Eyelash lamination at home
Bright, curled eyelashes, without harm to the hairs – this is a reality! You don’t have to wake up earlier to do your makeup and your eyes will always be expressive! All the details about the eyelash lamination procedure – in our article

The basis of any everyday makeup for girls is painted eyelashes. But what a huge amount of time is spent on this procedure in the morning, instead of a pleasant leisurely breakfast with a cup of coffee. Now imagine that you can wake up already with long beautiful eyelashes that do not need to be painted!

In our material, together with an expert, we will talk about lamination of eyelashes – a real find for fashionistas who value time, but always want to look perfect. Thanks to this procedure, an expressive bending of the hairs is achieved, they look thicker and longer due to staining right up to the very tip. The look becomes more expressive, the eyes seem wider. We will dispel the myths about the dangers of lamination, take a closer look at each stage of the process and answer the most popular questions that concern readers. And the choice is yours!

What is eyelash lamination

Let’s see what this procedure is from a scientific point of view.

Lamination of eyelashes is the lengthening and thickening of hairs by applying special compounds to them, in which contain nutritious oils, useful mineral components, acids, active vitamin elements.

As a result of the procedure, eyelashes acquire a healthy, well-groomed appearance and visually increase in volume. The look becomes expressive and attractive, and it seems that the eyelashes are made up with lengthening mascara.

Advantages of eyelash lamination

The eyelash lamination procedure has a wide list of advantages:

  • Giving volume and length to eyelashes. It’s just what any girl wants. Eyelashes appear longer due to full staining with pigment.
  • Clear bend. For girls with long but straight eyelashes, lamination is a great way to fix their angle.
  • Thickening. The hair is filled with compounds and paint. This visually makes the cilia more dense.
  • Eliminates the need for daily mascara application. Together with lamination, eyelashes go through the painting stage, so after the procedure there will be no need to use additional cosmetics. But if you want to achieve the effect of “doll eyelashes”, you can apply voluminous mascara over lamination.
  • Lack of strict rules. We are talking about restrictions before and after the procedure. Lamination of eyelashes does not require any special preparation.

Cons of eyelash lamination

Perhaps the main disadvantage is the temporary effect (the compositions stay on the eyelashes from one to two months). But, in addition to this, the list of contraindications to the procedure can also be attributed to the minuses:

  • Eye diseases. In case of eye diseases, you should not resort to the lamination procedure in order to avoid injury and exacerbation.
  • Allergy. If you are allergic to any of the drugs, the procedure is not recommended to avoid reactions.
  • Pregnancy. Also, the procedure is not recommended for pregnant women. Since during this period the hormonal background is very changeable, it is worth abandoning the lamination of eyelashes in order to avoid an unpredictable result.

How to do eyelash lamination at home

Like all cosmetic procedures, it is better to have eyelash lamination done by an experienced specialist. But if you want to try to do it at home, then this video will help you cope with the task:

Also lamination of eyelashes can be carried out using gelatin:

Let’s talk about each step of the process in more detail.


The eyelash lamination procedure does not require particularly complex preparation. It is only recommended not to apply creams and oils on the skin of the eyelids a day before the procedure and take care of the absence of contraindications.


Eyelash lamination procedure is carried out in several stages. Let’s consider each of them:

  • Make-up removal and degreasing. Remains of cosmetics are removed from the eyes, and after the cilia are degreased with a special tool. This is necessary for better absorption of the compositions into the hair structure.
  • Roller fixation. The subsequent result of the procedure depends on this stage, since eyelashes are fixed on the roller. This way they will get the desired bend.
  • Application of the first composition. It is needed to soften the eyelashes. Passing through the outer layer of hairs, it helps to rebuild the internal structure of the cilia and open the scales.
  • Application of the second composition. Applied to hold the lashes in the laid out position. Thanks to him, the scales are sealed, which helps to preserve the curl of the cilia.
  • Eyelash coloring. Next is staining. The coloring pigment is evenly applied to the surface of the eyelashes and aged until completely dry.
  • Application of the third composition. This composition is necessary for the nutrition of eyelashes. Keratin is applied to them, adding density to the hairs. The fibers of the composition cling to the hair, making it thicker1

Important: The exposure time of each of the compositions varies from 5 to 25 minutes!

Tip: to maintain the effect of lamination, it is worth applying burdock oil or vitamins A and E to the eyelashes every three days.2

Before and after photos


Like all cosmetic procedures, eyelash lamination can have consequences. Let’s consider them in more detail:

  • Violation of the water-alkaline balance. Keratin, enveloping the eyelashes, can limit the flow of moisture to the hairs, which in turn can slow down the growth of cilia.
  • Reduction of air supply to the cilia. This is not so scary, but still, it is recommended to carry out the lamination procedure on completely healthy hairs.
  • Acceleration of eyelash growth. Yes, the consequences can be not only negative! Laminating compounds improve the structure of the hairs, which can contribute to their growth.

Reviews of specialists about lamination of eyelashes

Kateryna Holomydova, certified lame maker of YustusBeauty studio:

“The procedure can be described with the phrase: “A natural transformation that will emphasize the beauty of your eyes.”

Lamination of eyelashes is safe! If your master is a professional and understands each stage of the procedure (high-quality layout, the correct exposure time of the compositions, the right roller, taking into account the individuality of each client).

It is important to understand that this is not a magical procedure, the cilia do not become longer and more magnificent, but they acquire a beautiful bend and become brighter after the staining stage.

Lamination of eyelashes is suitable for owners of any eyelashes. It will give them a beautiful bend and open the eyes, and it will look as natural and natural as possible.

LifeFac: tinting the eyelashes with mascara, we get a great alternative to extension!”

Popular questions and answers

There are a number of questions that readers are most often interested in regarding eyelash lamination. The most popular of them will be answered Kateryna Holomidova:

What can not be done after lamination of eyelashes?

There are no strict restrictions, but for a good consolidation of the effect, after the procedure, I advise you to follow a few rules:

Do not wet eyelashes with hot water for the first 2 hours;

Do not use decorative cosmetics for the eyes the first day after the procedure;

Do not sleep with your face in the pillow;

Do not rub or scratch your eyes with your hands;

Do not visit the bath / sauna / pool the first day after the lamination procedure.

So your eyelashes will please the eye for a longer time with the lamination effect.

How should I take care of eyelashes after lamination?

Not only our face, but also eyelashes need home care. To maintain their healthy appearance, it is imperative to use moisturizing lash conditioners or care oils, at least several times a week. The best options would be: burdock oil, nut oil or apricot oil. Also, these oils can be mixed for the best effect.

How long does eyelash lamination last?

The effect of eyelash lamination lasts an average of 1,5-2 months. But it is important to understand that everything is individual for each girl, and depends on the time and intensity of hair renewal. Also, home care after the procedure is very important, which will help increase the duration of the effect.

After about 4 weeks, the cilia straighten out as they begin to grow and renew themselves.

Can I use mascara after lamination?

Yes, you certainly may! Feel free to use mascara, it will make the look brighter and emphasize the elegance of the eyelashes. The procedure does not lengthen the hairs, so the eyelashes look natural and natural without mascara.

Is it okay to cry while getting eyelash extensions?

It is impossible to wash off the effect of lamination with tears or water, it only comes off when the eyelashes grow and renew, so tears will not affect them in any way. But if you cry, then only from happiness!
  1. Online Journal of the Union of Trichologists. Url: http://www.trichology.pro/articles/obzory/obzor-sredstv-maskirovki-redkikh-volos.php?sphrase_id=548525
  2. Online Journal of the Union of Trichologists. Url: http://www.trichology.pro/articles/vracham-spetsialistam/boroda.php?sphrase_id=548508

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