It is especially frustrating when people around you, such as colleagues or family members, tell you about it. Indeed, eye redness can spoil your appearance before going to an important meeting or event.
Let’s look at the causes of this symptom, as well as the possibilities of its treatment and prevention.
Eye redness symptoms
Redness of the eyes is usually caused by dilation of the small blood vessels in the sclera (the white of the eyes). Expanding vessels give the eye a red color, and sometimes form red spots.
Symptoms associated with eye redness include:
- itchy eyes;
- foreign body sensation;
- discharge from the eye;
- pain;
- photophobia.
Redness of the eyes, accompanied by itching, can be a symptom of serious diseases such as glaucoma, keratitis, etc. That is why, if such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a specialist.
Causes of redness of the eyes
The ingress of a foreign body is often the cause of redness and itching of the eyes. If this happens, the eyes must be rinsed with water, then gently move the mote into the corner of the eye and try to remove it.
But there are other causes of redness of the eyes:
- External stimuli. The cause of redness of the eyes can be low temperature, ultraviolet radiation, wind. Direct exposure to a large amount of ultraviolet rays can cause sunburn on the cornea – the front, transparent shell of the eye.
- Chemical substances – these include detergents (shampoo, soap), household chemicals. Also, the cause of redness can be swimming in a pool with chlorinated water, which is why it is recommended to use special glasses when swimming.
- Dust. When dust, sand and other foreign bodies get in, you often want to rub your eyes. However, you should not do this, because this can cause an infection, as well as injure the eye.
- Air conditioning. Prolonged exposure to an air-conditioned room can also cause redness. The fact is that air conditioners can dry out the air and cause “dry eye syndrome”. Normally, the mucous membrane of the eye should be constantly moistened. “Dry eye syndrome” often affects office employees whose work is associated with a long stay at the computer. The main symptoms of this condition are itching, burning eyes, watery eyes.
- Allergic reactions. Allergies to plant pollen, animal hair, house dust can also cause redness and itching of the eyes. In this case, the patient may experience a runny nose, itchy skin and other allergy symptoms. It is important to find out what exactly caused the allergy and eliminate it immediately.
- Contact lenses. Redness of the eyes very often accompanies the wearing of contact lenses and this is a normal reaction at the beginning of their use. Gradually, the body gets used to contact lenses and irritation decreases. If you wear contact lenses for a long time, you may experience a sensation of a foreign body, redness and itching. This is a sign that it is time to replace them. Over time, contact lenses lose their elasticity, and microparticles accumulate on their surface, which can irritate the cornea. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to seek the advice of an ophthalmologist. In some diseases, such as “dry eye syndrome”, inflammation of the cornea, wearing contact lenses is contraindicated.
- Smoking is another cause of eye redness. Tobacco smoke can cause vasoconstriction, which can lead to impaired blood supply to the eye. As a result, irritation occurs, which is manifested by redness and tearing. Moreover, tobacco smoke irritates the mucous membrane of the eyes, and some of its components can cause serious illness.
- Wrong glasses. Correction of vision with glasses should be carried out by a specialist. With the wrong selection of glasses, redness of the eyes is also possible.
- Alcohol. Alcohol abuse is another cause of eye redness. It is known that alcohol intoxication promotes vasodilation, which leads to redness.
- Cosmetical tools. The use of low-quality cosmetics, mascara, shadows can cause redness. This reaction may be associated with an allergic reaction to low-quality cosmetics. To prevent the development of irritation, it is advisable to use proven products of certain brands, apply cosmetics in small quantities.
- Eye strain. Prolonged reading, being in front of a computer screen cause a significant load on the organ of vision. Therefore, it is necessary to take a break every 30-45 minutes, and also do special exercises for the eyes.
- Non-compliance with the daily routine. One of the most common causes of redness is lack of sleep. Many of us try to get everything done through sleep. As a result, the body does not have time to rest and recover, which also affects the eyes. Sleep deprivation causes redness and itching.
- Injuries. Eye injuries can be different, but they are all accompanied by redness. It can be bruises, and thermal burns, and frostbite. When chemicals such as acids and alkalis get into the eyes, chemical burns develop, which are fraught with the development of severe complications, including loss of vision. If you receive such injuries, you should immediately consult a doctor.
- Scleritis – inflammation of the white membrane of the eye (sclera). The main manifestation of scleritis is redness of the eyes, as well as conjunctiva, lacrimation and photophobia.
- Corneal ulcers. Various kinds of trauma, irritation, infection can lead to corneal ulcers. The characteristic symptoms of this disease include redness of the eyes, tearing and discharge. With a deep corneal ulcer, after its healing, a scar remains, often called a thorn.
- Glaucoma is a dangerous disease because it can lead to complete blindness. With this disease, intraocular pressure increases, which dilates blood vessels and leads to redness of the eyes.
- Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, which is usually caused by allergies or external irritants. The characteristic symptoms are swelling and redness of the eyes.
Ways to treat redness of the eyes
First of all, it is necessary to establish the factor that caused the development of redness of the eyes. To do this, you need to contact an ophthalmologist. You can help yourself only if the redness of the eyes is not caused by a serious illness.
- If redness is caused by prolonged work at the computer, reading, you need to give your eyes a rest and perform special exercises.
- In case of lack of sleep, it is necessary to adjust the mode of sleep and wakefulness. The normal duration of sleep for an adult should be at least 8 hours a day.
- The most effective treatment for redness is special eye drops that have a vasoconstrictive effect. However, they may vary depending on the cause of the redness. The doctor should prescribe these or those drops after a thorough diagnosis and diagnosis.
Popular questions and answers
Questions about redness of the eyes, we asked to answer ophthalmologist Ksenia Pavlova.
When to see a doctor for redness of the eyes?
Seek medical attention as soon as possible in the following cases:
● with severe photophobia combined with profuse lacrimation, inability to open the eye;
● pain syndrome (pain can be with pressure on the eyeball, with eye movement, or is permanent);
● with severe visual impairment;
● with pupil asymmetry.
Pay attention to the width of the pupils and their reaction to light: if the pupil is narrow and does not respond to changes in illumination, or, conversely, wide and does not narrow under the influence of bright light, while there is redness of the eye and pain, these are signs of emergency conditions in which it is necessary immediate medical assistance.
The same applies to eye injury, whether it be mechanical, chemical or thermal effects – you cannot do without the help of a doctor.
There are also cases of periodic non-inflammatory reddening of the eyes, for example, after exercise, sudden changes in temperature (hot shower, bath, sauna, etc.), jumps in blood pressure.
This redness is associated with the expansion of the vessels of the conjunctiva, sometimes combined with hemorrhages under the mucous membrane of the eye – all this requires an appeal not only to the ophthalmologist, but also to the therapist to find out the exact cause of the changes and the selection of competent treatment.
Is it possible to cure redness of the eyes with folk remedies?
What can not be done:
● wait for it to go away by itself, thereby aggravating the disease and delaying the cure;
● use such folk methods as washing the eyes with tea leaves, infusions and herbal juice – this can lead to allergic reactions, chemical burns, and washing the eyes with breast milk and urine leads to severe bacterial inflammation of the eye membranes;
● uncontrolled self-treatment with antibacterial and hormonal drops and ointments leads to the emergence of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, and the process can become chronic.
Modern medicine makes it possible to cope with many ophthalmic diseases, if they are detected and treated in time. If you have complaints, you should not delay a visit to a specialist, thereby you will save your eyesight for many years.