time, may reduce sperm parameters.

7/ 11 The use of hormonal contraceptives can lead to infertility

MYTH. So far, no relationship between the use of contraceptive pills and infertility has been found. They work by inhibiting ovulation, but it is a reversible process. A few months after discontinuation of the tablets, the ovulatory cycle should return to normal. On the other hand, the use of hormonal contraception may mask ovulation disorders, manifested primarily by irregular menstrual cycles – when taking the tablets, bleeding occurs very regularly.

8/ 11 In vitro is not a method of treatment

MYTH. Both in vitro and insemination make it possible to get pregnant. Moreover, the medical results indicate that some patients, as a result of an effective assisted reproductive procedure, have their next pregnancy naturally.

9/ 11 In vitro is a marginal and dangerous method

MYTH. This is the primary method of treating infertility. The indications for its use are very wide and cover all causes of infertility. Determination of the male factor, tubal factor, advanced endometriosis is a direct indication for in vitro fertilization. After two years of unsuccessful efforts to get pregnant in the group with unexplained infertility, an in vitro fertilization program is recommended.

10/ 11 Embryos are destroyed during IVF

MYTH. The embryos are not destroyed at any stage of the in vitro procedure. Some of them die spontaneously, but the same happens when trying to conceive naturally (50-70 percent of the resulting embryos die spontaneously). In addition, from November 1, 2015, cells and embryos used in Poland in the treatment of infertility with the use of medically assisted procreation methods are subject to legal protection, and their destruction is punishable by imprisonment.

11/ 11 «IVF children» are burdened with genetic diseases

MYTH. There is no scientific evidence that the rate of developmental disorders differs between naturally conceived and in vitro fertilization. On the other hand, a slightly higher proportion of birth defects is observed in the offspring of couples receiving treatment for infertility, regardless of whether the children conceived naturally or after treatment. This suggests that infertility itself may increase the risk of a birth defect in a baby. Based on: FertiMedica Fertility Center, Ewa Goncikowska, MD, PhD

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