Regular facial cleansing is necessary for our skin as well as daily washing. The main thing is to find a good cosmetologist, and will help you choose the one that is right for you from the 6 most effective procedures.
1. Manual or manual cleaning
Eliminates acne (blackheads) from the skin. Before the start of the procedure, the skin is steamed, and after that the beautician cleans the skin of blackheads and comedones with his fingers wrapped in sterile napkins. Then he wipes his face with a special disinfecting lotion and applies a pore-tightening mask.
Duration: about an hour including vaporization. After that for several hours, the reddening of the skin persists, which then disappears. Too much
Cons: very painful procedure. There is a danger of catching an infection. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure during menstruation.
Pros: This method allows you to maximally cleanse your face from blackheads.
2. Mechanical cleaning
Almost the same as manual cleaning. The only difference is that the beautician uses a tool – Una’s spoon (metal device). Before cleaning, a vaporization or paraffin mask is also applied.
3. Brossage
Brossage is a cleansing procedure that gently removes horny scales using special peels and mechanical action of rotating brushes. Immediately before the procedure, vaporization or a warm compress is applied. The steamed skin is blotted with a napkin, and then an exfoliating emulsion or scrub with fine grains is applied. Rotating
Duration: 5-10 minutes on the face, from 30 minutes on the body. After the procedure, the skin surface is smoothed, leveled, and favorable conditions are created for the absorption of cosmetic masks and creams. Recommended to be done once or twice a week.
Cons: is a superficial cleansing, not suitable for skin with deep wrinkles.
Pros: Brasage can be performed at any time and does not require special and long-term skin care after the procedure.
Vacuum or ultrasonic face cleaning? The need for any procedure is determined by the cosmetologist during visual contact with the patient.
4. Vacuum cleaning
A fairly gentle method. The procedure for cleansing the skin from dead cells of the epithelium, comedones using a special device that creates a vacuum. It comes with 3 types of attachments. With the help of the beak-shaped nozzle, areas of the skin containing enlarged pores filled with comedones are treated. The contents of the pores, thanks to the force of the vacuum, are easily pulled out. Each wrinkle under the eyes is processed longitudinally and crosswise with a flat glass nozzle. Two rounded drainage glass tubes are designed for lymphatic drainage massage of the face.
Contraindications: dry skin, expanded subcutaneous capillary network, telangiectasias, rosacea, chronic dermatoses in the acute phase.
A type of hardware facial cleansing, which is carried out using a facial cleansing apparatus using vacuum therapy.
Duration: 10-15 minutes.
Pros: the procedure remarkably cleanses the pores, is completely painless, improves complexion and blood circulation, which makes the skin fresh.
Cons: Cleaning is rather superficial. This method is not recommended for deep comedones.
5. Ultrasonic cleaning
Ultrasonic cleaning is a method of hardware cosmetology, in which the skin of the face is affected by high-frequency sound vibrations. Deep cleansing procedure for the skin. Ideal for oily skin. The procedure is performed without preliminary steaming of the skin. Almost completely eliminates other mechanical effects on the skin. In the process of cleaning, the beautician holds a spatula at an angle of 45 degrees, and the ultrasonic wave penetrates the skin and pushes out the accumulated dirt, removes the top layer of keratinized cells and scales and allows new, young cells to grow actively. After the procedure, a stable result is observed.
Pros: the skin does not need to be steamed; the face after the procedure will not be sore; immediately after cleansing, the skin looks clean and fresh. Indication: for all skin types. Suitable for the treatment of acne.
Cons: Suitable for lightly soiled leather. For heavily soiled skin with a lot of blackheads and comedones, manual or mechanical cleaning is recommended.
Duration: 15-20 minutes.
Chemical peeling of the face. The frequency of cleansing your face depends on your skin type. With normal skin type, cleaning is performed on average once every 3 months, people with very oily porous skin are recommended to carry out this procedure once a month.
6. Superficial chemical peeling
The procedure for removing the surface layers of the skin epithelium using weak solutions of acids (glycolic, retinolic). A month before the procedure, preparations with glycolic acid should be applied to the skin. So she gets used to the acid, which will increase the effectiveness of the procedure, during which the skin is defatted, then acid is applied to it with a special brush. After a while, it is removed with cold water, and a neutralizer is applied to the skin, after a film mask, and at the end of the procedure, a moisturizer that nourishes the skin and removes the feeling of tightness. A mild burning sensation may be felt after the procedure.
Duration: Acid exposure time – 1 to 5 minutes. It is carried out in a course of several sessions (4-10) in 10-15 days. There may be slight reddening of the skin immediately after the procedure. After a couple of days, slight peeling may begin. The skin becomes sensitive, so you will need to use sunscreen for a while.
Cons: it is better not to carry out the procedure in the summer. Do not sunbathe for 1-3 months after chemical peeling. The procedure does not remove deep wrinkles.
Pros: a relatively inexpensive and highly effective method.
Противопоказания: peeling should not be carried out for acute eczema, dermatitis, herpes. And also within a week after epilation in the peeling zone.