Extreme weather at the Tokyo Olympics. What happens to a person when it is hot and muggy?

Dangerous weather in Tokyo has already been warned before the Olympic Games. – The climate there is deadly, it can destroy everything – said Robert Korzeniowski. In fact, the heat pouring from the sky and high humidity are a life-threatening mixture. One of her victims was, among others archer who suffered from sunstroke. What happens to a person in humid heat? Check and remember. This is important.

  1. Due to the heat of 35 degrees Celsius and high humidity, the Tokyo IO has a chance to become the hottest in history
  2. This so-called humid heat is very dangerous, especially during greater physical exertion
  3. Under such conditions, the body’s ability to cool is impaired, the internal body temperature rises, which may result in complications and even death
  4. How can you tell if your body is overheating? The neurologist indicates the most important symptoms
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Damp heat at the Tokyo Olympics

Sports rivalry is not the only thing that warms up the atmosphere at the Olympic Games in Tokyo – the weather also plays a part in it. And this is the weather that can be safely said to be extreme. Thanks to the heat reaching 35 degrees C and the accompanying high (currently over 70%) air humidity, the Olympic Games in Tokyo are set to go into the hottest ever – notes the website inews.co.uk.

Unfortunately, the so-called humid heat (i.e. when it is hot, muggy and stuffy) is a very dangerous situation, especially during greater physical exertion, not to mention struggles during the most prestigious sports event.

– The climate there is deadly and can ruin everything – said Robert Korzeniowski, one of the best Polish sportsmen in history, about the weather conditions in the capital of Japan. He himself had the opportunity to compete in Tokyo in 1991 in the world championship. In retrospect, he believes that it was his most difficult start in his career. And it is precisely because of the weather conditions. – It was about 30 degrees C and almost 100 percent. humidity. If I am not mistaken, it was then that the 50 km walk was completed by the fewest competitors in the history of the World Cup. The competition was extremely difficult – he recalls.

  1. Why is the heat harmful to us?

The effects of the humid heat in Tokyo made themselves felt even before the Olympic Games officially opened. The media reported on the archer, Svetlana Gomboyeva, who fainted and fell shortly after the ranking round was over. The specialists who took care of her quickly said that she had suffered a sunstroke. Medical interventions were also needed in the rowers. Due to the heat, she also felt bad, among others the ball-feeding girl during the match of tennis player Magda Linette.

  1. More on the heat in Tokyo

Hot and muggy. What happens to a person in such conditions? Important!

Most people find it much harder to withstand heat combined with high air humidity than high temperatures alone. Travelers to the Middle East say that a temperature of 45 degrees in dry air is better than 35 degrees with a humidity of 90-100 percent. (from tvn24.pl/tvnmeteo).

The reason for this is known. High humidity interferes with our ability to cool the body. Mariusz Błoński explained it very well in the pages of Kopalnia Wiedzy. «To cool down the body, the skin must be cooler than the inside and the environment cooler than the skin. We cool ourselves as sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin ». At high temperatures and air humidity, sweat evaporation is difficult, it takes longer and slower, eventually it may stop completely. As a result, the temperature inside the body rises above the tolerated level, overload and disturbances in the functioning of the organs occur, which may result in lethargy, complications and even death.

A person who has experienced overheating has heart palpitations, dizziness, skin becomes pale, then dry, contact with the environment is disturbed, delirium may appear, and a very strong headache may appear. There is often nausea, vomiting, and unconsciousness may occur. The first symptom, an alarming signal that you need to leave the sun as soon as possible, is the appearance of a feeling of weakness.

– We start to get stuffy, weak, our heart beats faster. If you feel dizzy, it is the last call to hide in the shadows – warned neurologist Dr. Olga Milczarek in an interview with Medonet.

The whole interview of Dr. Milczarek: In heat, the brain can literally boil over. What is the threat of this? Explains the neurologist

How to prevent overheating of the body? Methods used in Tokyo

The organizers of the event are doing everything they can to make the heat as little as possible. Fans have at their disposal special tents where you can shelter from the scorching sun, portable air conditioners, manual fans, and there have been reports of cooling seat pads. There are also refrigerators with water.

It is also known, for example, that rowers put on cooling vests after the start, and tennis players put ice towels on their backs during breaks.

Even before the Olympics, Robert Korzeniowski appealed to the Olympians not to forget to constantly hydrate the body and not to be afraid of air conditioning. – First of all, do not avoid air conditioning. Set it in your room at 24-25 degrees. Drink a lot and drink regularly. Look for shade everywhere and … calm down. And if you train, it is in the early morning – said the four-time Olympic champion in walking.

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