- Cosmetologist at the Assol & Professional Plastic Surgery Clinic
- Dermatocosmetologist at the Assol & Professional Plastic Surgery Clinic
- Doctor-dermatologist of the center of aesthetic medicine “Aphrodite”
- Cosmetologist at the GATINEAU beauty salon
- Dermatocosmetologist at the Eva Health and Beauty Center
- Doctor-dermatologist of the health and beauty center “EVA”
- Dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist of the La Defense beauty and body shaping center
- Doctor-cosmetologist of the clinic of aesthetic surgery and cosmetology Estetika
For the first time, the best cosmetologists of Volgograd reveal their professional secrets. Repeat – and you will be irresistible!
Ekaterina Belina
- Photo Shoot:
- “Assol & Professional”
Cosmetologist at the Assol & Professional Plastic Surgery Clinic
The most important thing in personal care Is to maintain harmony.
The best home care treatments for every day: creams, masks, toning.
Best Salon Treatments: the main thing is to choose the best clinic and competent specialists. Each patient has their own best procedures, everything is individual, but a doctor’s consultation is required.
How do you take care of yourself? Your favorite treatments: body massage, biorevitalization, diamond lifting, botulinum therapy, face masks, facial treatments.
Ekaterina Emelyanova
- Photo Shoot:
- “Assol & Professional”
Dermatocosmetologist at the Assol & Professional Plastic Surgery Clinic
The most important thing in personal care Is regularity. If you systematically do something useful for your face, it will be very grateful to you.
The best home care treatments for every day: arrange for yourself at least one SPA day a week. At home, cleanse your face with homemade cosmetics, do a home scrub or exfoliation and apply a moisturizing mask. The result will not be long in coming. Cosmetics from Christina or Klapp are perfect.
How do you take care of yourself? Your favorite treatments: professional grooming, if done all the time, works wonders, especially when you live in a frantic city rhythm. I am for injection cosmetology. You come to the beautician once every six months or a year, and you rejuvenate by 2-3 years, quickly, efficiently, noticeably.
My favorite salon treatments: photorejuvenation, which removes all unnecessary blood vessels and age spots from the face. I am also very pleased with the new acquisition of the Assol clinic – the Altera device. It works very well with facial contours. I see real results, therefore, I have a positive attitude to the procedure.
Doctor-dermatologist of the center of aesthetic medicine “Aphrodite”
The most important thing in personal care Is the regularity, consistency and use of professional cosmetics. The Center for Aesthetic Medicine “Aphrodite” has a large selection of lines of home care products: Cell Fusion C, Renophase, Holy Land, Christina and others. Our specialists develop programs for each patient, taking into account his individual characteristics.
The best home care treatments for every day:
There is nothing better than long-established and established rules. Follow them and you will always look young and attractive! If there are no special problems with the skin, then the following actions should be regular in the morning and in the evening:
– cleansing, depending on the type of skin, using gel, foam or milk;
– toning – restoration of skin pH after contact with water;
– moisturizing, for young skin – morning and evening;
– food – for women after 30.
Moreover, in winter we apply the nourishing cream in the morning, in summer – in the evening. Moisturizer: in the winter in the evening, in the summer in the morning. For women of mature age, it is important to use a serum before applying the cream.
Let’s not forget about a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and good sleep!
Best Salon Treatments: in our clinic manual, hardware and injection techniques are widely represented. Among this variety, the following procedures are especially popular among patients: photorejuvenation, cryotherapy, bio- and polyrevitalization, contouring and thread lifting. One of the most effective and, therefore, demanded procedures is contouring and bio-reinforcement – intradermal injection of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid.
The doctor, like a sculptor, fills in wrinkles, smoothing them, forms a new oval of the face and restores the lost volumes. It is very nice to see the satisfied and happy faces of our patients! We also offer new anti-aging techniques. Some of the latter are mesotherapy with unique peptides from Mesoproff and face contour lifting with Re Nova prefillers.
The level of development of modern cosmetology is so high that it allows, with timely treatment, to prolong youth and preserve beauty without surgical interventions.
How do you take care of yourself?
In home care for my skin, I follow the same rules that I mentioned above. And, of course, you cannot do without salon procedures. And my favorite procedure is polyrevitalization with Filorga NCTF 135 HA preparations. This vitamin cocktail and its course use allows me to always remain young and beautiful. Take care of yourself, love yourself and be loved!
Cosmetologist at the GATINEAU beauty salon
The most important thing in personal care Is regularity.
The best home care treatments for every day: thorough washing, scrubbing about twice a week, obligatory toning and applying a cream suitable for the type and condition of the skin. It is worth noting that preference should be given to professional cosmetics; a cosmetologist will help you choose it.
Best Salon Treatments: biorevitalization, botulinum therapy, laser rejuvenation.
How do you take care of yourself? Your favorite treatments: I use professional care, prefer Babor cosmetics, periodically do microdermabrasion and mesotherapy.
Dermatocosmetologist at the Eva Health and Beauty Center
The most important thing in personal care – undoubtedly regularity and complexity! After all, the processes taking place in our skin are permanent, which means that you need to maintain a favorable condition for the client regularly, and not from time to time. As for the complex of procedures, then, I believe, it is necessary to use various techniques available to the cosmetologist at work, because each of them contributes to the achievement of the desired result (treatments, peels, hardware techniques, beauty injections, etc.).
The best home treatments for every day: massages and masks. They reveal favorable emotions in every woman, make them feel REAL – flirtatious, radiant, incomparable – while allowing them to immediately go out into the world and dazzle others with their grooming!
Best Salon Treatments: at the moment, in the autumn-winter period, I would advise you to try the procedure “Step-by-step skin restoration program” with the use of occlusive peeling (Holy Land Cosmetics, Israel). This program solves such problems as: enlarged pores, wrinkles, scars, keratosis, excess skin of the upper eyelids, solar elastosis, a significant decrease in skin tone, the effects of acne and rosacea, pigmentation disorders, rosacea, prepares for blepharoplasty. It can also be used as a prophylaxis for photo- and chrono-aging of the skin, to give it an even polished texture and uniform color, leading to the rejection of tonal means in everyday care.
How do you take care of yourself? Your favorite treatments:
As the owner of very dry skin, I adore any procedures that nourish my skin, moisturize it, and raise its immunity. These are Holy Land procedures. Phitomyde – the preparations of this line contain microelements that are irreplaceable for the skin: magnesium, manganese, iron, silicon; saturate with the necessary polyunsaturated acids. “Ginseng / Carrot” is an amazing treatment that promotes, thanks to the amazing properties of the ginseng root, skin regeneration and healing. It contains essential trace elements and minerals and unique substances ginsenosides, which promote collagen production and help the skin to remain firm and elastic. I also like very much the non-injection biorevitalization of the Russian brand G-derm, when there is an opportunity to refrain from beauty injections, while saturating the skin with hyaluronic acid. This is especially true for me now, when I am waiting for my little son.
Doctor-dermatologist of the health and beauty center “EVA”
The most important thing in personal care Is an integrated approach. Starting from the stage of cleansing, all products should be selected according to the type of skin, taking into account the problems and the season. You cannot use the same remedy all year round and all your life. After all, the needs of our skin change daily, and it depends on the rhythm of our life and on the climate. Now winter has come, and, of course, it is important in home care to focus on preparing the skin for temperature extremes and frost, to nourish it in order to avoid chapping and the formation of wrinkles in the cold and cold wind.
The best home procedure now – these are nourishing and hyper-moisturizing masks. They will restore the protective mantle on the skin, relieve tightness and flaking, even out skin tone and smooth out fine wrinkles. I really love the trial masks from the HolyLand lines, there is a huge selection of them for any problem. And of course, we must not forget about the pens, for which the cold paraffin masks from Aravia are perfect.
Best Salon Treatments: the cold season and almost no sun are ideal for chemical and laser peels! They are ideal for combating wrinkles, loss of skin tone, age spots, stretch marks on the body and such a common problem after acne as scars. These treatments tune our skin for rejuvenation by triggering cell renewal processes. At our Eva Center, I prefer the cutting edge GlycoLab peels with stem cells. This is not just a peeling, it is a storehouse of biologically active components and extracts!
How do you take care of yourself? Your favorite treatments: my home care is very diverse. I really love bioenzymatic peeling from the Alpika company, my irreplaceable friend at any time of the year for quick and deep skin cleansing. I prefer creams and serums from the line based on hyaluronic acid and G-derm peptides. I prefer professional brands. They give very good, and most importantly, quick results, practically do not contain preservatives and are not addictive. And of course, good mood! Then the skin will shine from the inside.
Dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist of the La Defense beauty and body shaping center
The most important thing in personal care Is a systematic approach, well-chosen salon procedures, professional home care products.
The best home care treatments for every day – proper skin cleansing, hydration, nutrition; professional cosmetics, selected individually for you.
Best Salon Treatments: in the autumn-winter period: biorevitalization, contour plastic, fractional photothermolysis on the Fraxe apparatus.
How do you take care of yourself? Your favorite treatments: home care – professional luxury cosmetics Natura Bisse. Sensitive skin line NB CEUTICAL COLLECTION. Injection and hardware procedures presented in our center.
Doctor-cosmetologist of the clinic of aesthetic surgery and cosmetology Estetika
The most important thing in personal care Is regularity. I always like to compare teeth to skin. You take care of your oral cavity, brush your teeth 2 times a day, and have a preventive examination by a dentist every six months. The same is here – in order not to resort to ambulance to restore the skin of the face, you need to carry out daily care of the skin of the face, neck, décolleté at home and visit a beautician at least once every six months or a year.
The best home care treatments for every day:A prerequisite for facial skin care outside the salon is, first of all, its cleansing, nutrition and moisturizing. Depending on the type of skin (there are 4 types of skin: normal, dry, oily, combination), care is selected.
Dry skin, for example, requires a very gentle approach. Indeed, it is this type of skin that does not tolerate aggressive and harsh products, such as mechanical scrubs, products containing alcohol, hardening clay masks, etc. Care for dry skin includes cleansing with soft milk or mousse, which soothe and nourish the skin … After cleansing, it is advisable to use a tonic that you can prepare yourself at home (a decoction of chamomile or linden). And applying a nourishing cream: in the morning – daytime, containing light filters, in the evening – nighttime with the possible use of serums, because it is at night that our skin absorbs more nutrients than during the day.
In caring for oily skin, the following rules must be observed: do not dry out or dehydrate. After all, often the owners of this type suffer from oily sheen and frequent acne, trying to remove both, they often resort to the use of various alcohol-containing products and peels, which leads to an even greater deterioration in the condition of the skin. Oily skin requires daily cleansing with washing cosmetic soaps or gel, the use of medical cosmetics in cases with mild acne and creams-gels containing fruit acids and restorative and soothing ingredients.
A cosmetologist will help you determine exactly your skin type and prescribe the right care, and maybe even treatment.
Best Salon Treatments: Depending on your skin type and problem, there are many procedures, ranging from facial cleansing and peels to fractional rejuvenation and hyaluronic acid injections. What procedure is right for you, your beautician will be able to determine.
How do you take care of yourself? Your favorite treatments: my favorite procedure can be called fractional rejuvenation, after which the patient gets rid of a number of problems: post-acne, deep wrinkles, age spots, scars and stretch marks.