Face mask for oily skin: homemade or ready-made products?

Oily skin is not easy to take care of. One wrong move and it can become problematic. A whole range of beauty products helps to keep the situation under control. Not the last role in this set is played by masks.

Features and functions of masks for oily skin

Features of composition

The main difference between oily skin and all other types is the high activity of the sebaceous glands. With excess fat (sebum), which are on the surface of the skin, the main chores are associated. What problems does excess sebum cause?
  • Creates an oily sheen.

  • It clogs into the pores, expanding them and creating conditions for the formation of black dots, which can turn into acne.

  • Disrupts the natural process of exfoliation, skin renewal.

  • Becomes the culprit of the fact that cosmetics “floats” and rolls.

The composition of masks for oily skin is designed to solve the problems described above.

  • They do not contain oils. The exception is essential oils with a bactericidal effect (for example, tea tree).

  • Absorbent components (clay, coal) help to effectively draw sebum out of the pores.

  • Acids (salicylic, lipohydroxy acid) are welcome. They help to dry the skin and renew it.

  • Components with bactericidal activity provide the fight against acne.

  • Everyone needs antioxidants regardless of skin type. They help manage stress.

  • Moisturizing ingredients are also necessary for any type of skin. Oily skin reacts to a lack of moisture not with dryness, but with an even more intense secretion of sebum. Therefore, hyaluronic acid, moisturizing extracts of plants and algae are quite appropriate in masks for oily skin.

  • Components are needed that visually narrow the pores (for example, zinc).

Types of masks for oily skin

Today, manufacturers are trying to approach the formulas of products for a particular skin type as comprehensively as possible. Therefore, masks often turn out to be multifunctional. But accents can be made on one or another specific need.
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  • Cleansing Masks are essential for oily skin. Intensive cleansing is the key to clean and smooth skin.

  • Matting help get rid of oily sheen. Clay-based masks have such properties.

  • For tightening pores. Typically, pore-shrinking ingredients are included in cleansing masks.

  • Moisturizers. This category of masks also has special requirements when it comes to oily skin: light texture and lack of lipids (oils).

  • Antioxidant. Masks that help strengthen protection against the negative factors of a toxic urban environment are especially relevant for oily skin, which is extremely sensitive to air pollution that easily clogs pores. In folk terminology, these masks often act as “nutritious” because they contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. But in fact, it is customary to call cosmetics that contain oils and fats that are not very recommended for oily skin.

Expected result after application

What should be the effect of a quality mask?
  • No oily sheen.

  • Pores are less visible.

  • The blackheads are gone (or almost gone).

  • Skin tone is evened out.

  • The skin looks matte, fresh and hydrated.

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Rules for the use of masks at home

Any mask, whether it is the fruit of your own culinary efforts or a finished product in a beautiful jar (bag), requires a special order of use. It’s a whole ritual.

1. Purification

It is quite obvious that there is no point in applying a cosmetic product to uncleaned skin – it simply will not get to it through a layer of cosmetics or its own sebum, carefully developed by the skin to protect it from negative environmental factors.

Cleansing oily skin includes several stages:

  • pre-cleansing with micellar water or lotion;

  • washing with gel or foam;

  • scrub application (2-3 times a week);

  • use of a mask.

2. Rules for applying a mask

Before applying the mask, it is better to steam the skin a little or at least attach a hot towel to the face. The pores will open, and the active ingredients will be more effective.

With fabric and hydrogel masks, everything is very clear – step-by-step instructions are literally drawn on the package. A self-made mask or a ready-made product from a tube or jar is applied to the face in an even, not too thick layer, carefully bypassing the areas around the eyes and lips.

If we are talking about masks for oily skin, then avoiding sensitive areas is especially important, because there the skin is thin, almost devoid of sebaceous glands. The application of components necessary for oily skin can cause a negative reaction.

3. How long to keep

On the packaging of finished masks, the manufacturer indicates the recommended exposure time. The numbers are not taken from the ceiling – the necessary and safe time is calculated. Usually it is about 10 minutes. It is believed that during this time the skin absorbs everything that it needs.

For homemade masks, homemade cosmetics lovers allocate more time – from 15 to 30 minutes. What is it connected with?

  • Perhaps with not too high efficiency of folk recipes.

  • A purely psychological moment also works: in order to prepare a mask, as a rule, you have to tinker – why not start all this for the sake of some 10 minutes?

4. How to wash off the mask correctly

  • Water should be at a comfortable temperature.

  • You can just wash it off with your hands, but with a sponge it will definitely be more convenient.

  • The skin does not need to be strongly rubbed and stretched, move along the massage lines of the face.

Moisturizing masks do not need to be washed off – the excess is removed with a soft cloth.

5. Care after the mask

If the mask was washed off with tap water, then two things must be done:

  • use tonic;

  • apply moisturizer.

Otherwise, all the work will be in vain. Tap water changes the pH of the skin, and without outside help, it will take up to several hours to restore the acid-base balance.

For clarity, here is a detailed scheme for deep skin cleansing using a clay mask, the most popular for oily skin.

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Which mask for oily skin is better to choose: homemade or purchased

Compare homemade and ready-made masks for oily skin




For oily skin, the most popular homemade masks are made from clay. The set of ingredients is usually small. Coconut oil is usually recommended for softening and moisturizing the skin, but it is not suitable for oily skin because it is comedogenic.

Clay masks are also a hit with buyers of cosmetics for oily skin. What distinguishes them from domestic ones:

– the content of different types of clay, which means a richer mineral composition;

— content of thermal water;

– the content of moisturizing substances.


Clay will show absorbent properties both in a homemade and in a purchased mask. But there is a risk of overdrying the skin. That is, the clay will draw out both fat, pollution, and moisture, especially if the mask is overexposed.

The complex effect on the skin, the optimal combination of ingredients, the use of acids in the correct concentration (which is impossible to achieve when making a mask at home) – all this makes purchased masks for oily skin more effective.

Elena Eliseeva

“With the help of homemade white clay masks, there is a risk of “over-cleansing” the skin. Pure clay absorbs both sebum and moisture. Manufacturers, knowing this feature, add moisturizing and softening agents to their mixtures, and at home, girls often knead clay simply with water.


Home masks are definitely for those who are not looking for easy ways. Usually these products have a rough texture, it is difficult to wash off.

The formulas of ready-made masks are developed precisely in order to make the use of products as convenient as possible, so that you do not have to spend too much time applying and removing the product.

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Folk recipes and professional remedies

Professional cosmetics largely grew out of the “folk”. Manufacturers have improved recipes, made the tools more convenient to use. Clay, charcoal, tea, algae – these ingredients are widely used in masks for oily skin care. Compare yourself.

Purifying clay and yogurt mask for oily skin

Act: cleanses the skin and tightens pores, reduces black spots, evens out tone.


  1. 1 tablespoon of dry clay (green, blue, white);

  2. 1 tablespoon yogurt (no filler)

How to cook:

mix yogurt and clay until smooth.

How to use:

  1. wash your face and wipe the skin with tonic;

  2. with a brush, apply the mask in an even layer on the face;

  3. leave for 10 minutes (or until dry);

  4. rinse with cool water;

  5. Wipe your face with tonic and apply a moisturizer.

Mask for oily skin from acne with clay, lemon and cucumber

Act: deeply cleanses the skin, removes blackheads, mattifies, tightens pores.
  1. 1 tablespoon of clay powder;

  2. half a lemon;

  3. half a cucumber

How to cook:

  1. grate the cucumber;

  2. squeeze juice from grated cucumber (1/2 tablespoon);

  3. stir with clay;

  4. squeeze the juice of half a lemon (1/2 tablespoon);

  5. mix with clay and cucumber juice until smooth.

How to use:

  1. wash your face and wipe the skin with tonic;

  2. apply the mask evenly with a brush;

  3. leave for 15 minutes (until it starts to dry);

  4. rinse with cool water;

  5. Wipe your face with tonic and apply a moisturizer.

Nourishing mask with honey for oily skin

Act: deeply cleanses the skin, tightens pores, reduces sebum production, evens out the tone of the face.
  1. 1 tablespoon of dry clay;

  2. 1 tablespoon of water;

  3. 1 teaspoon honey.

How to cook:

  1. dilute the clay with water to a homogeneous consistency, water must be added gradually so that the mixture is not too liquid;

  2. mix the diluted clay with honey.

How to use:

  1. wash your face and wipe the skin with tonic;

  2. Apply the mask evenly and leave for 15 minutes;

  3. rinse with cool water;

  4. Wipe your face with tonic and apply a moisturizer.

Editorial opinion. Clay will degrease the skin, and at the same time draw out moisture. Most likely, even with very oily skin, after such a mask, a feeling of tightness will appear, despite the softening effect of yogurt or even honey. We would recommend using ready-made clay masks, which are more convenient to apply and rinse off. And most importantly, they also include moisturizing ingredients, leaving behind a feeling of freshness and comfort. Plus, ready-made masks, as a rule, contain several types of clay, which, undoubtedly, makes their mineral composition richer.

Zinc steaming face mask, Clear Skin, Garnier

In addition to clay, zinc and salicylic acid, the steaming mask contains moisturizing glycerin and urea. That is, the finished mask intensively cleanses the skin, freeing the pores from impurities, narrows them.

Mask “Magic of Clay. Cleansing and Matting “, L’Oréal Paris

Three types of clay cleanse the skin at once. And for an additional caring effect, eucalyptus extract was introduced into the composition. As with some folk recipes, it contains exfoliating citric acid. The mask helps to cleanse the pores and visibly narrow them. The product contains glycerin, does not dry the skin and has a very pleasant texture.

Mineral pore-cleansing clay mask Mineral Masks, Vichy

Two types of clay are combined with moisturizing glycerin, aloe juice, thermal water and soothing allantoin. The mask acts on the skin very gently and at the same time effectively frees the pores from impurities, narrows them. It only takes 5 minutes to keep it on your face.

Mask for oily problem skin with charcoal

Act: cleanses the skin, mattifies, tightens pores.
  1. 1 tablespoon of clay powder;

  2. 4 activated charcoal tablets;

  3. 1 teaspoon lemon juice

  4. 1 bag of green tea.

How to cook:

  1. brew strong green tea;

  2. crush activated charcoal;

  3. mix coal and clay;

  4. pour lemon juice into the mixture and mix;

  5. Gradually add green tea to the mixture, mixing thoroughly until smooth.

How to use:

  1. wash your face and wipe your face with tonic;

  2. apply an even layer of the mask on the face with a brush or fingers;

  3. leave for 15 minutes;

  4. rinse with cool water;

  5. Wipe your face with tonic and apply a moisturizer.

Editorial opinion. Everything would be fine, only very dirty work – crushing and mixing coal. Yes, and moisturizing components with such a shock cleansing power of clay and coal, this composition is clearly not enough. Black masks are in trend today – better try on the finished one.

Black sheet mask “Cleansing Charcoal. Black tea leaves, Garnier

The sheet mask moisturizes with the help of serum and hyaluronic acid, and also mattifies the skin and cleans the pores, including due to the action of coal. Receiving deep hydration along with intensive cleansing, the skin is charged with a healthy glow, becomes matte, looks fresh.

Moisturizing mask for oily skin

Act: mattifies the skin, tightens pores, improves complexion.


  1. medium tomato;

  2. 1 tablespoon honey.

How to cook:

  1. remove the peel from the tomato;

  2. mash the pulp of the tomato into a puree;

  3. mix the tomato puree with honey.

How to use:

  1. wash your face and wipe the skin with tonic;

  2. apply an even layer of the mask and leave for 15 minutes;

  3. rinse with water;

  4. Wipe your face with tonic and apply a moisturizer.

Editorial opinion. Everyone knows that honey is rich in all sorts of useful substances. And tomato contains the antioxidants lycopene and vitamin C, which are very good for the skin. But no one knows how many of these valuable substances are in a particular tomato. Especially in winter. So the vitamin-antioxidant effect of the mask is a big question.

Hyaluronic tissue aloe mask, Garnier

The moisturizing power of hyaluronic acid and aloe combined in a formula. The mask is suitable for all skin types, including oily. Pleasantly relaxes, restores moisture levels. The skin becomes fresh, looks rested.
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Safety measures

  • Clay and/or charcoal cleansing masks can be done no more than 2-3 times a week so as not to overdry the skin.

  • Moisturizing masks are not forbidden to do daily.

  • Make sure that you are not allergic to the components of home cosmetics.

  • Before kneading the clay to make an oil mask, check if the skin is dehydrated. With a fatty type, dehydration is often expressed in increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Take our dehydration test.

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