Ezhemalina Tiberi – variety description

Ezhemalina Tiberi – variety description

Ezhemalina “Tybury” is a welcome guest on the table. The unusual shape of the berries, the subtle aroma and unpretentious nature of the plant are captivating. The blackberry / raspberry hybrid inherits the best qualities of the two berries. If you want to plant something special and exclusive on your garden plot, the result of the work of Scottish breeders, Tiberi, is ideal.

The hybrid appeared at the end of the XNUMXth century as a result of crossing the Avrora blackberry and the Malling Jewel raspberry. In Europe, they immediately appreciated the merits of the new culture, which is characterized by early ripening. Ezhemalina bears fruit for about a month. The fruits ripen by the end of August.

“Taibury” is distinguished by the highest taste qualities

In terms of fertility, Tayberry is inferior to industrial crops: the yield does not exceed 20 t / ha. The advantages of the variety are excellent taste and ease of care.

Yezhemalin has the following characteristics:

  • Fruits are elongated, 5 cm long, grouped in clusters up to 7 pieces. The color of the berries is bright red.
  • Dark green corrugated trifoliate leaves.
  • Shoots 2-2,5 m high. Stems are flexible, creeping, covered with soft thorns.
  • Branches with fruits are short, not hidden behind the foliage.

“Tybury” is distinguished by good keeping quality and transportability. Berries are suitable for long-term storage. In Russia, the plant has become widespread due to its ability to take root in various climatic conditions. Ezhemalina is resistant to most diseases. If you cover it for the period of cold weather, it survives the winter well.

Peculiarities of growing and caring for Tybury

Ezemalina can be planted both in the spring and in the autumn. Summer landing is also possible. There should be at least 1 m between the bushes, at least 1,5 m between the rows. The soil can be of any type. The average monthly growth of the shoot is 40-50 cm. When planting, fill the pit with humus, manure and mineral fertilizers. Embed the seedlings by 2-3 cm. There should be an earthen layer between the roots and fertilizers. It is advisable to mulch the soil with vegetable mulch, compost or humus.

Frequent and abundant watering of the plant has a bad effect on the taste of berries.

Irrigate the ezemalina gently as the soil dries out. After each watering, the soil should be mulched. Feed the plant with mineral fertilizers. Do pruning in late fall. When the shoots reach a height of 2-2,5 m, they should be pinched.

The excellent characteristics of Tiberi stimulate the desire to plant a plant in the garden.

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