Facebook can cause obesity and other eating disorders

Sociologists have established that such a topical phenomenon as social networks, and especially Facebook (“Facebook”), can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

Undoubtedly, the Facebook network is one of the most amazing phenomena of our time. This social network has created new ways of earning and jobs, and also showed new ways of communication.

But, unfortunately, where communication begins, psychological problems begin. Facebook is not only a mass of vegan, vegetarian and raw food communities (as some might think), but also a platform that allows millions of women to post their photos and watch – and rate! – strangers. In this case, the “likes”, and new friends, and user comments, as well as (sometimes) new real acquaintances and relationships become a factor of encouragement. A small number of likes, friends and approving comments becomes a “punishment” factor, with an increase in suspiciousness, if there were reasons for this.

Facebook creates a potentially stressful information environment that leads to psychological disorders, including digestive disorders, according to psychologists who published an article about it in the International Journal of Nutrition.

It was found that Facebook as a phenomenon, firstly, is very popular among women, and, secondly, it negatively affects their diet. Two studies were conducted, one in 1960 and another in 84 women. For the purposes of the experiment, they were asked to use 20 minutes a day.

It was found that, unlike visiting other sites, using Facebook even for 20 minutes a day leads to feelings of anxiety and dissatisfaction with their appearance in the majority of respondents. Also, scientists have found that longer (than 20 minutes a day) use brings even more emotional discomfort. According to sociologists, 95% of women who attend higher education institutions spend at least 20 minutes on Facebook at a time, and in total about an hour a day.

At the same time, three pathological patterns of behavior were identified that lead to stress:

1) Anxiety about getting “likes” for new posts and photos; 2) The need to remove labels with her name from a large number of photographs (which a woman may consider unsuccessful, representing her from a disadvantageous side, or compromising); 3) Comparing your photos with photos of other users.

Dr. Pamela K. Keel, who led the study, said: “By examining the immediate responses to using Facebook, we found that using the social network for 20 minutes a day was significantly more conducive to maintaining excess weight and anxiety, compared with other use of the Internet. “.

The doctor noted that women who spend even 20 minutes on Facebook tend to attach particular importance to how their lower body looks and change their behavior (worry about their appearance, etc.) in accordance with the conclusions.

After viewing other people’s photos and comparing them with their own, women often tend to psychologically raise the standards of how their lower body should look, and develop internal anxiety about this, which then manifests itself in the form of overeating and aggravation of other food pathologies.

Despite the fact that Facebook has a large number of communities aimed at a healthy lifestyle and keeping the body in good shape, users tend to just look at photos and draw their own conclusions, which does not motivate them to make any positive changes in lifestyle and/or nutrition. but only creates psychological discomfort. This discomfort, Facebook users tend to “stick” than they have to, directly without looking up from the screen – as a result, problems with being overweight and digestion only get worse.

Dr. Keel noted that while Facebook can theoretically spread positive, constructive information (and nutritionists, she believes, should be the first to do so), in practice, use of this social network negatively affects most women, and especially for those who already have problems associated with malnutrition and excess nutrition.



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