Face and body endermology – indications for the treatment, contraindications, effects

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Endermology is a mechanical vacuum massage that affects connective tissue. Endermology can be used as a face and body care treatment, except for the breasts. Massage combined with negative pressure helps to activate the metabolism of adipose tissue, and as a result stimulates the production of collagen fibers. The effects that endermology used in the right number of series can bring are slimming, elimination of cellulite, body contouring and improvement of the face contour. Endermology is a real salvation in the fight for a perfectly smooth skin and figure, especially in situations where a healthy diet or regular exercise do not bring the desired results.

Endermology – who can undergo the procedure and how does it work?

The best results can be achieved by people who decide to undergo a series of treatments if you want to fight cellulite, shape your figure and slim your body. Cellulite is a tissue consisting of unnaturally expanded and unevenly distributed fat cells overgrown with fibrous tissue. These compress the lymphatic and blood vessels, leading to hypoxia and edema. The residual fat cells multiply and form fat folds.

Endermology can stop the formation of cellulite, but also undo the already existing effects of this process. Such a treatment oxygenates the skin and accelerates blood circulation, thus stimulating the process of spontaneous biological renewal. By stimulating the metabolism, the body removes toxins and fat faster. Endermology is often used as a rejuvenating treatment.

The treatment intensively stimulates connective tissue cells to produce youth proteins – collagen and elastin. These substances are responsible for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. Endermologie can be used on the face, neck and décolleté. Thanks to this, it is possible to smooth out fine wrinkles, improve the contours of the lips, face and eyes, as well as improve the elasticity and general condition of the facial skin.

  1. Before you decide on a cellulite treatment, you can try Vialise Body Wrapping – a cream with a rich composition that helps reduce orange peel skin.

Endermology – what is the cost of the procedure?

When deciding on endermology, you have to take into account that a single treatment will not bring revolutionary results. The cost of a single treatment is not very high, about PLN 150, but the cost of a series of 10 or 20 treatments required to obtain visible results may seem high.

150 zlotys is the average price of body treatments, while facial endermology is usually a bit cheaper and you can undergo it for about 50 zlotys.

Endermology – what does the procedure look like?

The procedure itself is painless. The patient should wear a tight fitting coverall that protects the skin from direct contact with the head of the equipment. It is computer-controlled and consists of two independently working rollers and a suction chamber.

Under the influence of the pressure generated by the device, a skin fold, taking the shape of a wave, is pulled between the rollers of the head. The skin rolls from the outside to the inside, thanks to which it is possible to influence the deep layers of the skin, and the tissues are stimulated to the regeneration process.

The intensity of the massage depends on the part of the body on which it is performed – it should be gentle on the face, while the abdominal and thigh areas can be massaged more actively.

Endermology – how to prepare for the procedure?

Endermology treatment does not require any special preparations, but it is important to have healthy, undamaged skin in the areas to be treated. It is also worth making sure that you come for the procedure while being completely healthy. Runny nose, infections, increased body temperature, unfortunately, lead to the necessity to postpone the procedure to a more convenient date. This is due to the fact that massage stimulates all processes in the body, including the disease ones.

Some also recommend that you walk for at least one hour a day before endermologic treatments in order to stimulate the elimination of toxins by activating the lymphatic system and perform lymphatic drainage.to help distribute body fat. Strength exercises are also recommended to improve muscle tone, as well as the consumption of approx. 2 liters of water a day.

Endermology – after the procedure

After endermology surgery, it is also important to change your lifestyle to a healthier one. The point is to guarantee yourself the best and longest-lasting results. You should take care of a proper diet and daily physical activity. It is good to drink about 2 liters of water a day after the treatment, eat healthy and perform gentle physical exercises.

It should also be borne in mind that in order to obtain the desired results, a certain number of treatments should be performed, which is agreed with the cosmetologist during consultations.

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Endermology – other effects

Endermology, like other types of massage, affects not only the condition of the skin and muscles, but also the patient’s well-being. During this treatment, endorphins are released in the body, which makes it possible to reduce the perception of pain and release the feeling of relaxation and happiness.

This type of massage will help fight swelling, as it regulates the flow of lymph and blood in the body, as well as pain in muscles, bones and joints. It can also be beneficial in treating ligament and tendon injuries.

Endermology – contraindications

Endermology, although it does patients a lot of good, affects the deep layers of the skin, so it cannot be used by everyone. This type of massage cannot be used in patients with a large number of lipomas, abdominal hernia, phlebitis or active neoplastic disease. Endermologists should not be used by patients with painful varicose veins or a tendency to their formation.

Contraindication to endermologic procedures is taking blood thinners. In addition, contraindications to the treatment are also herpes, skin infection, rosacea, skin inflammation, rash, vitiligo, implanted pacemakers, subcutaneous implants, previous use of injection fillers.

It is also not recommended to perform this procedure during pregnancy and breastfeeding. A side effect of this type of massage may be minor bruises in the massaged areas and a negative impact on existing varicose veins.

Endermology and rehabilitation

Endermology also plays a role in rehabilitation, if you adjust the massage intensity mode to the circumstances, you can get improvement effects.

In endermology, two modes can be distinguished: sports mode and therapeutic mode.

  1. The sports mode of endermology is characterized by a warming effect, preparing the muscles, tendons and ligaments for intense physical exertion with a cosmetic effect, i.e. modeling and firming the figure.
  2. Therapeutic mode, in turn, is great after training or increased physical exertion, when it relaxes the body and regenerates microdamages of muscle fibers. At the same time, it is a kind of extension of training, because it maintains body temperature and the tension of the skin and subcutaneous tissues.

Endermologia a stres

Stress is a real problem in our society today and is often the main cause of various health problems. The rush and worry that people experience in the workplace and even at home make it difficult to reduce stress in their lives. Massage is one of the effective and enjoyable ways to escape stress at least temporarily. This claim has been supported by many studies.

In 2006, an Australian study found that massage therapy is a beneficial tool for nurses’ health as it can lower mental stress levels. In 2016, two US studies found that massage helped reduce stress and anxiety, improve the mood, general health and quality of life of cancer patients, but also had a positive effect on attention deficit, insomnia, pain, and immunity.

A 2017 British study found that massage improves physical, emotional and mental well-being through better sleep, relaxation, stress relief and muscle tension. A 2017 US survey found that approximately 7% (15,4 million) of American adults used massage primarily for the prevention of disease, wellness, or musculoskeletal pain. Most of the respondents reported positive effects of massage on specific health problems and general well-being.

Worth knowing

While most types of tissue massage give you a feeling of complete relaxation, endermologic deep muscle massage is the most effective available. The treatment is great at reducing stress.

Endermology and cellulite

Cellulite is a problem that many women face at some point in their lives. This condition occurs when the underlying fatty deposits push through the connective tissue, usually around the thighs and buttocks. Even people who are active and not overweight can develop cellulite over time.

There is a lot of untrue information about the cause of the problem and how to treat it, but endermology treatments may be your best choice. Deep massage and skin manipulation during the endermology treatment helps to firm and strengthen the connective tissue. In addition, the fat deposits are broken down, resulting in a smoother skin surface.

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Although endermology was first developed to treat burn scars, the benefits of endermologist treatment include other health benefits such as treating back pain, muscle injuries, and cellulite reduction. This effective treatment is relaxing, comfortable and non-invasive, making it a great alternative to liposuction or chiropractic treatments.

Endermology and detoxification of the organism

By removing and eliminating waste products produced by normal cellular activity and environmental toxins, detoxification can help protect us from disease and restore our natural ability to maintain optimal health.

Toxins enter the body through the skin, nasal passage, or mouth, so the body prevents contaminants from overwhelming the system by surrounding it with fat and water before storing them in different parts of the body. While effective, it can strain the body’s own detoxification system (lymphatic, hepatic, intestinal, renal, respiratory, skin and blood systems). These systems can be overburdened as they try to safely excrete toxins. Therefore, it is worth supporting your body and adding detoxification to your wellness program, which can help remove toxins along with excess water and fat from the body.

A series of soothing whole-body endermic treatments will not only improve circulation in treatment areas, research has proven that a unique technique used in the latest generation of endermology machines increases the levels of hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen levels in the skin. The treatments also improve the lymphatic circulation – which is very beneficial for the overall detoxification process of the body.

The lymphatic system is part of the body’s circulatory system that helps clean and process tissue (interstitial) fluid and blood plasma, and plays a key role in the body’s immune system. Having an active lymphatic system is essential to cleanse the body of toxins.

In addition to giving the skin a fresh, healthy glow. Endermologic treatments help to reduce puffiness and improve localized skin tone.

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