Extract root in Excel with formula and function

Among the basic mathematical calculations, in addition to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, one can single out exponentiation and the inverse action – extracting the root. Let’s see how you can perform the last action in Excel in different ways.


Method 1: Using the ROOT Function

Many operations in the program are implemented using special functions, and extracting the root is no exception. In this case, we need an operator ROOT, whose formula looks like this:


To perform the calculation, it is enough to write this formula in any free cell (or in the formula bar, after selecting the desired cell). Word “number”, respectively, we change to a numeric value, the root of which needs to be found.

Extract root in Excel with formula and function

When everything is ready, press the key Enter and we get the required result.

Extract root in Excel with formula and function

Instead of a number, you can also specify the address of the cell containing the number.

Extract root in Excel with formula and function

You can specify the cell coordinates either manually by entering them using the keys on the keyboard, or simply by clicking on it when the cursor is in the right place in the formula.

Inserting a formula through the Function Wizard

You can use the formula to extract the root through the insert function window. Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Having selected the cell in which we want to perform calculations, click on the button “Insert function” (fx).Extract root in Excel with formula and function
  2. In the function wizard window, select a category “Mathematical”, mark the operator “ROOT” and click OK.Extract root in Excel with formula and function
  3. We will see a window with a function argument to fill in. As with manually writing a formula, you can specify a specific number or a reference to a cell containing a numeric value. At the same time, the coordinates can be specified by typing them using the keyboard or simply by clicking on the desired element in the table itself.Extract root in Excel with formula and function
  4. Clicking a button OK we will get the result in the cell with the function.Extract root in Excel with formula and function

Inserting a function through the “Formulas” tab

  1. We get up in the cell in which we want to perform calculations. Clicking on the button “Mathematical” in the tools section “Function Library”.Extract root in Excel with formula and function
  2. Scrolling through the proposed list, find and click on the item “ROOT”.Extract root in Excel with formula and function
  3. The screen will display a familiar window with an argument that you need to fill in, then click the button OK.Extract root in Excel with formula and function

Method 2: Finding the root by raising to a power

The method described above makes it easy to extract the square root of a number, however, it is no longer suitable for a cubic one. But this task in Excel is realizable. To do this, the numerical value must be raised to a fractional power, where the numerator will be “1”, and in the denominator – a number indicating the degree of the root (n).

In general, the formula looks like this:


The undoubted advantage of this method is that we can extract the root of any degree by replacing the letter “n” in the denominator of a fraction by the required digit.

First, let’s look at the formula for taking the square root. It looks like this: =(Number)^(1/2).

Accordingly, the expression below will be used to calculate the cube root:


Let’s say we need to extract the cube root of the number 27. In this case, we need to write the following formula in a cell: = 27 ^ (1/3).

Extract root in Excel with formula and function

Pressing Enter, we get the result of calculations.

Extract root in Excel with formula and function

Similar to working with the function ROOT, instead of a specific number, you can specify a cell reference.

Extract root in Excel with formula and function


Thus, in Excel, you can easily extract the root of any number, and you can do this in many ways. In addition, the capabilities of the program allow you to perform calculations to extract not only the square, but also the cube root. In rare cases, you need to find the root of the n-degree, but this task is quite simple to perform in the program.

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