Ezhemalina garden: useful properties and contraindications

Until recently, few people knew about the existence of the raspberry. But recently, nurseries have begun to actively sell hybrid seedlings, so many gardeners have been able to appreciate the fruit bush. After all, yemalina was obtained as a result of free pollination of raspberries and blackberries and was able to absorb their best qualities, and even surpass them in taste properties. But before introducing it into the diet, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in advance with the benefits and harms of blackberry for human health.

Ezhemalina garden: useful properties and contraindications

Moderate consumption of hybrid fruits has a beneficial effect on the whole organism.

Description and features of the blackberry

This berry is a drupe consisting of well-linked segments. Its shape is round or hemispherical. Ezhemalin is characterized by a large size and weight in the range of 9-12 g. The surface is without gloss, the pulp is juicy. Harvest dry.

The fruits of the blackberry during the growth period change shade several times. Initially, they are greenish, then turn red and subsequently become almost black. Moreover, unlike blackberries, a dark shade is also present inside the berries. The fruits of the blackberry are fragrant, sweet, in some species with a small amount of sourness.

The hybrid crop ripens much earlier than blackberries. Already at the end of June, at the beginning of July, you can feast on its berries. At the same time, this shrub is characterized by a friendly return of berries.

Ezhemalina garden: useful properties and contraindications

Ripe raspberries are easily separated from the receptacle

The composition and calorie content of the raspberries

This berry, like its close relatives, has a rich chemical composition, which is the reason for its health benefits. Ezhemalin contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, vegetable fats, dietary fiber, organic acids.

Also, the berry is among the low-calorie foods. 100 g of fresh fruit contains only 34 kcal. At the same time, the mass fraction of proteins is 1,5 g, fats – 0,5 g, carbohydrates – 4,4 g. Therefore, it is recommended to include every raspberry in diets and the menu of fasting days.

What is useful for the human body

This product benefits human health, like raspberries, blackberries. The high content of vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system and increase the body’s resistance to colds. The benefits of jellyfish have also been proven for the heart muscle. After all, it contains a lot of potassium, and this element improves brain activity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps normalize blood pressure, removes excess fluid, and improves the functioning of the nervous system.

The benefits of blackberry are also due to the high content of anthocyanins, as evidenced by its dark shade. These substances are natural antioxidants. Their benefit to human health lies in the ability to slow down the aging process, protect cells from the negative effects of toxins.

Yemalin also contains a lot of manganese. Its benefit is that it is involved in the synthesis of hormones such as insulin and thyroxine. Thanks to this, the level of sugar in the blood normalizes, metabolic processes improve.

Organic acids of raspberry also bring benefits to human health. They have diuretic, choleretic effects, prevent the development of putrefactive processes in the digestive organs, increase appetite. Thanks to this, food is better absorbed, problems with its digestion disappear, and constipation disappears.

Important! Ripe raspberries have a slight laxative effect, and berries in technical maturity give a fixing effect.

Benefits health and folic acid, which is present in these fruits. It normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and prevents the development of pathologies. This component is especially important for pregnant women and young children. After all, it is he who contributes to the normal development of the fetus and babies.

Ezhemalin benefits human health and due to the fact that it is rich in calcium. After all, it is extremely important for bone tissue and blood vessels.

The use of blackberry

Ezhemalina has found application in folk medicine and cooking. But in order for it to bring maximum health benefits, it is necessary to use the berry, like others, in a dosed manner.

Ezhemalina garden: useful properties and contraindications

Ezhemalin contains more ascorbic acid than lemon

In folk medicine

Ezhemalin can be used as an aid in the treatment of diseases, as well as their prevention. But in order for the berry to bring maximum benefit, it is recommended to follow the dosages and strictly adhere to the rules for preparing folk remedies.

Effective recipes:

  1. To strengthen the immune system. Eat 1 tbsp daily. fresh raspberries for one month.
  2. With a cold. Add 5-7 crushed berries to tea, and after the drink has cooled to 30 ° C, also 2 tsp. honey. Drink the drink daily three times a day.
  3. For the treatment of angina, acute pharyngitis. Prepare a solution at the rate of 50 ml of blackberry juice and 100 ml of warm boiled water. Gargle 3-4 times a day. The course of therapy is carried out until unpleasant symptoms disappear.
Important! In the treatment of diseases, the berry is mainly used to strengthen the immune system, which allows you to speed up recovery.

In cooking

Ezhemalina is able to benefit the body and as an ingredient for cooking. On its basis, you can cook jams, jams, jellies, marmalade. All of these desserts retain most of the vitamins and minerals. Therefore, their use in the cold season helps to increase the body’s resistance to viruses, bacteria, and infections.

Ezhemalin can also be used as a filling for pies. It retains its consistency well even during heat treatment. And the juice of berries is recommended to be added to sauces for marinating duck, lamb and pork.

Ezhemalina is also suitable for making wine. In this case, the drink has a rich aroma, moderate sweetness and a beautiful dark red hue.

Ezhemalina garden: useful properties and contraindications

Ezhemalin suitable for freezing

Benefits of blackberry leaves

The leaves of a hybrid shrub can also bring health benefits. They also have a rich chemical composition. On their basis, you can prepare an infusion, decoction, tea.

Blackberry leaves have anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. They are recommended for use in the treatment of severe cough, bronchitis, tonsillitis, as well as to strengthen the immune system.

Harm of raspberries and contraindications for use

Despite the benefits of blackberry, in some cases it can be harmful to health. And in order to prevent this, you need to know the main contraindications to its use.

Among them:

  • idiosyncrasy;
  • kidney disease;
  • exacerbation of ulcers, gastritis;
  • gout.
Important! It is necessary to introduce this berry into the diet in small quantities in order to track the reaction of the body.


Knowing the benefits and harms of raspberries, we can say that this berry is in no way inferior to the well-known raspberries and blackberries in terms of its characteristics. Therefore, its popularity is growing every year. And over time, this shrub will be able to take its rightful place in the backyard of every gardener.


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