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Exudate is a word that certainly does not evoke positive associations and, unfortunately, rightly so. It is a fluid that appears when blood elements seep through the walls of blood vessels where some inflammation has developed. As a result of exudates, secondary changes appear, which may be fibrosis and degeneration. This, in turn, may be the basis of future ailments or malfunction of various organs of the body.

Effortsthat appear in the areas of the joints, in the pleural or peritoneal cavity, are considered local reactions of the body to the emerging inflammation. And though exudation allows you to fight the causes of inflammation, it very often causes further ailments, and may also be the basis for further complications.

Exudate – causes and formation

If the serous membranes begin to show inflammation, it is almost certain that in addition to superficial changes, they will begin to form exudes. And just as a runny nose or conjunctivitis develop on the surface of the membranes, closed areas such as the pleural cavity, peritoneum or intra-articular space will develop exudes. Accumulating fluid most often causes many unpleasant symptoms that the patient has to deal with.

Efforts arise due to seepage of fluid from the blood vessels. Their walls are no longer tight as a result of inflammatory changes within them. Blood elements, such as various types of proteins, most often albumin and globulins, pass beyond the area of ​​the vessel. Lymphocytes, granulocytes and a fibroma also come out. It is the presence of white blood cells and globulins that enables the fight against bacteria and viruses responsible for the development of inflammation. Sometimes though exudation appears regardless of inflammation. Then its causes are most often injuries or other autoimmune processes. Such exudation it does not change the picture of the disease, but is often the cause of worsening of symptoms. Exudation – excess fluid – usually a discharge that is slightly denser and more viscous than water.

Types of exudates

Type of exudate it is determined depending on the composition of the fluid that forms it. If the main component of the fluid is plasma proteins, then we are dealing with serum exudate. In the case where the protein mainly seeps through the wall of the blood vessel, which precipitates during the blood clotting process, most often in the form of fibers, we are dealing with fibrinous exudate. In turn purulent exudate appears when there are a lot of granulocytes in the fluid.

However, there are rarely unambiguous figures exudates. Most often in liquids accumulating in excess there is a mixture of various elements and it is difficult to precisely determine or define the type.

For wounds with high exudate, it is worth using appropriate dressings that will effectively reduce the exudate and at the same time accelerate healing. We recommend, among others Suprasorb P sensitive sacrum silicone foam dressing or Suprasorb P sensitive border lite silicone foam dressing available in various sizes on Medonet Market.

Knee joint effusion

Basically everyone exudation in a joint is a confirmation that the joint has become inflamed. This one could be for various reasons. The reason for the exudate it can be trauma, rheumatic diseases, systemic lupus or even degenerative changes. Medical statistics prove that the most common exudes appear in the area of ​​the knee joints, because they are exposed to a huge number of injuries, and they have a very complex structure. If there is little fluid, you may not even notice it exudatebut more of it certainly causes ailments that will not go unnoticed anymore. You feel then a significant increase in the circumference of the knee, which also clearly limits the mobility and often causes a lot of pain.

The fluid can often be felt during a normal physical examination. In situations that are not entirely clear, an ultrasound examination is used, which finally confirms the presence of fluid. Most often, in order to prevent possible complications, excess fluid is removed during puncture. The procedure involves inserting a long needle into the articular space and sucking out all the fluid with a syringe.

Pleural and peritoneal effusion

A very common complication of pleurisy is the appearance of exudate In this area. Exudation in the pleural cavity, it may also appear as a result of peripheral neoplastic lesions within the lungs. In fact, each pleurisy is associated with very severe pain and a nagging cough. Appearance exudate it alleviates these symptoms, but increases the feeling of breathlessness. Pumping fluid can be identified by auscultation of the chest or by taking an X-ray.

In turn, exudation in the peritoneal cavity is a consequence of inflammation of the peritoneum itself. It accumulates extremely quickly and in huge amounts, sometimes leading to serious complications. Patients most often have to undergo surgery to remove excess fluid.

Effects – complications

Efforts Unfortunately, they are the cause of various types of fibrosis and calcification of joint tissues and serous membranes. They affect the blood supply and functioning of various organs that are covered with these membranes, because even adhesions of the pleural leaves can cause atelectasis or edema, and in turn, adhesions in the peritoneum can cause intestinal obstruction. Efforts degenerative changes in the joints, a exudes around the eye can cause disturbances in the mobility of the eyeball and glaucoma.

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