Eye hematoma
A contusion of the eye is a fairly common injury, so you can call any blow with a blunt object to the eye area. Such a bruise can be obtained not only in a fight, as you might think when you see a person with a bruise. In fact, the most common causes are everyday situations, falls, as well as sports injuries.

What is a hematoma?

Most often, after a blow, blood vessels are damaged and ruptured, which leads to internal hemorrhage and the appearance of a hematoma on the skin, which in everyday life we ​​call a bruise. If, however, the inner membranes of the eye were injured during a bruise, then this is no longer just a bruise, but hemophthalmus.

Depending on the severity of the blow, the consequences of such a bruise can be different, up to a sudden loss of vision, so it is important to immediately conduct a preliminary examination. This can be done independently in the first minutes after injury.

How to get rid of eye hematoma

If you received a blow, then, first of all, check visual acuity: for this you need to close your healthy eye, and move the bruised eyeball in different directions, checking its mobility. Make sure that there is no “double vision” in the eyes, that the vessels inside the eye are not damaged and the eyeball is the usual white color, without redness.

When you are convinced that swelling and a small bruise have formed only around the eye on the eyelids, there are no wounds on them, the white of the eye is not damaged, and visual acuity is not lost, it is necessary to stop the spread of hematoma on the face as soon as possible.

Apply cold

It can be any frozen product wrapped in a clean towel. Ice should be applied every hour for 15 to 20 minutes for the next 24 hours.

Do not press or rub your eyes

Try not to do physical work or play sports for at least 24 hours after the injury, so as not to increase the bleeding.

A day later, you can apply a special ointment based on heparin or bodyagi. It will help speed up the process of resorption of the bruise.

Do not heat the injury site. For 7 to 10 days, try to avoid saunas and hot baths.

Popular questions and answers

We asked you to answer popular questions ophthalmologist, head of the emergency department Alexander Kovalev.

What are the possible complications of an eye hematoma?

Untimely treatment can cost you loss of vision if the lens was displaced from the force of the blow, retinal detachment or damage to the lacrimal canaliculus, if the blow fell in the corner of the eye. In the latter case, you need to see a doctor in the next 2-3 hours, otherwise it will be impossible to restore it.

If the blow was very strong, it is necessary to exclude fractures of the bones of the face, so seeking medical help is very important.

When to call a doctor for an eye hematoma?

It is important to know that if it darkens in the injured eye, then an internal hemorrhage has nevertheless occurred, and in this case, a visit to the doctor is necessary. Indications are also the presence of wounds on the skin around the eye and protein. You should immediately go to the ophthalmic emergency room, where you will have a complete examination of both eyes.

It is better to get to the point on your own if there is no bleeding. Emergency doctors simply do not have special equipment to conduct a full examination of the inner membranes of the eye, and in any case they will bring you to the ophthalmology emergency room.

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