Eye pain: causes and treatment. Video
Pain in the eyes, or ophthalmalgia, manifests itself in the form of burning, tingling, pulsation in and around the eyeball itself. A person experiences different sensations – from slight discomfort to severe suffering. An ailment occurs as a result of trauma, glaucoma, neurological and systemic diseases.
Eye pain: causes and treatment
Causes of eye pain and possible treatment
There are many reasons for the appearance of pain in the eyes. One of them is sinusitis – a stuffy nose. To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to rinse the sinuses, then carry out the appropriate treatment. Migraine is no less dangerous. An effective therapy for this disease has not yet been invented, and pain relievers are selected individually.
Eyes can also hurt from working at the computer. Every hour you need to take a break, blink, look at a distant object, rotate your shoulders and head. This will help relieve spasm and tension. Less often, unpleasant sensations appear due to conjunctivitis. This inflammatory condition sometimes causes severe pain in the eyeball.
If there is even a slight pain in the eye, it is necessary to urgently consult an ophthalmologist who will conduct an examination and prescribe a suitable treatment.
Visual impairment also provokes the appearance of long-term pain. It is necessary to choose glasses, lenses or treat the disease through surgery.
The trigeminal nerve, a diseased tooth, or trauma to the cornea with a mechanical object can cause pain in the eye. In this case, home treatment cannot be dispensed with and it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist. During a cold, immunity decreases and the herpes virus is activated, the pain from which can be given to the eye.
Allergy to pollen is the cause of eye disease. In 30% of cases, this ailment develops on the mucous membrane. As a rule, such a patient is prescribed special skin tests to identify the pathogen. Treatment of such conjunctivitis is carried out on the recommendation of a doctor.
While swimming in rivers and ponds, you can get chlamydial infection
Most often, it affects one eye, at the same time the lymph nodes on this side increase, often with ear inflammation – otitis media or eustachitis. It is necessary to conduct a bacteriological analysis, and then undergo a course of treatment.
Contact lenses are also a cause of pain. Specialists of the Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after V.I. Helmholtz concluded that about 85% of cases of certain types of keratitis – eye lesions by fungi and microscopic parasites – are associated with wearing glasses substitutes. To avoid this side effect, change the lenses according to the instructions and use only a sterile solution.
Tearing of the mucous membrane can provoke astigmatism disease. If you do not carry out treatment, headache, redness of the eyes will begin. Blepharitis is very dangerous. With this disease, the eyes not only watery, but also itch, there is a feeling of a foreign body and eyelash loss may begin.
Tears are also produced with a chemical burn. In addition, they are joined by sudden, severe pain, photophobia.
If this happens, see a doctor immediately.
A common, but equally dangerous, is a household corneal abrasion. Symptoms here are expressed as a sensation of a foreign body, lacrimation, photophobia and redness of the conjunctiva. The same signs occur with recurrent erosion. And bacterial and fungal ulcers can also cause severe pain in the eye, provoke the appearance of purulent discharge, the eyelids become sticky, and vision is severely impaired. In any of the cases described, at least an eye examination by an ophthalmologist is required.
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