Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram: how to upload all data to a computer

Trends explain how to download all important information from Dropbox, Apple Notes and Facebook services in the face of their possible blocking

In recent days, Roskomnadzor has partially restricted access to Facebook, and there have been failures in Twitter. Other services where our country does not store valuable information were also under threat. Trends tells you how to keep your data while blocking popular apps.


  • WhatsApp
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • dropbox
  • Apple Notes
  • Trello
  • Notion


WhatsApp chats can be configured to be backed up daily and automatically saved to your smartphone. If the user decides to uninstall WhatsApp, they will need to manually back up their chats. To do this, open WhatsApp, click “More Options”, select “Settings” → “Chats” → “Backup Chats” → “Backup”.

The export function can be used for both individual and group chats. To do this, open the chat, click “More options” → “More” → “Export chat”.

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram: how to upload all data to a computer
We find the option “Export chat” in the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the chat

In this case, the user must choose whether he will export media files. After that, he will receive an email with an attachment in the form of a document in TXT format containing the history of correspondence.


To receive a copy of all materials, you need to send a download request in JSON format. To do this, you will need to enter your Instagram account password. The user must go to their profile, click on the icon in the upper right corner, select “Your activities”, click “Download information”. Then you will need to enter the email address to which Instagram will send the download link and click “Request File”.

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram: how to upload all data to a computer
Instagram asks for an email address to send the archive

When saving the data, the user can choose what content he wants to download, as well as set the date range for downloading.


To download all data from Facebook, you need:

  • click the account icon in the upper right corner of the Facebook window,
  • select “Settings and privacy” and then “Settings”
  • select “Your information” on the left,
  • next to the “Download information” item, click “View”,
  • to add or remove data categories for download, you need to check or uncheck the boxes on the right,
  • configure other parameters: download file format, quality of photos, videos and other materials, date range (by default, information is downloaded for all time),
  • Click “Create File” to confirm the download request. The download request will then be set to “Pending” status and will appear in the “Available Copies of Your Download Tool” section.


Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram: how to upload all data to a computer
Facebook allows you to choose the format, quality and time range for saved files, as well as their categories

Facebook may take up to several days to prepare the archive. Then the user will receive a notification from the social network.

To download a copy of the requested data, you need to:

  • go to the section “Available copies of the information download tool”,
  • click “Download” and enter the password.

To download files, the user can choose the HTML or JSON file format.

The latter is more convenient for transferring data to another service.


To submit a request to upload an archive of Tweets, the user needs to click on the “More” icon in the navigation bar to go to the account settings. Then you need to select the item “Your account” in the menu, click “Upload an archive of your data”, enter the password in the section “Upload an archive of your data” and click “Confirm”.

The user will then receive a code to the account’s saved phone number or email address. After confirming your identity, you need to click the “Request data” button. Twitter will send an email or push notification when the download is complete if the app is installed on the smartphone. After that, in the settings in the “Download data” section, you can click the “Download data” button. The archive is uploaded in ZIP, HTML, JSON formats. It may take several days to prepare.

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram: how to upload all data to a computer
“Upload your data archive” button in your Twitter account dashboard

The archive will include profile information, tweets, private messages, “moments”, media files, reader and follower list, address book, lists, inferred interests information, inferred demographics, advertisement information, and so on.


You can transfer files and folders from your Dropbox account to your computer. To do this, you need to sign in to your account on dropbox.com, hover over the file or folder you want to download, then click “…” (ellipsis) and select “Download”.

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram: how to upload all data to a computer
Download folder with photos from Dropbox

In this way, you can download folders up to 20 GB in size, the number of files in which does not exceed 10. All folders are downloaded as ZIP archive files.

Dropbox Paper docs need to be converted to one of the formats for downloading to a PC: DOCX, MD, or PDF. To do this, click “…” (ellipsis) in the document, select “Export”, select the file format to download and click “Download”.

In this case, the DOCX format will only be compatible with Microsoft Word, but not with Google Docs or OpenOffice.

Apple Notes

Most users sync their notes with iCloud accounts. To upload notes from iCloud on Mac, you need to:

  • click on the Apple logo in the top left corner,
  • select “System Preferences”
  • select iCloud,
  • put a tick in Notes,
  • select the note or notes to be uploaded,
  • click on “File” on the top and select the “Export as PDF” option,
  • name the file and specify its location on Mac,
  • click “Save”.

Windows users need to first install the iCloud app on their computer and then sync their notes to Outlook. In the iCloud app you need:

  • check the box “Mail, contacts, calendars and tasks”,
  • click “Apply” at the bottom,
  • launch the Microsoft Outlook application on your computer,
  • go to “File” → “Options” → “Advanced”,
  • click “Export”.
Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram: how to upload all data to a computer
Select notes to download in Backup Explorer (Photo: macroplant.com)

All iCloud notes will be available in the selected folder on the computer.


The export function can be found in the menu Board → Advanced → Print and Export. The information is downloaded in JSON format. It is currently not possible to import the archive back to re-create a Trello board.

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram: how to upload all data to a computer
Export board from Trello

Trello Premium allows you to export all boards in your workspace in CSV and JSON formats. Also the user can include all their attachments as a ZIP file in their own format. To do this, go to the Premium Workspace page and select the Export tab.


To create an archive, you need to go to “Settings and members” at the top of the left sidebar, select “Settings” in the sidebar of this window, scroll down and click “Export all workspace content” (Export all workspace). The user will then receive an email from Notion with a link to download the files. The link will expire after 7 days.

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram: how to upload all data to a computer
Export workspace from Notion

For Enterprise plan members, this option can be disabled at the administrator’s discretion to keep documents available for internal use only. Enterprise plan users can export their workspace as PDF files.

On the service, you can upload individual images, HTML, Markdown, PDF and CSV tables. To do this, click in the upper right menu “…”, then – Export, and select the desired format.

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