Face building as effective facial exercises and why smiling makes us look older

It is sad to admit the fact that not every woman likes her reflection in the mirror. And the reason is often not a pimple that suddenly jumped up, but more and more enlarging and spreading wrinkles. The first to appear, as a rule, are “crow’s feet” near the eyes.

Expression wrinkles appear after 20 years, when the natural aging process of the skin begins. The reason for their appearance (in addition to heredity) is the repetitive monotonous movements of the muscles. Whether we talk, smile, frown, wonder – all this leads to the appearance of wrinkles. Those who often laugh and squint primarily suffer from wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes (crow’s feet). Someone who wrinkles his forehead, has longitudinal wrinkles on his forehead, frowns – between the eyebrows, smokes – a kind of “ring” around the lips (constantly pulls his lips when inhaling), smiles broadly, bites his lip and wrinkles his nose – nasolabial wrinkles. And there is no getting away from this, it is a natural physiological process.

But, despite the fact that mimic wrinkles are the result of an absolutely normal, natural process, many women worry about them. Someone is actively experimenting with cosmetics, someone decides on plastic surgery, and someone is looking for other ways to deal with them. One of the most common today is face building.

Face building is a system aimed at training the muscles of the face, neck and décolleté (a combination of gymnastics and massage). If we draw an analogy with the already known bodybuilding – building a body, then face building – building a face. Performing certain exercises allows you to restore muscle tone, reduce existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones, improve skin color, tighten the facial contours, and get rid of bags and dark circles around the eyes.

Of course, much in this case also depends on age. Until the age of 25, it is recommended to limit yourself to an easy course 2-3 times a week, aimed at preventing the appearance of wrinkles, and after 25, you have to switch to the classic set. Face-building for women 40-50 years old is already aimed, among other things, at restoring skin elasticity.

Before doing the exercises, be sure to wash and apply a cream to your face. Start slowly, gradually increasing the load (so as not to damage the skin and muscles and not get an anti-dew effect). After physical exertion, you can apply any nourishing mask to your face (nutrients will be more actively absorbed as a result of improved blood circulation by massage). Less often 2-3 times a week, exercise is unproductive, otherwise there will be no visible effect.

It is important to remember: the skin on the face is more sensitive and thin. Therefore, it requires better care. At the same time, do not forget that under the skin on the face there are muscles that require the same regular physical activity as the abdominal muscles (abs), buttocks, arms, etc.

By the way, the correct smile can also be trained. It is important that the cheek rises, while there should be no wrinkles on the forehead, in the corners of the eyes and near the nose. Try it!

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