- Application of a serum with a botox effect
- Washing with an automatic brush
- Moisturizing with squalene cream for acne and enlarged pores
- Thermal water toner, peeling, masks for nourishing and moisturizing facial skin – cleansing, moisturizing, protection
- Darsonval – getting rid of acne and inflammation, smoothing wrinkles and increasing skin elasticity
- Gommage, chiromassage and serum
- TCA peeling to even out skin tone and get rid of flaky and dead skin cells
- Oatmeal mask to relieve shine and dry skin
Already smells of spring! We begin our journey from winter to spring: we take out the most beautiful dresses, put on our favorite shoes and turn on a smile. And to look perfect – we put ourselves in order. Where to begin? The girls from Chelyabinsk answer in unison: “The face is the mirror of the soul!”
They told Woman’s Day 10 easy ways to stay young and beautiful. A hit parade of the best and proven skin care products.
WHY DECIDED WHAT TO USE: A friend told me about the device. She regularly visits a beautician, and he advised her to purchase in order to take care of her face skin at home. After that, I bought it and did not regret it. It cleanses the skin well, opens pores, prepares the skin for further procedures.
HOW TO USE: I steam the skin once a week. The procedure usually takes 15 minutes. I apply cream to the area around the eyes so as not to dry it out. After the skin is steamed, I apply a cleansing mask to my face. Then you need to narrow the pores, I use a lotion for this, you can then apply a tightening mask.
WHAT EFFECT: The skin is smooth and clean, there are almost no blackheads. Of course, someone will say that a waste of funds can be done in the old fashioned way – steam your face over a pot of boiled potatoes. But still, we live in the XNUMXst century, and you can’t get enough potatoes for such regular procedures.
Application of a serum with a botox effect
WHY DECIDED WHAT TO USE: The first signs of skin aging appeared – wrinkles, folds in the nasolabial area. It was necessary to restore the elasticity of the skin.
HOW TO USE: You can do the procedure at home. On average, this treatment takes 30 minutes – maximum an hour. For greater effect, I combine it with peeling or facial massage. Enough for 2 months, then I repeat again.
WHAT EFFECT: The elasticity of the skin is noticeably restored, fine wrinkles are smoothed out quickly, after 6-7 applications.
Washing with an automatic brush
WHY DECIDED WHAT TO USE: I heard about such a brush for a long time, but did not dare to buy it, since the pleasure is not cheap. I saved money, got by with ordinary scrubs and face masks. So I would have treated them if it had not “buzzed” all my husband’s ears about the miracle brush, he gave it to me. I have been using it for a year now.
HOW TO USE: The automatic brush has two attachments. They are also suitable for a light facial massage: twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, I massage her cheeks, forehead, nose and chin for 15 seconds. When used with a common cleanser such as a cream, it will have a mild peeling effect. If with a scrub, then – deep cleansing of the skin of the face. To use, you need to wet your face, apply the product, wet the brush and go! After use, simply remove the attachment, rinse and dry.
WHAT EFFECT: Evens out the tone of the face, the skin becomes more matte, smooth, velvety. The washing brush helps to remove imperfections and makes the skin more elastic. And even after using it, facial products, such as creams, are better absorbed. Conventional cleansing creams and scrubs will definitely not give this effect.
Moisturizing with squalene cream for acne and enlarged pores
WHY DECIDED WHAT TO USE: I have had problems with facial skin since my youth. Soon I am 30 years old, but I cannot get rid of them, I constantly have to use special products for the care of problem skin, visit a beautician.
HOW TO USE: I use squalene moisturizer for acne and enlarged pores three times a week. It is better to apply it in the evening, before going to bed, so that there is no need to apply makeup after. In addition to the cream, I use oil for washing and alcohol-free soap. Plus, I use a fine particle scrub once a week.
WHAT EFFECT: Skin condition has improved, only dark spots after acne still remain. However, the oily skin was restored, while there is no oily sheen and enlarged pores. After the cream, the skin is just super!
WHY DECIDED WHAT TO USE: Strictly speaking, this device was not the first in the home arsenal of self-care “tricks” – age requires. A sort of “viral” purchase. I have absolutely no regrets about the “virus” that I picked up – I have enough time and desire to use and be well-groomed.
HOW TO USE: The ultrasonic cleaning procedure takes me about 10 minutes about once a week. The device is made in France, and it is such a kind of wide scraper. It is used with a cleansing gel – first you apply the gel to the face, and then you “clean off” it. After that, turn the “scraper” over to the other side and begin to “stroke” your face. And cleanliness, and ultrasound massage, and lifting, and elasticity – I’m not overjoyed.
WHAT EFFECT: When after the procedure, after 3-5 minutes, I start to wash my face, the skin already “creaks” from cleanliness – so smooth! And one more important effect: I bought the apparatus and the gels, having spent six thousand. But in a couple of years that I have been using it, it justified the cost ten times! Because such a procedure in a beauty parlor costs separate money.
Thermal water toner, peeling, masks for nourishing and moisturizing facial skin – cleansing, moisturizing, protection
WHY DECIDED WHAT TO USE: The face is the mirror of the soul, so I always adhere to three rules of skin care: cleanse, moisturize and protect it from the sun.
HOW TO USE: For cleansing, I use a thermal water tonic. The night cream from the Christina professional cosmetics range is well suited for moisturizing. To protect my face from the sun’s rays, I also use products from the same series of cosmetics. In addition, twice a year I do facial peeling on the recommendation of a cosmetologist. In facial skin care, everything is simple: it is enough to buy special products, it is better not to save money, but to purchase something from a series of professional cosmetics. Moreover, one package is enough for 3-4 months. Another plus is time. This method of facial skin care takes about 10 minutes. I also make masks to nourish and moisturize the skin 2-3 times a week. They take 15–20 minutes. I usually buy them in a pharmacy, and the simplest ones can be found in a perfume shop. Everyday foundation is very light, moisturizing, which contains many components for skin care. The main thing is to buy a foundation without oils and parabens.
WHAT EFFECT: The effect is obvious – the face is transformed before our eyes. I think that at 50 I will be a berry again!
Darsonval – getting rid of acne and inflammation, smoothing wrinkles and increasing skin elasticity
WHY DECIDED WHAT TO USE: My acquaintance with the wonderful equipment – darsonval happened after I read a lot of reviews about it. I have problem skin. There is a tendency to acne, and in the summer, plus another problem – oily shine on the face. If it is hot outside, in an apartment, in an office, then a rash also appeared – prickly heat. An eerie sight! Acquired purposefully to get rid of such troubles.
HOW TO USE: Began to use, following the instructions: within two weeks every other day for 10 minutes. This is a special course for improving the condition of the facial skin. In operation, it is very simple and convenient: with smooth movements I use the device to massage the face in the direction from the center. After the procedure, I apply a moisturizer. The device has a lot of attachments, in this case I used a mushroom one.
WHAT EFFECT: The effect is noticeable after the first course – after two weeks: the skin is less greasy, acne pimples heal quickly, dry out. The thing is just perfect! He is my savior when something appears on my face that shouldn’t be there for sure.
Gommage, chiromassage and serum
WHY DECIDED WHAT TO USE: My facial skin is good, therefore, in order to maintain its condition, I constantly have to monitor and take care of it, keep it in good shape. At one time I tried and tested various cosmetics myself, then turned to a beautician, she developed a comprehensive program for skin care for me.
HOW TO USE: Every morning I use cleanser, serum, eye cream. In the evening, everything is the same, only instead of a serum – a make-up remover. When my lips are not painted, I apply lip balm – it is a must. Three times a week I apply face masks – moisturizing, cleansing, nourishing. Once a week I use gommage – this is a special cream that is needed to cleanse the skin. This product is especially suitable for sensitive skin. Apply this film for a short time – a few minutes. Then I leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Then I gently roll it up with wet hands and take it off. Finally, you can apply a moisturizer. Twice a year I also go to a beautician for a course of chiromassage.
WHAT EFFECT: The skin is like silk, like porcelain – no exaggeration! There is no flaking, no dryness, no excess fat content. Another plus – makeup on such skin looks perfect, the tone lays down evenly.
TCA peeling to even out skin tone and get rid of flaky and dead skin cells
WHY DECIDED WHAT TO USE: I have been using cosmetics since I was 17, but I haven’t taken care of my skin before, only put on makeup. Closer to the age of 23, she began to notice that the skin of the face was noticeably deteriorating, and she needed care. The complexion became uneven, the pores were enlarged, rashes appeared periodically – acne. After I began to notice these signs, I decided to tackle my appearance.
HOW TO USE: First of all I decided to start doing TCA peeling. This is a procedure with which you can get rid of dead cells, peeling of the skin, thereby smoothing the skin of the face. To save 2500 rubles for one visit to the beautician for peeling, I decided to do it at home. You need to be careful not to get a chemical burn: before the procedure, it is better to carry out, so to speak, a test drive. Apply the exfoliator to your wrist and see if there is an allergic reaction. First you need to cleanse your face with a deep cleanser. It can be belongings, gel. After we have cleansed the skin of the face, we proceed. We put on gloves, take a sponge or a sterile napkin, dip it in the TCA peeling agent and apply it on the face: on the cheeks, forehead, chin, nose. Then leave it on for 3-5 minutes, and then apply a second layer on top. We wait until a white bloom appears on the face, and then wash off everything with water. After the procedure, you need to lubricate your face with cream.
WHAT EFFECT: The enlarged pores on the cheeks have decreased, the skin tone has become smoother and fine wrinkles have disappeared, smoothed out, the skin is smooth and delicate. Now, looking in the mirror, I see a young and well-groomed face. In general, the procedure is effective, but complex, requires accuracy and care.
Oatmeal mask to relieve shine and dry skin
WHY DECIDED WHAT TO USE: Cosmetic products for skin care that are sold in the store do not help, so I decided to try folk remedies – effectively and efficiently. I advise!
HOW TO USE: I have many secrets for skin care, I will tell you one of them – the simplest and most effective, suitable for daily use. After this treatment, the skin is like silk – radiant and smooth. What helps? Plain oatmeal. I wash my face with it. I have only been using this cleanser for a month, but the effect is obvious. The recipe for such a mask is very simple: take 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal, a couple of drops of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of honey. Apply the mask to the face, wait 10-15 minutes, and then wash off. The effect is amazing!
WHAT EFFECT: Dryness and peeling disappeared gradually, the complexion became even, got rid of the oily sheen on the forehead, stopped using foundation, concealer.