Eyes outside the bedroom window: a mystical story from life

😉 Greetings to mysticism lovers! “Eyes outside the bedroom window” is a mystical case from real life. Hope you find it interesting.

Vladislav No. 3

This terrible story happened to my friend. Inga gave birth for the third time, and again the baby, to whom she again gave the name Vladislav, died.

The firstborn died first. This happened a few days after his birth. The cause of death was never established – the boy was completely healthy, he just fell asleep and did not wake up. The second infant died two weeks after discharge. And again the tears, the funeral. The cause of death has not been established, as in the first case.

Vlad # 3 has been living for the fourth month already. The woman calmed down a little, she had already decided that Fate had taken pity on her and now everything will be fine.

One night the child cried, so much! Inga took him in her arms, but the baby did not calm down. Gives breast – refuses, shakes him in his arms, sings songs. And suddenly her gaze fell on the bedroom window.

And from there, from the darkness, someone looks at her, intently, without looking up, almost point-blank. On the street the night is deep, darkness, nothing is visible, only these eyes. She went to the window and said:

– Who are you? And what are you looking out for at night ?! Get out of here!

Inga drew the curtains. After a while, she again went to the window and looked out through the curtain: it was still dark there, her eyes were a little distant, but they continued to watch.

The woman was seized with anger – she began to peer into the darkness in order to make out the insolent night and the next day to give him a thrashing. But at that moment, the eyes abruptly disappeared, as if they were not there. The kid immediately calmed down and immediately fell asleep.

Old Neighbor’s Advice

Inga has a private house, all the neighbors know each other. It was not customary to close the gate at night in those days. In the morning, the woman complained to her neighbors about a strange “guest” who was spying on her at night.

And exactly one day later Vladik died! An absolutely healthy, strong child. Everything happened in the same way as in the first two cases – it was not possible to establish the cause of death.

Only then the old woman who lived next door told Inge: the eyes that were outside the window – this was death that came for the boy. And she strictly forbade calling the next child Vladislav. According to popular belief, a child should not be given the name of a recently deceased relative.

Eyes outside the bedroom window: a mystical story from life

Despite the fact that the woman really liked this name, she decided to follow the advice of an old neighbor. For the fourth time, her boy was born again, she named him Ivan, and then two more daughters were born – Anna and Elena. Now all these children are over forty and all of them have become happy parents.

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