External hemorrhoids in women is one of the most common diseases. Very often the problem appears during pregnancy and childbirth and remains for many years. At the same time, many representatives of the weaker sex suffer discomfort and self-medicate, but do not go to the doctor.
Our expert Anastasia Repina spoke about the causes of external hemorrhoids in women and explained how dangerous this disease is. She also listed topical methods of treating external hemorrhoids in women, advised preventive measures and methods that would help relieve exacerbation at home.
What are external hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids is a disease in which the veins of the lower rectum expand and the hemorrhoids located outside the anus increase. Knots (also called “bumps”) are located under the skin and look like soft elastic formations in the anal sphincter area.1. At the initial stage of the disease, they practically do not interfere, only sometimes they cause inconvenience during hygiene procedures.
The picture changes as the disease progresses and causes complications. In this case, the nodes increase in size, become dense and painful to the touch, and can provoke inflammation of nearby tissues and bleeding.
Hemorrhoids are acute and chronic2. Doctors distinguish 4 stages of chronic hemorrhoids and 3 – acute. Patients with stage 2–3 acute hemorrhoids and stage 2–4 chronic often require emergency hospitalization2. Only this fact suggests that hemorrhoids are much more dangerous than they think about it.
Causes of external hemorrhoids in women
The causes of external hemorrhoids in women and men are practically the same. First of all, it is a sedentary lifestyle that causes stagnation of blood in the pelvis. Other causes of external hemorrhoids in women include:
- excessive physical activity and heavy lifting;
- congenital venous insufficiency;
- abuse of laxatives;
- lack of fiber and water in the diet;
- anal intimate contacts;
- bowel disorders – constipation and diarrhea;
- age-related changes associated with weight gain and a decrease in the elasticity of ligaments and blood vessels.
Pregnancy and childbirth is a typically “female” cause of external hemorrhoids. During pregnancy, the volume of blood circulating in the body increases, and connective tissues, including hemorrhoids, become more elastic and easily stretched. Due to the pressure of the uterus on the vessels of the abdominal cavity, blood circulation in them slows down. The veins of the lower rectum overflow with blood, so the external hemorrhoids increase in size. During childbirth, a woman has to push, which further increases the load on the vessels and provokes the development of hemorrhoids.
Symptoms of external hemorrhoids in women
The appearance of skin nodules and “fringes” outside the anal canal is the most characteristic symptom of external hemorrhoids in women.3. Periodically, these nodules swell, become inflamed and become painful. The disease can also be accompanied by itching and burning in the anus.
Bleeding is sometimes observed, however, with the external form of the disease, they are rarely abundant. Usually, blood is excreted in small portions during a bowel movement.
Bleeding and severe pain often accompany hemorrhoid thrombosis. This is a common complication of external hemorrhoids in women, in which a blood clot forms in the hemorrhoidal “bump”.3. It clogs blood vessels and even more disrupts blood circulation, causes inflammation of the hemorrhoid and surrounding tissues.3. The intensity of pain depends on the size and location of the thrombus.3. Painful sensations can be very strong, especially during bowel movements.
Effective treatment of external hemorrhoids in women
For the treatment of external hemorrhoids in women, conservative and surgical methods are used. Conservative therapy is effective in the early stages of the disease. In the later stages and with the development of complications, emergency or elective surgery may be required.
Treatment of external hemorrhoids in women begins with an examination, which usually includes an external examination, anoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test1.
Barium enema and colonoscopy may be needed if certain symptoms are present and if the woman is over 50 years of age1. These methods evaluate the condition of the large intestine and part of the ileum, identify benign and malignant tumors and pathologies such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.1.
Hemorrhoids is a disease of the veins, in which the tone decreases and the permeability of the vascular wall increases. Therefore, the doctor may prescribe phlebotropic drugs (FLP) to the patient in the form of tablets.4. Phlebodia, Detralex, Glivenol, Troxerutin and others.
FLP have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, make the vascular wall stronger and more elastic, improve venous tone and blood circulation4.
To relieve exacerbations, rectal suppositories with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and thrombolytic effects are used. Relief suppositories, Procto-glivenol, Proctosedil and others showed good efficiency.
Ointments and Gels
Ointments and gels are perhaps the most popular drugs for the conservative treatment of external hemorrhoids in women. They are easy to use, quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms, do not affect the stomach and liver.
Ointments and gels have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and healing effect, prevent the development of infection and prevent blood clots from forming. For example, Proctosedyl ointment contains hydrocortisone, which effectively suppresses inflammation, and Relief ointment contains the anesthetic benzocaine, which can quickly relieve pain. However, you need to understand that ointments, like other external agents, cannot cure hemorrhoids completely. The only way to get rid of hemorrhoids is through surgery.
Hemorrhoidectomy, or surgical removal of hemorrhoids, remains one of the most effective treatments for stage 3-4 hemorrhoids.4. The operation is carried out if conservative methods are ineffective. To remove hemorrhoids and blood clots, a radio wave scalpel or laser is more often used.4. As a rule, the operation does not last long and in more than 90% of cases gives good results.
Very often, external hemorrhoids are combined with internal ones. In this case, other options for surgical intervention can be used, for example, laser hemorrhoidoplasty and desarterization of arterial nodes with mucopexy.
Prevention of external hemorrhoids in women at home
Measures to prevent external hemorrhoids in women will help prevent the development of the disease and stop its progression. Prevention is primarily a change in lifestyle, the rejection of bad habits and control over well-being.
A balanced diet will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce weight and improve metabolism. To prevent hemorrhoids, doctors advise to give up fast food, alcohol, sweets, fried and fatty foods.
The diet should include enough water and foods high in fiber. This will help to avoid constipation and thick stools – the causes of many problems in proctology.
Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles are a good way to prevent external hemorrhoids in women. Performing a simple gymnastic complex takes only 10-15 minutes a day, but it strengthens the muscle wall, improves blood circulation and eliminates blood stasis in the small pelvis.
Healthy women can do exercises without restrictions, patients with hemorrhoids should first consult a doctor.
Physical activity
We must not forget about the usual physical activity for at least 40 minutes a day. You can walk, do fitness, swimming and yoga. The main thing is not to lift weights, as this can provoke hemorrhoidal disease.
Toilet Rules
From the point of view of proctology, the ideal stool is soft and comfortable, and a bowel movement takes a maximum of three minutes. This means that going to the toilet should be short. You should not stay there for half an hour reading “War and Peace” and browsing social networks. After a bowel movement, use wet toilet paper or a hygienic shower.
Popular questions and answers
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Sources of:
- Clinical recommendations of the association of coloproctologists of Russia for the diagnosis and detection of hemorrhoids. 2019, Volume 18, No. 1
- clinical protocol. Haemorrhoids. Expert commission on health issues, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 12, 2013.
- Clinical guidelines. Haemorrhoids. 2022 Association of Coloproctologists of Russia.
- Clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute and chronic hemorrhoids. Association of Coloproctologists of Russia. year 2013.