Facebook’s big crash. Internet addiction is no joke, check if you have symptoms

You use the Internet every day, at work and in private, you read information, do shopping, contact your friends, play games. And at some point there comes a day when you can’t do it, if only for technical reasons. There is anxiety, dizziness and even abdominal pain. Classic withdrawal syndrome, which in turn is one part of addiction.

  1. On Monday, there was a global failure of popular social networking sites. Traffic from Facebook and Instagram moved to other websites for several hours. Internet users needed an inflow of information and the ability to communicate
  2. For many internet users, such failures are a real cataclysm. For people who are addicted at such times, a disturbing withdrawal syndrome can develop
  3. Below we publish a few questions based on the test of the well-known American psychologist Kimberly Young. Answer them and see if you are at risk of becoming addicted to the Internet.
  4. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

A few-hour break in access to Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp messenger on Monday evening was widely reported in the media around the world. Everyone just wrote about it. But it is not everything – Reports on DownDetector showed that at the same time problems with overloading other services began – the failure of Facebook slowed down Twitter, Amazon, Tik-Tok and even Netflix. This is how the sudden shift of traffic from non-functioning social media to those that still existed worked. Although for many internet users the crash was only a reason for jokes, funny memes and comments, this fact made us realize how dependent we are on the Internet, the constant flow of information and the possibility of fast and trouble-free communication. There is no Facebook – I switch to Twitter. It’s scary to think what would happen if the failure lasted longer.

  1. Internet addiction – what is it, where does it come from and how to fight it? FOMO syndrome

The problem affects adults and children

Although Internet addiction is not officially recognized as a medical condition, it can cause negative psychosomatic symptoms and require therapy. Unrestrained need to use the Internet is not only not beneficial for the health of the addicted person, but also in the long term may have a negative impact on professional, family and social life. It is especially dangerous for young people, especially for children and teenagers, especially since it is the youngest age groups that are increasingly affected by the problem of addiction.

The authors of the report “Teenagers 3.0”, published in September by the NASK State Research Institute, point out that the online time spent by young people has been increasing for many years. Already every third teenager (33,6%) shows symptoms of the so-called problematic use of the Internet. Research shows that teenagers now spend an average of 4 hours and 50 minutes a day in their free time online. On non-school days, this time is extended to an average of 6 hours and 10 minutes. Nearly every tenth (11,5%) teenager in his spare time is active on the Internet for more than 8 hours a day, and every fifth (21,3%) spends as much time in front of the monitor on days off from lessons. Every sixth teenager (16,9%) uses the Internet extensively at night (after 22 p.m.).

  1. Addiction – types of addiction, treatment, prognosis [EXPLAINED]

FOMO syndrome – fear of lack of access to the Internet

Internet addiction comes in many different forms. It may be, among others addiction to social contacts, Internet erotomania or the so-called FOMO syndrome (fear of missing out), i.e. the fear of not having access to the latest information.

Internet addiction in adults has similar symptoms as in children. Adult networkaholics have to use the Internet for longer and longer to feel satisfied. They also lose track of time and feel a strong need, or even psychological compulsion, to “check something” on the Internet. Not being able to use the Internet makes them feel worse and sometimes causes aggression. Immunity drops and susceptibility to infections increases. There can be many more psychosomatic symptoms, a lot depends on how quickly we realize that professional help is needed.

Check if you have symptoms of addiction

The American psychologist Kimberly Young, who specialized in Internet and computer addiction, developed a short test that is often cited today as the primary means of verifying whether we are dealing with an addiction. Below is a shortened version of the test:

Answer the questions honestly:

  1. Do you find yourself constantly thinking about your internet activities and are you looking forward to your next online sessions?
  2. Do you feel the need to increase the amount of time you spend on the Internet?
  3. Do you experience inner anxiety, irritability or other negative symptoms when you are not using the internet?
  4. Have you ever tried to reduce the amount of time you spend on the Internet?
  5. Do you sometimes spend more time on the Internet than you had previously planned?
  6. Have you ever run the risk of breaking up contacts with a loved one, losing an important relationship, having problems at work, or having trouble studying because of spending too much time on the Internet?
  7. Have you lied to family members, therapist or others to hide how busy you are?
  8. Is the internet a way for you to escape problems or avoid unpleasant feelings (e.g., helplessness, guilt, anxiety, or depression)?

If you answered yes to more than half of the questions, you are at risk of becoming addicted to the Internet. In such a situation, it is worth contacting a specialist.

Also read:

  1. Anka does not part with the phone. She even takes him to the bathroom
  2. Why are we getting drunk? Scientists look for answers in our brains
  3. Addiction is a brain disease – a new definition of addiction
  4. Computer addiction

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