Facial scar: how to remove its marks? Video
If the scars of someone are able to decorate, then only harsh men. A gentle woman’s face does not need extra marks. However, any damage to the skin can leave a mark on the face – sometimes the scars go away quickly and without any effort, and sometimes they remain for life.
Facial scar: how to remove
Facial scars: types and causes
Scars can remain both after wounds, burns and surgical interventions, and after skin rashes accompanying some diseases, for example, the well-known chickenpox. Most often, women suffer from ugly marks that remain after squeezing out acne. Masking and painting them with cosmetics is usually useless, scars are visible even under a thick layer of cream and powder.
Scars are divided into several types:
- atrophic (retracted);
- normotrophic;
- hypertrophic (convex);
- keloid (compacted, lumpy).
The most difficult thing is to get rid of a keloid scar; even hormonal and radiation therapy is used to remove it. Normotrophic scars are usually not very noticeable and often resolve without outside help.
Acne scars are usually atrophic. It is best to remove them with the help of a specialist, as with any scars, but there are ways to make scars less noticeable at home. Cosmetologists and plastic surgeons can usually offer a wide variety of surgeries and procedures to keep your skin clean and smooth.
The most common and effective ways to get rid of facial scars are dermabrasion and microdermabrasion. In this procedure, the top layer of the skin is removed using special devices with microcrystalline attachments. Severe scars may require multiple treatments.
Also, cosmetologists often offer chemical peels in order to remove scars, for example, glycolic or with trichloroacetic acid. Acids brighten the skin, help get rid of not only scars, but also small wrinkles.
Alternatively, you can opt for a procedure such as laser resurfacing. Under local anesthesia, the specialist will destroy the connective tissue with a laser beam, the body will begin to produce additional collagen, forming an area of smooth elastic skin.
To correct deep atrophic scars, cosmetologists use injections of dermal fillers – usually hyaluronic acid gel or collagen. The filler lifts the skin and smoothes it
Surgeons may suggest excision of the scar if it is very extensive; you may have to do plastic surgery using the surrounding tissue. After an operation such as excision, the rough scar disappears, leaving only a thin light strip from the intradermal cosmetic suture.
You can get rid of shallow scars on your own, for example, with the help of special peels with AHA acids for home use. Be sure to follow the directions when applying them.
Creams with retinoids (derivatives of vitamin A) help well. It is better if a specialist picks them up. Retinoids accelerate skin regeneration and scar healing.
Also, skin regeneration is facilitated by gentle massage, it is better to apply a small amount of cocoa butter to the affected skin. The massage will increase the blood flow to the skin and help start the natural process of cell regeneration.
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