Ezhemalina Boysenberry is considered one of the best varieties of culture due to its high palatability. However, due to the average level of productivity, it did not gain wide popularity among professionals, but amateur gardeners appreciated it. Since it is precisely about this type of Boysenberry raspberry that one can say: the main thing is not quantity, but quality. However, if you follow the rules of planting and care, you can significantly increase its yield. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements of culture.

Ezhemalina Boysenberry (Bojsenberry): variety description, planting and care, video

Boysenberry combines the best qualities of raspberries and blackberries

History of breeding

Raspberry-blackberry hybrid Boysenberry was bred in 1923 in California. The basis for the species was an unknown variety of raspberries, blackberries and logan berries. Its creator is considered to be a local farmer Rudolf Boysen, which gave the variety its name. The experiment was so successful that attempts were subsequently made to develop new clones of this hybrid variety. But, despite this, Boysenberry raspberry has not lost its relevance for many years due to the excellent taste of berries.

Description of the Boysenberry variety

The hybrid has characteristic differences from other varieties of culture. And for the successful cultivation of Boysenberry raspberries on a personal plot, it is necessary to know the features of its growth.

Bush appearance

The hybrid belongs to the category of creeping types of culture. Its shoots are flexible and strongly branched, do not need to be pinched. Their length reaches 2-4 m. Basically, there are no thorns on the branches, but if the roots are damaged, prickly shoots may appear at the base of the bush.

The young shoots of Boysenberry raspberries are green, but as they mature, they acquire a reddish tint. The branches have a two-year life potential.

The structure of the bush resembles raspberries and blackberries at the same time. At the base, its shoots grow strictly upwards, and above they begin to creep. The leaves of the Boysenberry hybrid are pinnate, light green in color, with serrated edges and a pointed tip. They consist of 5-7 separate segments and are attached to one elongated petiole. The root system of the fruit shrub is well developed, reaching deep layers of the soil.

The flowers of the Boysenberry raspberry are simple, small in size, consisting of five rounded petals. The buds are collected in racemose inflorescences that appear from the axils of the leaves.

Description and taste of berries

The fruits of the Boysenberry raspberries are oval-elongated. During the growth period, they change their color several times. Initially, the berries are green, then red, later becoming almost black.

The average fruit weight is 10-12 g, and in adult shrubs, the mass of individual specimens may be more. The drupe of the Boysenberry raspberry is well-linked, without gloss, juicy. The taste of berries is bright and refined, combines notes of raspberries and blackberries, sweet. The fruits are fragrant. The tasting score of the variety is 4,8 points out of a possible 5.

Important! When comparing the fruits of the hybrid with another common variety of the Taybury culture, experts prefer the first one, since it significantly surpasses it in taste.
Ezhemalina Boysenberry (Bojsenberry): variety description, planting and care, video

When the crop is fully ripe, the separation of berries from the Boysenberry raspberries is dry

Characteristics of the Boysenberry

To provide the hybrid with full care and growing conditions, you need to know the basic requirements of the culture. And for this you need to familiarize yourself with its main characteristics.

Flowering period, ripening period and yield

In the first decade of May, buds begin to bloom on the shrub. The flowering period of the Boysenberry raspberry lasts one month. Since the end of June, berries ripen. The variety is characterized by extended fruiting, which lasts for 2-3 weeks. Therefore, the harvest must be carried out in several stages.

Boysenberry berries are suitable for fresh consumption and winter harvesting. The yield per bush is 5 kg.

Important! Boysenberry raspberry bears fruit on lateral shoots growing from the main branches.

Frost resistance

This hybrid has an average level of frost resistance. It is able to withstand temperatures as low as -18°C. Therefore, for the successful cultivation of Boysenberry raspberries in the central and northern regions, it is necessary to remove the shoots from the trellis, bend them to the ground and warm them for the winter.

And also, additionally, throughout the entire cold period, it is recommended to throw snow on top to protect against freezing. Otherwise, you will not be able to get a high yield.

Disease and pest resistance

One of the advantages of the Boysenberry raspberry is its high natural immunity. Therefore, the shrub is not very susceptible to pests and diseases. But in the case of dense plantings, which leads to insufficient ventilation of the bushes, it can be affected to a mild extent by anthracnose.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Boysenberry raspberry has many advantages that distinguish it from other types of culture. But also this hybrid has certain disadvantages that must be considered.

Ezhemalina Boysenberry (Bojsenberry): variety description, planting and care, video

With proper care, this fruit shrub is able to grow in one place up to 8-10 years.

The main advantages of the Boysenberry raspberry:

  • large-fruited;
  • dessert taste;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • excellent presentation;
  • does not require pinching shoots;
  • high life potential;
  • annual fruiting;
  • powerful bush growth force;
  • universal use of berries;
  • thornlessness;
  • low susceptibility to diseases, pests.


  • average level of frost resistance;
  • low productivity;
  • can give thorny shoots;
  • the crop is not suitable for transportation.

Planting a Boysenberry

The hybrid belongs to the number of photophilous plants. For him, you need to choose well-lit areas throughout the day. With a lack of light, Boysenberry raspberry grows shoots to the detriment of fruit formation.

It is recommended to plant shrubs in sandy or loamy soil with a low acidity level in the range of 5,5-6,5 pH. It is important that the soil has good moisture and air permeability. The groundwater level in the area intended for this hybrid must be at least 1 m.

For planting Boysenberry raspberries, it is recommended to choose one-year-old seedlings with a well-developed root system and no signs of damage or diseases on the shoots. You can plant them in a permanent place in the spring before the start of the growing season and in the fall after it ends. In the second case, it is important that at least three weeks remain before the onset of frost, otherwise the shrub will not have time to take root and die in winter.

The site for Boysenberry raspberries must be prepared at least two weeks before planting. It needs to be dug up, all perennial weeds removed, humus applied at 10 kg per square meter. m and level the surface. It is also recommended to put the seedlings in water a day before the procedure to nourish the roots, which will speed up their adaptation to a new place.

Ezhemalina Boysenberry (Bojsenberry): variety description, planting and care, video

It is unacceptable to grow Boysenberry raspberries in heavy soil

Landing procedure:

  1. Make a hole measuring 40 by 40 cm.
  2. Lay drainage at the bottom with a layer of 10 cm.
  3. Sprinkle it with soil on top.
  4. Add 100 g of wood ash, mix it with the soil.
  5. Place a seedling in the center without deepening the root collar.
  6. Sprinkle the roots with earth, fill all the voids.
  7. Compact the soil at the base of the cranberry.
  8. Liberally pour.

The next day, mulch the soil at the base of the shrub with peat or humus. When planting several seedlings of Boysenberry raspberries, it is necessary to keep a distance of 1 m, and maintain a distance of 2 m in a row.

Boysenberry Care

To successfully grow a hybrid, you must follow some rules of care. All of them are aimed at maintaining the vitality of the plant, which will allow the shrub to fully develop and bear fruit.

The Boysenberry variety is able to easily tolerate short-term drought, but with a long absence of rain, it needs moderate watering. Moisturize in the evening using settled water. The frequency of the procedure is twice a week. During the hottest periods, in order to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the soil, it is recommended to lay a 3 cm layer of mulch at the base of the Boysenberry cranberries.

Important! Stop watering a week before harvest, otherwise the berries will become watery.

Boysenberry Ezhemalin is a creeping shrub that needs to be tied to a support. For this, it is recommended to use tapestries 2,5 m high with transverse rows of stretched wire. In early spring, overwintered shoots should be directed and tied to the right side, and young growing shoots to the left. In autumn, cut off all the branches that have lost their potential at the base, and select no more than ten of the most developed ones from one-year ones, and remove the rest.

Ezhemalina Boysenberry (Bojsenberry): variety description, planting and care, video

With excessive growth of the bush, the yield decreases and the size of the berries decreases.

It is recommended to feed the Boysenberry raspberry twice a season. Fertilize for the first time in the spring, using organic matter: chicken manure 1:15 or mullein 1:10. And the second top dressing is carried out after fruiting. At this time, you need to use superphosphate 40 g and potassium sulfide 25 g per bucket of water.

In late autumn, after cleaning the bushes, it is recommended to lay mulch at their base with a layer of 10 cm, then put the shoots on the ground, previously covered with roofing material. On top of them you need to cover with agrofiber and spruce branches.

Important! You can not lay the mulch close to the shoots of the bush, as this can cause them to warm up.

Reproduction of the Boysenberry raspberry

This hybrid is easily propagated by layering and cuttings. In the first case, it is necessary to deepen the shoot of the plant into the soil by 10 cm before the beginning of the growing season in early spring and fix it with a bracket. In the future, throughout the season, keep the soil slightly moist and periodically add soil under the germinating seedlings of Boysenberry raspberries. You can transplant them to a permanent place only after a year.

It is recommended to cut the hybrid at the end of flowering in the first half of June. In this case, you need to cut the semi-lignified shoots into pieces with 2-3 buds and plant them in the ground. For better rooting, install a mini-greenhouse on top. Sprouts regularly ventilate and moisten as the topsoil dries. It is possible to transfer young Boysenberry seedlings to a permanent place when they are strong enough and grow. After that, they need to provide care, as well as for adult plants.


Ezhemalina Boysenberry is a fruit shrub that many gardeners prefer to grow. And although it is inferior in yield to other types of crops, the taste of its berries will not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, for personal use, according to experts, the variety is the best.

Reviews of gardeners about the Boysenberry jemal

Sergey Stepnov, Bryansk
I have been growing every raspberry for the last ten years. And if I periodically change other varieties, then Boysenberry remains unchanged. The taste qualities really correspond to the declared ones, while the berries exude a pleasant aroma. It is noticed that with a moderate number of shoots within 6-9 pcs. the size of the fruit reaches 4 cm in length, and the weight is about 14 g.
Oksana Maryeva, Smolensk
Ezhemalina Boysenberry appeared on my personal plot more than five years ago. And I have never regretted buying it. Moreover, she removed all other varieties of this fruit shrub, since they are significantly inferior to the hybrid in taste. Boysenberry berries are juicy, sweet, fragrant. The yield per bush is about 5,5 kg.

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