Facial plastic surgery: botox

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Now there is a turning point in the consciousness of society. On the one hand, yesterday we were condemning and with interest looking out for stars of show business who resorted to the services of aesthetic cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, fought wrinkles or corrected appearance flaws, and on the other hand, today all these procedures offered by the industry are almost norm.

So how to prolong youth and preserve beauty? We invited Irina Vasilenko, a cosmetologist and a plastic surgeon of the clinic of plastic surgery “Dr. Vasilenko”, for a dialogue on this topic.

Plastic surgeon Irina Nikolaevna Vasilenko

– Irina, what is happening with the industry of cosmetology and plastic surgery today? Can you trust modern drugs? After all, yesterday the word “Botox” frightened us from the TV screens.

– Cosmetology and plastic surgery yesterday, today, and even more so tomorrow are generally incomparable. Progress is taking place by leaps and bounds. Yesterday we studied and only learned the methodology, traveled, “spied”, learned from colleagues abroad. Today we already know how and confidently use the accumulated experience and knowledge. I mastered the basics in Russia, then spent a lot of time abroad, studied at the leading clinics in Europe and America, participated in seminars and symposia. The equipment, drugs, techniques that we are able to use today solve a whole range of tasks to improve the patient’s appearance. We work with age-related changes, eliminate imperfections, improve facial features, body shape.

For example, hyaluronic acid, on the basis of which many, many drugs are made, is contained in our body. It is natural for the body. Thanks to filler injection techniques, you can correct the contours, change the light and shade on the face, fill in the necessary volumes, folds, grooves that visually add age. Working with each new client, I feel like an artist – we, cosmetologists and surgeons, also strive for excellence.

– With what problems do people come to you, at what age?

– Teenagers come who need skin care procedures (acne treatment, elimination of consequences – the appearance of scars, irregularities, rosacea, etc.). Contact girls and women who want to give more expressiveness to the outlines of the face with the help of contour plastics (for example, to enlarge the lips). Very often we work with men who, due to their position, need to look fresh and young, but without drawing attention to this (in this case, I advise you to pay attention to the biorevitalization procedure). And of course, a huge proportion of patients are between the ages of 30 and 45, whose goal is to combat the first or deeper signs of age. To date, there are a lot of methods and preparations, thanks to which it is possible to prolong youth. You’ve probably heard of such concepts as “dysport”, “facelift”, “mesotherapy”, etc. I will not dwell on each separately, the procedures are selected individually according to the indications. I will say one important thing: the sooner you start taking care of your body, the longer you will remain beautiful and young. Do not put off going to the beautician indefinitely.

What customer fears do you have to deal with?

– Thanks to the media and careless “colleagues”, there are many fears: fear of pain, anesthesia, a long recovery period, unnaturalness, etc. Believe me, when you get to a really good specialist who takes a responsible attitude to his work, you will understand that you should not be afraid of all this. Another interesting phobia is the far-fetched high cost, inaccessibility of procedures (after all, only stars are “rejuvenated”!). I repeat once again that the range of cosmetic services is very wide and the cost for most of them is quite adequate and affordable for many.

– Is the availability of procedures the reason that the number of patients among cosmetologists is increasing?

– Unfortunately, other factors were the reason: unfavorable environmental conditions, lack of proper nutrition, high pace of life, heavy psycho-emotional stress. This is all “imprinted” on the face. You have to work with this every day. Girls come with very sensitive skin that reacts to heat, cold, wind – premature aging occurs, the structure of collagen is disrupted. We restore the protective properties of the skin, slow down the aging process, the face looks fresh, healthy and radiant.

– Irina, what would you say to those who want, perhaps, are planning to go to a cosmetologist or plastic surgeon, but will not make up their minds?

– I would advise you to carefully choose a specialist, not to skimp on his services and not deny yourself to become more beautiful, more confident, and younger. Today we are witnessing a significant development of the industry in Russia, a huge number of drugs, a large selection of clinics of various price levels, more and more cosmetologists and plastic surgeons offer their services, but, unfortunately, many learn from their trials and mistakes. Therefore, study the work of a specialist (many post photos on the Web), read reviews, see what and where your doctor studied (again, diplomas of completing one or another training are usually posted on their or specialized sites). I always try to be as open as possible with clients and I consider this to be the norm, because I am responsible not only for their appearance, but also for their health, confidence, and sometimes their future.

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* There are contraindications. Consult our experts.

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