Express diets for weight loss. Video

Express diets for weight loss. Video

The Express Diet is a quick and reliable way to lose a few extra pounds. At the same time, any express diet is based on a healthy diet. The essence of most diets is to lose weight through cleansing and healing. But do not forget that the express diet does not have to be long.

Express weight loss diets

The lifesaver – express diet

For urgent weight loss, it is very popular today to resort to express diets that help in a short time. But using this “magic” effect is very careful. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor. In addition, to get effective results, you need to combine a fast diet with exercise.

How do fast diets work? So, express weight loss is based, first of all, on the loss of excess fluid by the body. But the fat cells remain in place, since it takes a little longer to burn fatty tissue. This is why a fast diet is not a guarantee of consistent results. This means that the lost weight can return after the end of fasting. In addition, frequent express diets can lead to metabolic disorders. Another disadvantage of the fast diet is that it does not teach a healthy and balanced diet.

Of course, there are positive aspects to any express diet, otherwise they would not be so popular. The main plus of several days of fasting is that you can put yourself in order in a rather short period of time. In addition, if you suffer from frequent edema, then a diet can be usefully used to remove excess fluid from the body. Also, a fast diet is a good start for starting a new lifestyle and fostering healthy eating habits.

Any express diet can be a good incentive that will not allow you to stop at the achieved weight.

At its core, express diets are nothing more than various types of mono diets, low-calorie and low-carb fasting. So, here are some effective and not complicated express diet menus.

Three-day diet for a sweet tooth:

On the first day of the diet, you can eat:

  • egg and honey cocktail for breakfast;
  • for lunch, low-fat cheese and tea with honey without sugar;
  • for dinner, light vegetable puree soup and fruits.

The menu for the second day of the diet will consist of:

  • breakfast unchanged;
  • as lunch – low-fat cottage cheese;
  • honey-egg cocktail and sugar-free tea;
  • dinner – lean meat or fish.

The third day:

  • breakfast – fruits and honey-egg cocktail;
  • lunch – vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice and sunflower oil;
  • dinner – stewed vegetables, boiled egg and tea with honey.

Another example of an express diet:


  • coarse bread, yogurt, any fruit;


  • a small portion of boiled potatoes with chicken;


  • rice porridge, herbs and fruits.

In addition, you can resort to a cardinal diet, which is based on the use of green tea, water, vegetable soups and salads without dressing. Diet models are especially popular, the menu of which is based on cottage cheese and tea. During a diet for breakfast, you can afford a boiled egg, but during the day you need to eat cottage cheese without sour cream, washed down with green tea without sugar.

The so-called kefir diet of Larisa Dolina is also very famous.

If you love vegetable soups, then this express diet is for you. Just make a menu of your favorite soups (only vegetables and water, plus a little salt) for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This will allow you to quickly lose two to four kilograms. But do not cook soups in meat broths and do not season them with sour cream and even more so with mayonnaise.

See also: medicinal and beneficial properties of burdock

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