Eyebrow correction photo
If you are tired of drawing your eyebrows every morning, which still do not turn out as thick and beautiful as in pictures in glossy magazines, turn to professionals for help!
Microblading allows you to achieve the most natural effect
You have thin and expressionless eyebrows, but have you never heard of microblading? This means that we urgently need to restore the gaps in knowledge! Eyebrow microblading is a 6D manual eyebrow micropigmentation technique. Today this procedure is called the “new era” in the field of manual eyebrow tattooing.
You need this procedure if your eyebrows:
- rare;
- plucked “in a string”;
- partially absent;
- asymmetrical.
According to professionals, microblading allows you to correct natural defects in the shape of the eyebrows for a long time, to mask gaps and scars on the eyebrows, to model the shape and achieve a lasting result for a very long time – up to 2 years. The obvious advantage of the procedure is that it is painless and does not imply a long period of rehabilitation. The work takes place on the upper layers of the skin: each hair is drawn by hand (and not with a machine), so there are no painful sensations during and after the procedure. The pigment does not fade into other shades, as is often the case with conventional tattooing. What are the other differences?
You can find out more details and make an appointment with the master by phone. 8-927-161-84-83.
The procedure has a number of contraindications. Consult your doctor.
Differences from conventional tattooing
The procedure is as comfortable as possible, after it there are no swellings and bleeding
- Realistic result: it is impossible to distinguish your hairs from applied ones (hair drawn 3 times thinner than your own hair) right after the procedure.
- Painlessness of the procedure.
- No swelling after the procedure.
- Stable color: does not fade into other colors, but only loses its intensity over time.
- The ability to recreate the eyebrow in its complete or partial absence.
- No bleeding.
- Depth of pigment introduction is not more than 0,3 mm into the surface layers of the dermis.
- Working with a hand tool allows the master to choose a unique hair pattern for each client individually.
You can find out more details and make an appointment with the master by phone. 8-927-161-84-83.
The procedure has a number of contraindications. Consult your doctor.
How long will the effect last?
To extend the “life” of the eyebrows, it is better to limit manipulation with them.
Typically, such eyebrows “last” 1,5-2 years. The duration of “wearing” eyebrows depends on factors such as oily skin (the fatty, the faster the pigment is absorbed), the sun’s rays (the pigment loses its saturation from sunburn, therefore we lubricate the eyebrows with protective agents in the sun), peels / scrubs (the more manipulations on the eyebrows , the shorter the wear period).
To whom the procedure is contraindicated:
- Tendency to form keloid scars.
- Menstruation.
- Insulin-dependent diabetes.
- Diseases associated with a significant decrease in blood clotting.
- Severe somatic diseases.
- Acute inflammatory diseases.
- The presence of neoplasms of unknown etymology, especially in the areas of tattooing.
- Mental disorders.
- Epilepsy.
- Colds at the time of the procedure.
- Pregnancy + lactation period in the first 4 months. after childbirth.
- Asthma.
You can find out more details and make an appointment with the master by phone. 8-927-161-84-83.