Face in summer

Tips from Angelina Mikhailenko, stylist and makeup artist of the popular Chelyabinsk image-club “Svetlana”: why do you need lip varnish, a shimmer for the face, a can of thermal water.

It is not recommended to use a lot of cosmetics on the beach. It can create a feeling of clogged skin, clogged pores. If you don’t think it’s possible to go to the beach without makeup, use lip gloss instead of lipstick. For the eyes – a moisture-resistant pencil, which can be slightly shaded and shaded with it the eyelashes. Apply eyeshadow with your finger to give a subtle glow to the skin. It is suitable for a walk along the beach, for a summer disco.

Shine! Here is the slogan on the beach!

Summer is the time for a tanned body. It is good to use different bronzers and shimmers. Shimmer powder contains a certain amount of shining particles – they will create the effect of light reflection, which will emphasize the relief of the face, make it more expressive. By the way, bronzers and shimmers are an alternative to blush. I recommend applying with a wide brush so as not to overload the skin.

Summer is the time to bronze!

The main goal is to protect the skin from the burning sun, retain moisture, create a feeling of lightness, without overloading the skin with care products and decorative cosmetics. In the summer, we use products with a light texture.

Those who use cosmetics in the city should have a can of thermal water with them. Modern cosmetics easily pass thermal water through themselves, and the skin receives an additional charge of moisture.

Less is better, but better

To prevent the shadows from spreading and flowing from the heat, you should apply them with makeup fixatives. This can be a base under the shade or special fixers. Such professional chips can be found in the store these days.

The sun is the enemy of shadows

For those who love bright lipstick colors, it is recommended to use a more persistent product in the summer, which, however, will dry out the lips. So you have to moisten them additionally – you can use hygienic lipstick. In stores, you can now find a new offer – a professional lipstick: the tube contains a gel / cream with a brush / applicator plus an additional moisturizing gloss that will not let your lips dry out.

News for lovers of bright lipstick: in the spring there was a new product from Yves Saint Laurent – lip varnish. It looks like a bottle of nail polish, it is applied like a lip gloss, but it has a stable structure and looks like a varnish-wet coating.

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