Extracurricular reading grade 8: list of literature Russia, books, stories
At age 14, extracurricular reading in grade 8 can play a big role in a teen’s life. During this period, they are prone to maximalism, go against attitudes, and often this transitional period becomes one of the most difficult in communication between a child and a parent. Reading literature at this age can help a student find his place in the world and realize important things.
How summer reading can help a student
Reading in the last years of high school is not popular. Usually children just read the abstracts of books and use them in literature lessons. There are few teenagers reading now. But literature is useful at any age, and in the 8th grade, it also prepares for the upcoming exams.
Extracurricular reading in grade 8 prepares the student for the OGE. This will help him write an essay successfully.
Reading helps your adolescent move through adolescence more calmly. This period is especially important, and it usually becomes the most difficult. At the age of 14, a student can get into the wrong company, his relationship with his parents deteriorates, he is in the process of growing up, a personality is being formed. Therefore, it is important that during this period of his life the right people were nearby, and he received the necessary information. Summer reading will help the teenager to realize important things, to form his view of the world and become psychologically stable.
Reading prepares you for exams. Ahead is the OGE with an essay in the Russian language, and if a student goes to grade 11, then the winter essay, which is admission to the exam. To successfully write both essays, a teenager must be able to argue his point of view, as well as give examples. The quality of the student’s speech is assessed separately. Books come in handy to solve all these problems. They contribute to the development of critical thinking, teach argumentation and giving examples, make speech cleaner and richer.
Develops horizons and inner peace. A 14-year-old child is on the verge of going to high school. The problems that arise in poems, stories and stories for this age become serious. Reading shapes the concepts of love and friendship, as at this age children begin to take a special interest in the opposite sex. The literature will give an idea of this.
It is important that parents help their child find motivation to read books. There are children who love this process themselves and do not need help. But there are also those who prefer to spend time on the street or at the computer.
For grade 8, must-read in Russia are:
- “The Captain’s Daughter” and “The Queen of Spades” by Pushkin;
- “The Inspector General” by Gogol;
- “Asya” Turgenev;
- Tolstoy’s Hadji Murad;
- “Wild Dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love” by Fraerman;
- “Three Comrades” Remarque;
- “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” by Vasiliev;
- “The Book Thief” Zuzak;
- Jane Air Bronte;
- McCullough’s The Thorn Birds;
- To Kill a Mockingbird by Lee;
- “Oblomov” by Goncharov;
- Gogol’s Taras Bulba;
- Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet;
Also, the child can read other literature that he likes. Learning poems will be of additional benefit. This will help develop memory.
Reading in grade 8 can help students in many ways. Parents should encourage their children to read and pay more attention to it. Although the school has literature lessons, they are not always interesting, and additional reading is needed to form the student’s views.