Ezhemalina is a hybrid, the basis for which were common fruit shrubs – blackberries and raspberries. It was first obtained in the USA, but subsequently breeders from all over the world joined the work on breeding new varieties. The fruits of the hybrid are sweet to taste, but regardless of the type, there is always a small amount of sourness. But this is offset by the large size, stable yield. Growing raspberry requires compliance with certain rules of care. Only in this case, the shrub is able to show high performance annually. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with them in advance.

Ezhemalina is similar in color to blackberries, and to taste – more like raspberries
Features of growing blackberry
Growing a blackberry in a personal plot is in many ways similar to other fruit shrubs. But a feature of this culture is the ability of its shoots to grow rapidly, which requires constant tying and proper care. If you ignore this rule, the shrub will oppress neighboring plants.
Ezhemalin does not have high frost resistance. Its branches can withstand temperatures down to -18 degrees. Therefore, when growing raspberries in Siberia in the country, shoots should be bent to the ground and insulated for the winter. Otherwise, you will not be able to get a high yield.

Ezhemalin with proper care grows in one place for 8-10 years
This hybrid does not respond well to dense plantings. Therefore, seedlings should be placed at a sufficient distance so that they are well ventilated and do not compete with each other for moisture and nutrition. Otherwise, you should follow the standard rules of care, as with other fruit shrubs.
How to plant a blackberry
For planting, one-year-old seedlings with a well-developed root system should be chosen. They should not show signs of disease and pest damage.
When is the best time to plant raspberry
It is recommended to plant raspberries in early spring or autumn, that is, before the start of the growing season or at its end. In the first case, you need to wait until the soil thaws to a depth of 30 cm, and the temperature confidently stays above +10 degrees, regardless of the time of day.
In the second case, planting should be carried out taking into account the climate of the growing region. To properly plant yemalin in the fall, you need to know when permanent frosts usually occur. The procedure must be carried out at least three weeks before. This time is necessary for the full rooting of the seedling after planting. Otherwise, the fragile plant will freeze in winter.
Where is the best place to plant a blackberry on the site
To plant a hybrid, you need to choose an open sunny area, protected from cold gusts of wind. With a lack of light and improper care, the shrub grows green mass to the detriment of the formation of fruits.
It is not necessary to carry out planting of a cranberry on a hill and in a lowland. The site intended for the hybrid should be flat, which will allow moisture to be evenly supplied to the roots. It is allowed to plant a crop at the bottom of low slopes, but you should take care of proper care. In this case, you need to make sure that the plant does not experience a lack of moisture, and also that its roots do not erode the streams of rainwater.
The shrub shows high productivity when planted in sandy and loamy soil with a low acidity level in the range of 5,5-6,5 pH. At the same time, it is important that the soil has good aeration, which will allow air to flow to the roots and eliminate moisture stagnation.

It is unacceptable to grow this fruit shrub on clay soils.
At what distance to plant a blackberry
In the spring or autumn planting of raspberries, seedlings should be placed at a distance of 1 m, and kept 2 m in a row. This allows the plants to fully develop without competing with each other. With this planting scheme, it is easier to care for plants and collect fruits.
Proper planting of the cranberry
The site for planting the raspberries should be dug up two weeks before and all the roots of perennial weeds should be carefully removed. Also, 40 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium sulfide per square meter should be added to the soil. m. According to the same principle, if necessary, the transplantation of the raspberries to a new place is carried out.
Step by step instructions for the procedure:
- Dig a hole measuring 40 by 40 cm, focusing on the volume of the root system.
- Lay crushed stone or broken brick 7 cm thick at the bottom.
- Sprinkle it with earth.
- Place the seedling in the center, placing the root neck at the level of the soil.
- Sprinkle with earth, slightly compact the surface of the soil.
- Make a small ditch along the diameter of the root circle, water abundantly, and then level the ground.
The next day after planting, mulch the soil at the base of the seedlings with straw. This will keep moisture in the soil and prevent the roots from drying out.
How to properly care for the garden plant
Planting and caring for yemalina in the Moscow region is practically no different from other regions of the country. Agricultural technology includes timely watering, top dressing, pruning, tying and mulching. Subject to all recommendations for planting and care, this fruit shrub is able to yield up to 7 kg annually from one plant.
Trimming and shaping
Agrotechnics for growing raspberries involves regular pruning of shoots and crown formation. The yield of the plant directly depends on proper care.
For the first time, the raspberries need to be cut at the end of May or at the beginning of June. By this period, the young branches of the plant grow significantly, so it is recommended to pinch them by 10-15 cm. This will increase the branching and accelerate the ripening of the shoots.
With proper care, pruning should be done a second time in the fall, removing old branches that have lost their potential. You can leave no more than 8-9 well-developed shoots. And cut the rest at the base. And the third time, taking into account the recommendations for care, stripping the crown should be carried out in early spring. At this time, it is necessary to cut off all frozen parts and dry branches.
To get a good harvest at the end of the season, you should properly care for the raspberries in the spring. This shrub belongs to the creeping category. Therefore, he needs support. Tapestry is the best option.
In this case, in early spring, all overwintered shoots must be tied to the wire to the right. And young growing branches should be gradually directed to the left side of the trellis. In autumn, taking into account the rules of care, it is necessary to sort viable shoots, leaving no more than 10 pieces. With more of them, the size of the berries and the volume of the crop decreases.

Yemalina bears fruit on lateral shoots that grow from the main branch
This shrub does not tolerate a lack of moisture in the soil, which leads to drying of the ovary and a decrease in the volume of fruits. Therefore, caring for yemalina involves timely watering. To do this, use settled water with a temperature of + 18-20 degrees. When moistened, the wetting of the soil should be 10 cm. During dry periods, irrigation should be carried out twice in 7 days.
How to feed the cranberries
Taking into account the recommendations for care, the first top dressing of the blackberry should be carried out no earlier than two years after planting. This is due to the fact that an excess of nutrients contributes to high yields, but reduces the frost resistance of the bushes.
The first time to fertilize is recommended in the spring. You can use organic for this. The second time it is necessary to carry out top dressing after fruiting, using 40 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium sulfide per plant.
Proper care of the raspberries involves laying mulch at the base of the bushes during dry periods. This helps to prevent the formation of a crust on the soil surface, overheating of the roots and excessive evaporation of moisture. As mulch, you can use peat, straw. In this case, the thickness of the layer should be 3 cm.

Ezhemalin needs to be covered for the winter when grown in regions with a harsh climate
When and how is it better to transplant jellyfish
With proper planting and proper care, blackberry bushes can be grown in one place for up to 10 years. After this, the plants should be transferred to a new site. It is better to do this in the spring before the start of sap flow. This procedure is carried out in the same way as landing.
Breeding rules for blackberry
This fruit shrub is well propagated by layering and cuttings. In the first case, in early spring, you need to dig in the raspberry shoot along the entire length. And during the season, you should ensure proper care. To do this, it is necessary to keep the soil slightly moist and periodically sprinkle the soil under the germinating seedlings. You can transplant them to a permanent place only after a year.
It is recommended to cut the shrub in June. To do this, cut semi-lignified shoots into pieces with two or three buds. They must be planted directly into the ground. For better rooting, install a mini-greenhouse on top. Landings should be regularly ventilated and moistened as the topsoil dries. It is possible to plant young raspberry seedlings when they are strong enough and grow. After that, they need to provide care, as well as for adult plants.
Diseases and pests
This shrub has a high natural immunity. And subject to the rules of planting and further care, it is not affected by pests and diseases. But in case of inconsistency in growing conditions, the raspberry may suffer from mild anthracnose. In this case, it is necessary to spray the crown of the shrub with “Fundazol”.
Successful cultivation of raspberries in the backyard and cottage depends on following the recommendations for placing the shrub, planting it and following the rules of care. Only in this case, you can count on a high yield of bushes annually.