Facial skin problems: moody skin. Video

Capricious skin can be a real problem if not properly cared for. To any change in the weather, a new cosmetic product, she can react in the most deplorable way. A shiny forehead and nose, pimples, enlarged pores, redness, dryness – this is not a complete list of possible problems of capricious skin. It is important to understand the reasons for this condition and take timely measures to ensure that the skin becomes clean, soft and smooth.

It is believed that most often skin problems occur in adolescents or people who abuse sweets or citrus fruits.

In fact, the causes of skin problems can be very different:

  • Hormonal “explosion”
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, dysfunction of the endocrine glands
  • Nutritional errors
  • Heredity
  • The wrong choice of skin care products
  • Stress, nervous tension
  • Alcohol
  • The use of certain medications, vitamin preparations

The sooner it is possible to determine the cause of skin problems, the more successful the treatment will be. If the reason is in diseases of internal organs, hormonal imbalance, then it is unlikely that you will be able to figure it out on your own. It is necessary to contact experienced specialists – an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, neuropathologist, and only after a thorough examination, analyzes, ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and the abdominal region can a conclusion be drawn.

Endocrine diseases and hormonal imbalances most often overtake adolescents, women during pregnancy or menopause

Usually, problems with capricious skin disappear only after hormonal levels stabilize. For the treatment of an increased content of male hormones, women are often prescribed drugs with an antiandrogenic effect, antibiotics help to cope with microbes – in any case, a doctor should prescribe the treatment.

The reasons for the “whims” of the skin may well lie in the wrong diet. Spicy, salty, greasy, spicy foods, soft drinks and soda can all cause allergic skin reactions. Instead of fizzy drinks, it is better to drink mineral or pure water, instead of cakes and buns, use rye or grain bread, and replace sweets with dried fruits. Boiled or steamed food is much healthier for the skin than fried or smoked food.

It is important to follow the diet, eat 4-5 times a day, limit calories 5 hours before bedtime, and 2 hours before bedtime, give up food altogether.

You need to drink at least 1,5-2 liters of liquid per day, especially if you have a tendency to dryness and flaking or problems with the scalp.

Fresh air and sun are important for capricious skin. Long-term stay in rooms with smoky, stale, dry air can negatively affect her condition. Dirt, dust, smoking, alcohol – all these are harmful factors that are detrimental to sensitive skin.

It is important to choose the right cosmetics and creams for sensitive skin, taking into account its type. If the skin becomes greasy quickly, starts to shine, you need to choose drying agents. On the other hand, dry, flaky skin requires moisturizing and protective cosmetics. It is not uncommon for people with capricious skin to have both oily skin (for example, on the forehead and on the nose) and dry skin, for example, peeling around the eyes – in this case, separate care is required for different parts of the face.

Improper use of cosmetics can cause irritation, blemishes and redness.

For capricious skin, it is useful if the composition of the cosmetic product includes calendula, cornflower, marshmallow root or mountain arnica. It is best to use products with a light texture. Do not wash your face too often, once a day is enough. But a moisturizer should be applied both in the morning and before bed.

Cleansing is very important for any skin. During the day, dust, sweat, secretions of the sebaceous glands accumulate on it – all this clogs the pores and prevents the skin from breathing, as a result pimples and irritations form. Do not use soap – it cleans well, but dries the skin a lot. For capricious skin, it is best to use gel and plain water. An excellent choice is a gel with healing and nourishing microparticles.

Capricious skin is sensitive to touch – you can’t touch it too often, squeeze out pimples

To shrink pores a little and dry out pimples, you need to wipe your skin with lotion. In addition, high-quality products may contain nourishing, disinfecting, and complexion-leveling components.

You can moisturize and give your skin a matte finish with a moisturizer. If you need to remove excess fat, it is better to choose a cream containing white clay. The cream should be applied with light movements of the fingers, as if driving it into the face along the massage lines. One or two times a week you need to cleanse the skin with a scrub, once a week – face masks.

Clay masks are useful for oily skin, and egg yolks for dry skin. For the scrub to bring maximum effect, you need to make a steam bath for the skin before using it. In winter, softening and moisturizing masks are most useful, and in summer – vitamin masks from vegetables and fruits. Extraordinarily useful rubbing with ice from decoctions of herbs – chamomile, calendula, string.

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