Facial pigmentation
Healthy and radiant skin is what millions of girls and women dream of, it is better than any new dress. Because skin is forever. And you need to take care of her, and do it right.

The happy owner of well-groomed velvety skin attracts the eye. Any clothes and accessories on it look more advantageous. And yet, in this case, additional decorations are not required.

All marketers in the world know this and in every possible way manipulate their knowledge in advertisements of infinitely diverse – and expensive ones! – cosmetics and cosmetic procedures. Is it possible to do without extra spending and still remain irresistible? First you need to figure out what causes pigmentation on the face.

Causes of pigmentation on the face

Did you know that the skin is an organ? Moreover, the largest in the human body. It is not surprising that any malfunctions inside affect the external appearance.

– The cause of pigmentation may be hormonal status problems, for example, pregnancy, or termination of pregnancy, etc. Also among the probable causes are diseases of the hepatobiliary system: hepatitis, Gilbert’s disease, cholestasis, and others), and problems with the thyroid gland, – says Dermatologist Guzel Yamalova. – In addition, there is the so-called secondary pigmentation. This is when a local discoloration of the skin occurs at the site of injury, for example, after peeling, laser, burns, elemental trauma on the face, etc.

But that’s not all. It turns out that it is possible to mimic “under the giraffe” even because of improperly selected drugs, birth control pills and even dietary supplements!

– Take this point very seriously! The choice of any drug that you intend to use, even for a short time, should be discussed with your doctor. Independently “prescribe” yourself and take drugs can be fraught with health! Dr. Yamalova warns.

Treatment of pigmentation on the face

– Often the appearance of pigmentation can be the first manifestation of adrenal disease, thyroid disease. But in order to find out for sure the reason for the change in skin color, first you need to see a dermatologist, emphasizes Guzel Yamalova.

But if pigmentation is often a symptom, should it be treated? Or will it go away somehow?

– Pigmentation needs to be treated! the doctor says. And the sooner this is done, the more effective the treatment will be. Based on my practice, you need to start the process no later than 6 months from the moment you discovered age spots in yourself.

What can save the skin from age spots:

1. Laser peeling. The task of peeling is not only to remove pigmentation, but also to rejuvenate the skin, says Dr. Yamalova. – The laser beam heats the fluid in old cells, destroying them, resulting in cell renewal. In addition, the very effect of the laser on the skin is stressful for the body, which in itself gives a signal for cell renewal. A dermatologist-cosmetologist will help you choose a laser.

Important! It should be understood that laser peeling is a traumatic procedure for the skin in its essence. Trusting a non-professional, you can only aggravate the problem with pigmentation, and the risk of scarring will also be added.

2. Chemical peeling. There are a great many methods, and in order to choose an effective and safe peeling specifically for you, you need to consult a specialist.

3. Dermabrasion. Simply put, diamond skin resurfacing. Pros: There are no age restrictions.

4. Mesotherapy. This is not suitable for those who are afraid of injections. The procedure is the introduction of various drugs under the skin. As a result – lightening of age spots.

You can get rid of the “war paint” at home. To save the skin, you need to turn to whitening creams and serums, which a cosmetologist will help you choose. They should contain: arbutin, vitamin C, kojic acid. These components have a powerful whitening effect.


As always, before any treatment, you need to find out the cause, find the root of the problem. Sitting on the couch in front of a laptop, and comparing your symptoms with those painted on the Internet, is akin to fortune-telling on coffee grounds. And, as you know, self-treatment can be dangerous!

Therefore, do not waste time and nerves, go to a dermatologist. This is the first step.

Step two: the specialist will conduct an examination, and, if necessary, give a referral to another doctor – to examine the organs, problems with which could affect the appearance of age spots. And, most likely, you will have to take tests. In terms of diagnosing some diseases, you will have to fork out. But health matters the most!

Prevention of pigmentation on the face at home

“No matter how trite, prevention consists in regular daily procedures: the mandatory use of creams with an spf factor of at least 15-30, everyday skin care using serums and creams, a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle in general,” says Guzel Yamalova. – In the case of procedures, contact only competent cosmetologists, and not unfortunate specialists, in order to avoid post-traumatic burns, injuries and other troubles after manipulations on the face. And a few “not”: do not take medicines uncontrollably, and start taking contraceptives only after examining the hormonal status.

What sunscreen does a dermatologist recommend? Anthelios La Roche-Posay (Antgelios La Roche Posay), Uriage (Uriage), Lierac (Lierak), Vichy (Vichy).

Popular questions and answers

We asked a dermatologist the most common questions about facial pigmentation.

How does age affect facial pigmentation?

Skin aging is often accompanied by pigmentation – and not just on the face. Moreover, this problem can appear not only in older people, but even after 35-40 years. Why? Everything is the same as mentioned above: hormonal changes in the body – in the first place. As well as violations in the work of other organs, which at a young age many manage to avoid. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor not only the appearance of the skin, but also your health in general.

Why does a stain remain after removing a pimple by hand?

I always tell my acne patients: don’t push! Each time you press the pimple, some of the bacteria rushes down, aggravating the inflammation. As a result of such manipulations, a scar and a stagnant spot are formed. And the older the person, the more likely it is that this spot will not disappear completely. If you are concerned about such a problem as acne, you need to contact a dermatologist, cosmetologist. And the sooner the better.

When is the best time to do cosmetic procedures?

All procedures at the cosmetologist are recommended to be done in late autumn and winter. When the level of solar insolation is minimal.

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