Facelift – a new trend in cosmetic surgery
Change the shape of the nose, tighten the oval of the face, remove bags under the eyes or completely change the appearance … Now everything is possible! Andrey Slavovich Lelikov, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category, general director of the clinic “Cosmeton”, spoke about new methods of plastic surgery.
New techniques in plastic surgery
In just three to four years, new discoveries in the field of plastic surgery appear more and more often. Perhaps the greatest achievement is minimally invasive methods that do not require long rehabilitation.
Endoscopic technique
Using an endoscope, you can make a slight facelift or correct specific areas. Sometimes this method is also used for
The older we get, the more we feel the effects of gravity. A clear sign of which is ptosis (sagging skin). Endotins help to cope with the problem. These are special fixators, with their help, you can adjust and raise the tissue. Earlier, after a neck and chin lift, the cheekbones and midsection still sagged. After the operation, I had to fill these areas with fillers, but this only gave a visual effect. Endotins allow tissue to be lifted and repositioned.
Andrey Slavovich Lelikov – Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, member of OPREKh of Russia, general director of the clinic “Cosmeton”
Modern cosmetology procedures and cosmetics make it possible to postpone a visit to a plastic surgeon for a long time. When there are no obvious indications for major interventions, you can start with minimally invasive suture techniques. The most effective threads are Silhouette Lift (lasting effect from 4 to 7 years) and Aptos threads or “golden threads”.
Of course, plastic requires an absolutely individual approach. But if there are already indications for the operation, blephoplasty can be done. The technique allows you to change a lot and make your appearance much younger. The plus is that this is a quick operation – after a week there are no bruises or swelling. On the third day, the rehabilitation course begins, and after two weeks the patient can already go to work. But in order to bring the result to the ideal, correction is necessary. These can be injections, for example, botox can easily help get rid of crow’s feet.
It is worth changing the shape of the nose, and the whole appearance can become different. To understand this, computer simulation is done before the operation. As a rule, there are two options: the one that the patient wants and the one that the surgeon suggests. Rehabilitation lasts about 10 days, but slight swelling may remain a little longer.