Facial skin care after 25 years. Video reviews
25 years is the age when the body still independently ensures the youth of the skin, and you should not rush to use anti-aging cosmetics. However, at this age, the skin gradually begins to lose moisture. The consequence of this is aging, the appearance of early wrinkles. Therefore, facial care after 25 years should be more thorough.
Facial skin care after 25 years
After 25 years, facial skin care should be systematic and regular. Particular attention should be paid to cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing.
Cleansing is the most important condition for skin health. The girl should remove makeup daily. The easiest and most affordable way to cleanse your face is to wash your face. Due to the use of harsh cleansers, the skin can lose its lipid layer and become dry and sensitive, so it is undesirable to use soap for washing. Buy a softer product that works for your skin type, such as a gel, lotion, or cleanser.
Daily washing with cold water leaves the skin fresh and firm. Don’t get carried away, though: exposure to cold should be short-lived.
For deep cleansing of the skin, once or twice a week, make a mask of white clay, which removes toxins, soothes irritations, moisturizes the skin and saturates it with microelements. The face after such a mask looks fresh and rested.
After cleansing, the skin of the face needs to be moisturized and softened. At home, use creams, masks, lotions, vegetable oils. Cosmetics should be applied to the face along the massage lines with gentle patting movements. Pay attention to the components of the caring cosmetics. It is very good if the composition of creams and lotions contains oils of borage, black currant, avocado, wheat germ, sesame, macadamia, cashew, grape seeds, rose hips, milk thistle.
Do not apply too much cream at a time, as this can lead to irritation or acne. Remove excess cream with a napkin
Before going outside, remember to apply a protective cream and lightly powder your skin to create a protective film.
Apply homemade masks to your face two to three times a week. Well nourishes the skin with a product made from egg yolk, half a teaspoon of honey and 10 drops of the contents of Aevit capsules. The mask should be applied to the skin for 15–20 minutes, then rinsed with cool water.
Salon treatments for skin after 25 years
The beauty industry offers many beauty treatments, but not all of them are suitable for a 25-year-old. For dry skin, you can try vaporization and vacuum spray. Normal skin can be pleased with vaporization, brushing, vacuum spray, disinfection, darsonvalization and cryomassage. Oily skin may require vaporization, brushing, desincrustation, vacuum cleaning, darsonvalization, cryomassage and iontophoresis. Cosmetic massage is suitable for all skin types.
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