A very thin, practically unprotected and, as a rule, subject to various negative influences, the area around the eyes is one of the most sensitive areas on the face. The area around the eyes and the eyes themselves require extremely careful care.


The tear film of the eye: a natural defense.

On the surface of the eye is a tear film – a kind of natural protective barrier against various external influences (irritants, dust, etc.). It consists mainly of organic salts, glucose and oxygen, and “nourishes” the upper layer of the cornea. If damaged, it can no longer act as a protective barrier to the eye. There will be a feeling of discomfort: tearing, redness, dryness or itching.


The area around the eyes: the reaction zone.

The skin around the eyes is four times thinner than the rest of the skin. In addition, there are few sebaceous glands in this area, so the hydrolipidic film cannot adequately protect this area from stress. Due to the fact that a person blinks about 10 times a day, the area around the eyes is the most tired and begins to age faster: dark circles, bags under the eyes and fine wrinkles appear. All this makes the area around the eyes even more sensitive, especially if excessively irritating make-up products or unsuitable cosmetic products, such as products containing allergic ingredients or fragrances, are used. These daily microstresses can cause allergic reactions: slight redness, dry skin, itching, swelling, etc.


Specially formulated products to reduce irritation.

Every day in the morning and in the evening it is necessary to use special products for sensitive eyes. Instead of products with a too oily texture, which can cause swelling of the eyelids, you should choose products that are thinner and lighter. Preference should be given to cleansers in the form of a gel or lotion. They are less aggressive and do not leave a greasy film. Also, do not forget to remove contact lenses before removing makeup in order to avoid irritation of the area around the eyes. When it comes to makeup, it’s best to use mascara specifically designed for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers. It is well tolerated during and after application. By eliminating pigments and other components that can cause allergies, this will minimize the risk of allergic reactions, and the skin and eyes will feel comfortable.

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