Face mask for sensitive skin: homemade or ready-made products

In the Instagram community under the hashtag #homemasks and #facemasks you will find thousands of recipes. But are they suitable for sensitive skin, or is it better to use a store-bought product? We will answer.

Functions of masks for sensitive skin

A mask is the perfect solution to quickly and surely put your face in order. But for this you need to have time, because the mask is not a cream, which is enough to apply, wait until it is absorbed, and run about.

A face mask is a whole ritual for skin care. And it takes time.

The mask is a ritual. Prepare the skin, apply the composition, relax while the mask takes care of the face. Then rinse, use a tonic and apply aftercare products. There are many steps, but the goal is the same – to give the skin a rest and gain strength.

This is especially important for sensitive skin, which is sensitive to any external stimuli, including temperature changes and adverse climatic conditions. This reaction manifests itself in different ways:

  • dryness;

  • peeling;

  • redness;

  • burning sensation.

The mask helps to resist external irritants, soothing the skin and preventing responses.

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Features of composition

Speaking of masks for sensitive skin, it is worth remembering that their choice should be approached especially responsibly. First of all, you need to be careful about products that contain acids and alkalis.

Therefore, masks based on such active ingredients as ascorbic acid, fruit extracts, hydroxy acids, with increased skin sensitivity, should be excluded.

But soothing ingredients are only welcome. Among them:

  • green tea extract;

  • bisabolol;

  • niacinamide;

  • white willow extract.

It is important that the composition includes substances that help restore the skin barrier. For example, sunflower oil, as well as:
  • beet oil;

  • blackcurrant oil;

  • evening primrose oil.

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Expected result after application

Here’s what the Vichy brand expert says about this Ekaterina Turubara: “The masks are distinguished by a high concentration of active ingredients. The texture and density of application provide them with increased absorption into the skin.

What happens as a result of regular use of masks, selected according to skin type?

  1. The skin receives the necessary nutrition in the form of vitamins and minerals.

  2. The skin becomes more stress-resistant.

  3. Improves complexion.

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Rules for the use of masks at home

As we have already said, the mask is a special ritual that cannot be rushed. What else is worth considering?

The optimal time for applying the mask is the period from 19.00 to 22.00. During these hours, the skin is most susceptible to any cosmetic effects.


Any cosmetic product, including a mask, is always applied to cleansed skin. Just washing is not enough. Remove make-up from your skin with micellar water or micellar gel. Wash off with foam or mousse.

Deep Cleansing

If necessary, use a light exfoliating agent, such as a scrub cream, so that the skin can more effectively absorb the active ingredients of the mask.


Don’t forget a toner or lotion to restore the pH of your skin. And make sure that before applying the mask, the skin is slightly damp.

Applying a mask

Apply a thick layer of the mask to the skin with a spatula. Follow instructions. If the package says “Avoid the area around the eyes,” do not violate these instructions.

holding time

The exposure time of the mask is usually indicated on the packaging. As a rule, it is from 10 to 30 minutes.

“A new generation of products – night masks, or cream masks. They can be applied in a thin layer like a cream, and dense – like a mask. This is a convenient way to provide the skin with proper care when there is not enough time for individual beauty rituals. There is no need to wash off such products, just remove the excess with a cosmetic napkin before going to bed, ”advises Ekaterina Turubara.

How to wash off the mask correctly

The mask is washed off with warm water by hands or with the help of a cosmetic sponge – from the periphery to the center of the face.

Care after the mask

After the mask is washed off, it is necessary to wipe the skin with a tonic or lotion to restore the pH of the skin and apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

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Which mask to choose: homemade or ready-made

Homemade mask or head remedy – there is always a choice.

compositionWe have no doubt that a mask made from natural products can in theory have a beneficial effect on the skin. But in practice, everything is different. No one can say for sure under what conditions fruits and vegetables were grown, whether pesticides are present in their composition and how this will affect the skin.In purchased products on the packaging, you can always read the composition.
Expert Opinion

Ekaterina Turubara: “All the necessary ingredients for finished products are carefully selected, the product comes into our hands with exactly the composition indicated on the package. In home masks, some of the beneficial substances simply lose their properties during the preparation process: due to the influence of sunlight, contact with metal surfaces, etc.”

EfficiencyThe effect of a self-made mask is quite ephemeral – pleasure and a good complexion that does not last so long.Since the composition of ready-made products is carefully verified by specialists and tested, the effectiveness is beyond doubt.
Expert OpinionEkaterina Turubara: “As for homemade masks, their effectiveness is mostly subjective. But the action of ready-made funds always has an evidence base. Most often, information about the consumer test can be found on the packaging.
ConvenienceWe made a little mistake with the proportions – and now, instead of the expected consistency, we got something liquid or, conversely, viscous – not very suitable for use and causing a lot of inconvenience.The consistency of ready-made products is designed so that the user does not experience discomfort during their use.
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Folk recipes vs ready-made products

A wide variety of products are used to make homemade masks.

On the Internet you can find many recipes for masks. But we strongly recommend that you think carefully, because sensitive skin can react sharply to any product, even the most seemingly harmless one.

Purifying chickpea flour mask for sensitive skin

Act: soothes and mattifies, eliminates black spots, tightens pores, has anti-inflammatory and drying effects.


  1. 2 tablespoons of chickpea flour;

  2. ½ cup hot water (not boiling water);

  3. ½ teaspoon of honey;

  4. ½ teaspoon olive oil.

How to prepare and use:

  • dilute the flour with water to the consistency of sour cream;

  • add honey and olive oil (for dry skin);

  • cleanse the skin and apply a mask;

  • endure 15 minutes;

  • wash off with warm water.

Editorial opinion. The composition of chickpea flour is impressive. It contains vitamins A, C, E, K, PP, group B. Of the minerals – potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, copper, sulfur, iron, silicon, sodium, essential fatty acids. Thanks to this, the complexion improves, in addition, the mask has antioxidant properties. However, after drying, it is difficult to wash off.

Soothing mask Hydra Zen Jelly Mask, Lancôme

Provides intense and long-lasting hydration. Rose water and Chinese peony extract tangibly soothe and refresh the skin.

Soothing and moisturizing face mask with calendula and aloe Calendula & Aloe Soothing Hydration Masque, Kiehl’s

Gel mask with calendula petals and aloe extract noticeably cools, soothes and refreshes the skin.

Nourishing mask for sensitive skin

Act: moisturizes and soothes sensitive skin. Fights the first signs of aging.


  1. 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil;

  2. 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese;

  3. protein of 1 egg.

How to prepare and use:

  • beat the protein intensively;

  • gradually add oil;

  • mix with cottage cheese;

  • Apply the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes. ⠀

Editorial opinion. Sea buckthorn perfectly refreshes, tones, strengthens thin capillaries and whitens the skin thanks to its vitamins A, C, H, E, group B, as well as minerals, flavonoids, phospholipids, organic acids. However, do not forget that sensitive skin needs acids the least.

Turmeric & Cranberry Seed Energizing Radiance Masque, Kiehl’s

Turmeric and cranberry seeds in the mask literally make the skin energized, visibly reducing signs of fatigue and soothing. Crushed cranberry seeds gently exfoliate for smoother skin.

Moisturizing mask for sensitive skin

Act: moisturizes, soothes, relieves irritation.


  1. 1 tablespoon oatmeal

  2. protein of 1 egg;

  3. juice of 1 / 3 lemon.

How to prepare and use:

  • grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder;

  • mix with protein

  • add lemon juice;

  • mix until gruel;

  • apply to a previously cleansed face;

  • leave for 5-10 minutes (for dry skin – for 5 minutes);

  • wash off with warm water;

  • apply cream.

Night cream-mask for the face “Hyaluron Expert”, L’Oréal Paris

Two types of hyaluronic acid – high and low molecular weight – smooth the surface of the skin and fill the deep layers of the epidermis with moisture. The mask relieves dryness and tightness.

Mask with yogurt and honey

Act: tightens the oval of the face, softens and refreshes the skin.


  1. 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt;

  2. ½ teaspoon of honey;

  3. ½ teaspoon lemon juice.

How to prepare and use:

  • mix yogurt with honey and lemon juice;

  • With a cotton pad, gently apply the resulting mixture to cleansed skin;

  • endure 10 minutes;

  • wash off with warm water;

  • apply moisturizer.

Editorial opinion. In this mask, questions cause lemon juice and honey. The first can provoke irritation of sensitive skin, and the second – an allergy. Think for yourself whether you need to expose your skin to such a risk.

Intensive soothing mask Phyto Corrective Masque, SkinCeuticals

Instantly comforts skin and replenishes moisture loss with a high concentration of revitalizing botanical extracts, soothing dipeptide and hyaluronic acid.
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Safety measures

  1. Before using a mask, especially a self-prepared one, we recommend that you check the composition for tolerance.

  2. Use only fresh ingredients for cooking.

  3. Try to use a homemade mask immediately – storage of such funds is not provided.

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