External hemorrhoids in men
Excess weight, snacks on the go, sedentary work, hard physical labor – this is what modern men can “boast about”. Is it any wonder that with age, many are faced with such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is a disease in which the blood flow of the veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus is disturbed. With external hemorrhoids, the veins in the anus expand, blood stagnation occurs. With a timely visit to the doctor, it is easier to get rid of the disease. We understand how the disease occurs, and how external hemorrhoids in men are treated.

What are external hemorrhoids

To begin with, let’s consider from an anatomical point of view what external hemorrhoids are. There are many blood vessels in the human rectum, and this area is richly supplied with blood.

Conventionally, hemorrhoids are divided into two types – external (external) and internal. In the first case, hemorrhoids become inflamed outside the anus. As the disease worsens, they can be felt on their own. If we are talking about internal hemorrhoids, then the nodes are formed under the mucous membrane of the rectum, inside the anal canal1. In this case, a man may not be aware of the development of the disease for a long time.

The diagnosis of “external hemorrhoids” can be established by a proctologist when the veins of the anus expand, and due to stagnation of blood, hemorrhoids increase in size and become inflamed. This pathological process is accompanied by pain, itching and blood during defecation.

Causes of external hemorrhoids in men

Like any other disease, external hemorrhoids in men have their own causes. The disease develops due to a violation of the outflow of blood, which can be provoked by:

  • Stool disorders (frequent diarrhea, constipation);
  • Excessive physical activity – for example, lifting weights. Hemorrhoids often occur against the background of an incorrectly distributed load during training;
  • Passive lifestyle;
  • Excess weight;
  • Bad eating habits.

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids in men

At the appointment with the proctologist, the patient complains of pain and blood during defecation, burning and itching in the anus. If the disease progresses, a man may find a volume seal or bump around the anus. The skin in this place is thin, extremely sensitive to touch. These are the main symptoms of external hemorrhoids in men.

Sometimes the patient may feel heaviness and pressure in the anus. Against the background of painful bowel movements, psychological constipation can develop, when a person deliberately puts off going to the toilet so as not to experience pain2.

However, not only hemorrhoids are accompanied by bleeding and pain. Proctologists call several diagnoses with similar symptoms: for example, paraproctitis or inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue around the anus. Only timely diagnosis will help to establish the correct diagnosis.

In a patient with suspected hemorrhoids, a colonoscopy may be recommended. This examination of the rectum using an endoscope helps to exclude benign and malignant neoplasms, as well as other ailments that may have symptoms similar to hemorrhoids.

Effective treatment of external hemorrhoids in men

The key to successful treatment of external hemorrhoids in men is an integrated approach. Exclude self-diagnosis and any self-treatment. Trying to cure hemorrhoids with folk methods, you can only aggravate the situation.

First you need to make an accurate diagnosis, exclude an anal fissure, abscess, precancerous conditions and other pathologies. This can only be done by a qualified proctologist. After making a diagnosis, the doctor will select medicines – tablets, rectal suppositories, medicinal ointments3.


First of all, you need to get rid of the root cause of hemorrhoids. With blood stagnation, venous tone is reduced, therefore, the doctor selects a drug to increase it. When bleeding requires a means to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. A specialist may prescribe venotonics, such as Detralex or Detravenol, to reduce congestion.

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Much more often in the treatment of hemorrhoids, rectal suppositories are used. This is a great way to relieve pain and reduce local inflammation without overloading the stomach with drugs. Also, suppositories from hemorrhoids have a bactericidal effect and protect against infection if hemorrhoids are damaged. Proctosan and Relief suppositories and other rectal suppositories showed good efficacy in the treatment of external hemorrhoids.


Often, proctologists prescribe ointments for the treatment of external hemorrhoids. Their advantage is that they quickly remove burning and itching in the anus, and also contribute to the healing of microcracks. If the ointment belongs to the group of anticoagulants, then it can be used as a local prevention of thrombosis. Doctors often recommend heparin ointment, Troxevasin and others.


Unfortunately, drug therapy is not omnipotent. If it is an advanced stage of external hemorrhoids, surgical treatment may be required. The operation is called a hemorrhoidectomy, during which hemorrhoids are excised. The risk of recurrence after such an intervention is minimal, but this operation is performed only with hemorrhoids of 3 and 4 degrees.

Recall that hemorrhoids have only 4 degrees. Grade 1 is characterized by the almost complete absence of the inflammatory process against the background of venous congestion. And the last 4 degree is accompanied by heavy bleeding, prolapse of nodes (with internal hemorrhoids) and thrombosis.

At 3-4 stages of external hemorrhoids, inflamed nodes are removed surgically. The operation is called hemorrhoidectomy, it is performed using a laser, conventional or radio wave scalpel.

At 2-3 stages of hemorrhoids, it is possible to influence the nodes with the help of infrared radiation. The procedure is called infrared photocoagulation. With the help of a heat beam, the surface of the hemorrhoidal node is “cauterized” in several places. This disrupts the blood supply to the node and causes it to atrophy. The procedure takes a few minutes and does not cause discomfort.3.

Prevention of external hemorrhoids in men at home

No matter how effective the methods of treating hemorrhoids are, it is better to prevent its occurrence and development, following the simple rules of prevention.

  1. An active lifestyle will help maintain normal blood flow and lymph flow;
  2. After a bowel movement, it is better to wash yourself, and not use toilet paper, which can injure the skin;
  3. It is extremely important to work out in the gym in your weight category, without exceeding the permissible load;
  4. Heavy lifting is best kept to a minimum.


You can prevent constipation by organizing proper nutrition and drinking regimen. Include foods high in fiber in your diet, because it is this fiber that contributes to normal intestinal motility. Cereals, fresh vegetables, nuts must be present in your diet. Avoid spicy and spicy foods. Be sure to drink enough fluids, because with a lack of water in the body, feces harden and can damage the tissues of the intestine and anus.


Light gymnastics is also an excellent prevention of hemorrhoids, as it normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic area. Just 15 minutes of daily exercises familiar to you since school (“birch tree”, “bicycle”, “scissors”, lifting the pelvis in the supine position, etc.) reduce the risk of developing external and internal hemorrhoids.

Popular questions and answers

What external hemorrhoids look like in men, how to quickly relieve pain during exacerbation and answers other popular questions vascular surgeon, phlebologist Aziz Suleymanov.

What does a hemorrhoid look like?

– With external hemorrhoids, this is a small bump under the skin around the anus. To the touch, the node is mobile, soft, but painful. As the disease progresses, the number of nodes may increase. However, it happens that the node is one and grows in size as the amount of stagnant blood increases.

How long do external hemorrhoids last?

– If treatment is started in a timely manner, and the degree of hemorrhoids is not severe, then 2 weeks to get rid of discomfort will be enough. If you follow all the recommendations of the doctor, recovery will take less time.

How to relieve exacerbation of hemorrhoids at home?

– Before consulting a doctor for acute symptoms of hemorrhoids, you can help yourself with cold compresses. If there is no bleeding, you can resort to a bath with infusions of medicinal herbs and plants. Remember, self-medication only aggravates the situation, and unpleasant symptoms remain much longer.


  1. Modern concepts of the pathogenesis and treatment of hemorrhoids, Rivkin V. L. Medical Council, No. 2-2, 2013. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sovremennye-kontseptsii-patogeneza-i-lecheniya-gemorroya-1
  2. Haemorrhoids. Parfenov A.I. Medical advice. No. 9-10, 2010. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/gemorroy/viewer
  3. The effectiveness of minimally invasive methods in the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids II-III stages. Groshilin V.S., Ulyanovsk Biomedical Journal No. 2, 2017

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