Facial Enzyme Peel

Cellular renewal is the guarantor of beauty and youthfulness of the skin. There are many ways to exfoliate old cells and stimulate the generation of new ones. One of them is the use of enzyme-based products. Let us tell you what is special about these substances.

What is an enzyme peel

Enzyme peeling is a skin rejuvenating procedure in which enzymes play the main role. These are special molecules that have the ability to break down proteins. Otherwise they are called proteases. The stratum corneum of the skin has its own battalion of proteases, which are responsible for the timely renewal of epidermal cells.

For various reasons, including those associated with age, the activity of proteases decreases, and the skin does not have time to get rid of the unnecessary load. As a result, not only horny scales accumulate on its surface, but also sebum, as well as pollution, due to which it becomes dull, uneven, sad grayish.

Exotic enzymes are used for enzyme peeling

Fortunately, protease enzymes also exist in the plant kingdom. For cosmetic needs, three “exotic” enzymes are mainly used:

  1. papain (found in papaya, especially in unripe green fruits);

  2. bromelain (it is extracted from the pineapple stems, although it is also found in the fruits and leaves of the plant).

  3. ficin (This substance is obtained from the juice of the fig tree).

Also in cosmetology, the enzyme subtilisin is used, which is produced with the help of special bacteria and actively destroys most protein bonds.

By answering the questions of our test, you will find out which facial scrub you need.

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Mechanism of action

Enzymes are naturally destructive. In cosmetics, they rely on their ability to purposefully attack the proteins of the stratum corneum of the skin. On the basis of enzymes, two types of cosmetic products are created, which differ in the concentration of enzymes, and, consequently, in the strength of the effect:

  1. products for skin cleansing and mild exfoliation;

  2. enzyme peels.

Composing an effective enzyme-based formulation is not so easy. The fact is that enzymes are inherently proteins whose vital activity is aimed at the destruction of all the same proteins. So to combine two enzymes in one formula and make sure that they do not destroy each other is not an easy task. Cosmetics creators are forced to modify enzymes so that they are active in relation to skin proteins, but not to each other.

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Enzyme peels are loved for their mild effect, the absence of post-peeling peeling and the rehabilitation period. True, this also means a lack of power. There is no need to demand from enzymes what they cannot and should not do, that is, the effect on deep wrinkles, age spots and post-acne scars.

Enzyme peeling belongs to the category of superficial peels.

But you can safely count on these effects:

  • smoothing the microrelief and skin tone;

  • radiance;

  • strengthening the skin barrier;

  • normalization of the sebaceous glands.

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Enzymatic peels have a very wide range of indications. The main one is the accumulation of keratinized cells. Therefore, this product is suitable for:

  • oily;

  • dry;

  • flaky skin.

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Application frequency

Enzyme peeling is a fairly gentle procedure. Often, with its help, the skin is prepared for potent acid peels. In terms of depth of exposure, he is not far from the means that work with the most superficial layer of the skin. Accordingly, it can be carried out 1-2 times a week.

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Usage algorithm

Cosmetic enzyme peels are usually masks that are applied to cleansed skin for a few minutes and then washed off with water. Often, such products contain scrubbing particles in order to qualitatively remove the horny scales released by enzymes.

Enzymatic peeling prepares the skin for deeper exposure to acids

No preparation is required, there is no special technique for performing enzyme peeling either. Of course, you can invent a special ritual for yourself and wipe your face with papaya skin or wash your face with canned pineapple juice. But we are not here to help you.

We advise you to rely on professionals, purchase a ready-made cosmetic product and follow the instructions that are sure to be found in the package.
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Enzyme peeling procedure in the salon

In the salon format, enzyme peeling can be used as part of a comprehensive skin care program, to prepare the skin for the application of other products, or act as an independent procedure.

In the latter case, the composition is kept on the face for a maximum of 30 minutes, and then washed off with water. The main thing is not to overdo the enzymes on the face and remove them without residue to avoid irritation.

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Safety measures

Contraindications for enzyme peeling:

  • dermatoses;

  • acne (inflammation);

  • allergy.

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Funds overview

Papaya Pineapple Facial Scrub, Kiehl’s – strictly speaking, not an enzyme peel, because instead of pineapple and papaya enzymes (these are the most common components of this category of products), it contains extracts of these exotic fruits. But they, in the company of apricot kernel powder, do a good job of renewing the skin. Natural oils are also added to the composition so that the process is as delicate as possible. Exposure time – 2 minutes.

Garnier Highly Concentrated Sheet Mask for Dull, Tired Skin before an important date or after a sleepless night, thanks to vitamin Cg and pineapple containing bromelain, it returns the skin to a healthy glow and a rested look.

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