Face volumetry – indications, course, safety. Effects and price of face volumetry

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Face volumetry is the so-called modeling without the use of a scalpel. It is a procedure in the field of aesthetic medicine with the use of hyaluronic acid. It allows you to restore the proper oval of the face, improve the density and firmness of the skin and correct the shape of the nose, mouth and cheekbones. The face volumetry treatment is performed in aesthetic medicine clinics and must be performed by a doctor specializing in this method of face modeling.

What is face volumetry?

Face volumetry is modeling the contours of the face and correcting the shape of its individual elements without surgical intervention. Instead of a scalpel, during face volumetry, hyaluronic acid is used, which acts as a filler and increases the volume of soft tissues, which allows you to raise the sunken part of the cheeks, temples, jaw and chin due to the progress of skin aging. Hyaluronic acid fills and lifts the skin in these areas, making the face appear fuller and younger. It also looks natural, as if there was no interference with its shape and structure at all.

Hyaluronic acid is not the only substance used in face volumetry. Sometimes so-called collagen stimulants are used, for example polylactic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite. They stimulate the body to produce its own collagen. You can also perform face volumetry using the patient’s own fat tissue.

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Preparations used for face volumetry are more dense and plastic than other preparations with hyaluronic acid. This enables modeling of the face after injection of such a preparation into selected places. It works like a filling implant and gives long-lasting effects – up to 18 months.

The face volumetry treatment is performed under local anesthesia, although it is generally not necessary (about half an hour before the treatment, the face is smeared with an anesthetic cream). The doctor injects a filler into the subcutaneous tissue or under the muscles with a needle or cannula. In some areas (for example the jaw or chin) deep injections are made, even up to the facial skeleton. During the procedure, which is face volumetry, the patient may experience a specific feeling of expanding in the skin. Sometimes a bruise may appear at the injection site when the needle hits a blood vessel.

Then a gentle massage is performed, spreading the filling preparation and giving it the desired shape. The procedure takes about 20-30 minutes.

After face volumetry, sunlight should be avoided for several days.

Who is the face volumetry treatment for?

Face volumetry is a treatment for people who are not reconciled with the passage of time and want to keep their beauty and youthful appearance. With age, the skin’s firmness and elasticity decrease, which changes the appearance and contours of the face. The cheeks become sunken or sagging, wrinkles and furrows appear, facial features change, and its oval leaves much to be desired. Facial volumetry allows you to deal with these problems in a less invasive way than plastic surgery. It also allows you to enlarge the lips, improve the appearance of the nose and the shape of the cheekbones.

It is worth noting that, especially during menopause or andropause, depression is diagnosed as a result of the inability to accept the signs of aging. People with such problems are not always helped by psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy, and often the patients themselves do not want to undergo these methods of treatment. In such cases, many people consider undergoing cheek volumetry, mouth volumetry or face volumetry (jaw, chin).

Face volumetry is used in the following cases:

  1. with collapsed cheekbones,
  2. in the case of drooping cheeks,
  3. to get rid of the problem of sunken skin under the eyes,
  4. in case of sagging skin of the face,
  5. to improve facial features,
  6. to reduce wrinkles and furrows,
  7. if your face is too thin,
  8. in zygomatic lipoatrophy,
  9. in the case of loss of facial volume.

What are the effects of face volumetry?

Face volumetry effectively improves its appearance, rejuvenates and makes the skin more supple and elastic. The effects of the treatment last up to 18 months.

Is facial volumetry safe?

Face volumetry is not an invasive procedureTherefore, after its completion, you can return to everyday functioning and normal duties, including work, the next day. Although redness appears at the injection sites of hyaluronic acid, there may also be slight swelling and pain, but these symptoms usually disappear within 2-3 days.

After the procedure, you should not just massage the places where the injection was made.

It is also recommended not to undergo any solarium treatments, avoid natural tanning and strong sun exposure to the skin. You should also avoid saunas and use hot baths.

You should also remember not to consume alcohol before and during the day and after the volumetry treatment. This is due to the fact that it can cause dilatation and rupture of capillaries. In addition, it is recommended not to take aspirin, Ginkgo biloba supplements and vitamin E.

Facial volumetry is better not to be performed on the days with menstruation as this may increase the perception of pain.

Face volumetry is painless and there are virtually no complications after it, provided that it is performed in a specialist aesthetic medicine office by a qualified doctor. The face volumetry treatment can also be combined with other aesthetic medicine and cosmetology treatments. However, if we want to undergo other wrinkle filling treatments, skin rejuvenation or simply cosmetic treatments, it is recommended to maintain a time interval between them and the face volumetry of at least 3 weeks.

Face volumetry can be performed in people of all ages, in both women and men. You can sign up for face volumetry through Medonet Market.

Face volumetry – contraindications

Not everyone can succumb to face volumetry. Pregnancy is a contraindication to the procedure, allergy to hyaluronic acidas well as autoimmune diseases, inflammation or infection of the skin, susceptibility to scarring hyperplasia, vitiligo and psoriasis, epilepsy, diabetes, cancer, and disorders of blood clotting.

They are also a contraindication skin infections such as acne and cold sores. Face volumetry should not be performed in breastfeeding women.

How much does the face volumetry treatment cost?

Face volumetry is not a cheap procedure. Its cost, depending on the selected anesthetic and filler, ranges from 1000 to 3000 PLN.

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