Fabric stretch ceilings: pros and cons

Fabric stretch ceilings are an excellent way out for those who plan to create an unusual, elegant interior in their home. According to experts in the field of finishing materials, textile stretch fabrics are practical and completely environmentally friendly types of interior design.

Photo of fabric stretch ceilings

Upholstery of walls and ceilings with beautiful fabrics was practiced many centuries ago. A similar “design solution” can be seen in many former palaces that have now become museums. This means that, if desired, each of us can decorate his bedroom or living room under the royal chambers. Textile ceiling coverings can perfectly support the main theme of interiors in Oriental, Indian, Asian style.

Fabric stretch ceilings, like any type of finish, have their pros and cons. The positive qualities are obvious. For example, this is a great way to mask uneven ceilings in an apartment or private house. There are no obvious seams on the surface of fabric stretch ceilings, it is even and uniform. Textile ceilings during the renovation can not be changed, but simply repainted. They do not need to be heated during installation. Judging by the photo, fabric stretch ceilings give interior designers a lot of room for imagination. This type of finish attracts consumers with a wide variety of colors and textures. Thanks to the lighting around the perimeter, such a ceiling looks even more respectable. The fabric of the ceiling can be classic white, or it can be a kind of photo wallpaper, material with repeating patterns, or even a design picture. Finally, these ceilings are not afraid of the cold and generally respond well to changes in room temperature.

Textile ceiling coverings can perfectly support the main theme of interiors in an oriental, Indian, Asian style.

It is easy to find a lot of reviews on the Internet about how a fabric stretch ceiling “behaves” in practice. So, you can find out about the obvious disadvantages of this type of finishing materials. For example, they cannot be washed with water. Moreover, if the apartment is flooded by the neighbors from above, but the fabric ceiling will not hold back the accumulating water, like a film one. However, fans of this type of finish claim that a number of indisputable advantages of fabric ceilings outweigh all the disadvantages.

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