Eye patches

For those who know well what bags and dark circles under the eyes are, patches are just a godsend. Traces of stress, sleepless nights and noisy parties do not go away on their own – for this you need to get enough sleep and lead a healthy lifestyle. However, with the help of patches for the skin around the eyes, you can achieve good and fast results.

What are eye patches for?

A fashionable hobby for special stickers for the skin around the eyes cannot be called the know-how of Asian women. On the contrary, we owe the cult of eyelid care to Europe.

Patches for the skin around the eyes are not so new in the beauty world. Cosmetic patches for the lower eyelids (eye pads), as well as compresses from tea bags, as well as cotton pads soaked in serum, have been used for a long time. But until recently they were not so popular. So we must pay tribute to the Korean beauty industry. Thanks to her, these tools have improved significantly. Now with their help it is convenient to get rid of such problems as:
  • bags under the eyes;

  • dark circles;

  • dryness;

  • weakening of turgor in the periorbital zone.

In fact, an eye patch is the same as a sheet or gel face mask. Here are just stickers for the eyelids created taking into account the anatomical and physiological features of this zone. Impregnated with an active composition with valuable ingredients, they quickly have a powerful moisturizing effect and erase signs of fatigue.

Patches for the skin around the eyes help to quickly cope with swelling and swelling in the area around the eyes.

Composition and active substances

An ordinary eye patch is a small piece of fabric soaked in a special essence consisting of water and various moisturizing and nourishing ingredients, among which the following are especially effective:

  • hyaluronic acid;

  • glycerol;

  • vitamins;

  • antioxidants;

  • peptides;

  • collagen;

  • panthenol.

The patch is attached to the skin for at least 10 minutes, which allows the active substances to gradually and evenly penetrate into the surface layers of the epidermis. Actually, this is the main advantage of patches.

Take our quiz to find out what kind of eye care you need.

Types of patches for the skin around the eyes

Thanks to the same Koreans, eye patches come in a variety of shapes: round, crescent-shaped, glasses, and even hearts. However, other characteristics are more important for their classification.

Basis type

  • Fabric eye patches – classic type of patches on a woven basis. It is not recommended to store them in the refrigerator. It is worth keeping the mask on the skin for a strictly specified time, otherwise the opposite effect to the expected one is possible.

  • Gel eye patches – we are talking about the form of jelly-like patches containing a lot of useful components.

  • silicone patches – a type of patch, which is a durable and at the same time plastic “pillows”, which in individual cases can be impregnated with a caring composition.

Number of applications

  1. Disposable patches for the eyes – these include fabric and most hydrogel patches. Impregnated with caring essence, they are stored in disposable sachets and thrown away immediately after use.

  2. Reusable eye patches – usually made of silicone, packed in a special case so that they can be stored in the refrigerator. Classic silicone “stickers” are not impregnated with anything, but they perfectly cool the skin. You can also apply your favorite eye care before applying this patch. Reusable silicone patches are also produced with their own “impregnation”.


  • Moisturizers – toAs the name implies, the purpose of such patches is to moisturize the skin around the eyes, smooth out fine wrinkles. The patches are suitable for thin and sensitive skin.

  • Nourishing – this type of patches usually have a richer composition, which includes hyaluronic acid, peptides.

  • Smoothing – eye patches for wrinkles. The formula often includes ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, snail mucin, colloidal gold.

  • Tonica means of salvation, if you need to quickly and efficiently put your face in order before an important meeting. An ingredient such as caffeine reduces puffiness and refreshes.

  • Brightening – not only brighten the skin under the eyes, but also fight the signs of aging. The composition usually includes stellar anti-aging ingredients: collagen, peptides, hyaluronic acid, ginseng extract, etc.

Usually eye patches are kept on the skin for 10 to 30 minutes.

No wonder they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. They can reveal our innermost secrets without words, which we would not want to make public. Patches for the skin around the eyes will come to the rescue and help to quickly eliminate familiar problems for all of us.

  • Traces of fatigue

    The accelerated pace of life does not always leave the opportunity to fully and thoughtfully take care of yourself. It is rarely possible to even just sit in silence with a cup of tea, and if you succeed, then a book, magazine, Instagram or Facebook feed immediately appears before your eyes. Of course, the eyes are the first to suffer. The skin becomes sluggish, wrinkles appear. Remember your reflection in the mirror the morning after a sleepless night. These are the signs of fatigue.

  • Dark circles and bruising under the eyes

    Another problem that causes a lot of trouble, and most importantly, shamelessly adding age to even the youngest person. Why do they appear? Bend your fingers: lack of sleep, overwork, stress, smoking, alcohol abuse, neglect of physical education and walks in the fresh air.

  • Edema, bags, swelling

    This is a headache for people who, for a number of reasons, sleep little, including young mothers. Puffy eyes are also familiar to those who like to treat themselves to salty before going to bed, drink an extra cup of tea or a glass of wine. All this gives rise to bags and puffiness under the eyes.

  • Wrinkles, crow’s feet

    “Crow’s feet” and small wrinkles around the eyes are a sign of a light character and smiling. Laugh to your health, but don’t forget to take care of your skin. Eye patches will become a lifesaver. However, wrinkles around the eyes appear ahead of time and in those who squint, trying to see something. Check your eyesight and order glasses if necessary.

  • Dryness

    Skin around the eyes practically devoid of sebaceous glands. That is why it is recommended to moisten it as often as possible. Otherwise, premature wrinkles are guaranteed.

Patches for the skin around the eyes: ranking of the best

We’ve compiled a few examples of effective eye patches that Healthy-Food considers the best.

Eye patches “Moisturizing + Fresh look”, Garnier

Eye patches soaked in a refreshing “cocktail” with hyaluronic acid and orange juice pleasantly cool and refresh the skin, the look becomes just as rested and fresh.

Sheet mask for the skin around the eyes “Moisturizing + elasticity”, against bags and dark circles, Garnier

Infused with an ultra-light formula with coconut water & hyaluronic acid. Intensely hydrates and effectively refreshes the eye area, leaving skin instantly smoother and more toned.

Toning sheet mask for the skin around the eyes “Age expert 35+”, L’Oréal Paris

Mask-glasses with collagen, hyaluronic acid and coconut water in the composition actively cares for the skin. The mask also has a cooling effect, helps to reduce the severity of bags under the eyes.

Hydrogel mask for the skin around the eyes Advanced Génifique Yeux Light Pearl 360 Eye Mask, Lancôme

The hydrogel goggle patches are wide enough to cover not only the lower eyelids, but also the skin under them, as well as capture the eyebrows and temple areas, which expands the scope of the mask. One mask contains the same amount of probiotic extract as half a bottle of the 20 ml serum of the same name. The audience is delighted, and we join.

Fabric eye patches “Moisturizing + youthful glow”, Garnier

The patches cool the skin by 4 degrees, which helps to quickly get rid of signs of fatigue, this is also facilitated by hyaluronic acid and green tea in the product formula. Patches also fight wrinkles and give a more youthful look.

Sheet eye mask before bedtime “Moisturizing + evening care”, Garnier

The mask in the form of a real sleep mask is infused with an effective formula with camellia extract, coconut juice and hyaluronic acid. Fatigue from the eye area relieves like a hand.

How to choose patches for the skin around the eyes

Patches are among the tools that are recommended to be used regularly at any age. Which ones to choose should be decided individually, taking into account existing problems and goals.

Some cosmetologists believe that patches should be applied daily, applying to the skin of the lower eyelids after cleansing for 10 minutes.

How to use eye patches

Patches work best as an SOS tool when you need to look your best, because you can use them at any time of the day. But ideally – in the morning, after cleansing and toning the skin.

It is not recommended to wash your face immediately after using the patches. The rest of the product should be driven into the skin with fingertips.

The patch is placed on the skin so that the narrower side is facing the inner corner of the eye. The main thing is that the product fits snugly, otherwise the effectiveness will remain in question.

Safety measures

As with any other cosmetic product, care must be taken when using patches. What does it mean?

  1. Try to attach the patch carefully – so as not to get on the mucous membrane of the eye.

  2. Before the first use, just in case, check the product for tolerance.

  3. Do not use patches if you have conjunctivitis or other diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

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