Express course: how to lose weight 4 weeks before the New Year

On the eve of the holidays, we all want to be beautiful and thin, but instead of preparing for this in advance and starting to lose weight at least six months before the main night, we leave everything to the last moment. It seems that losing weight in a month is possible only if you do not eat anything and exercise every day, but this is far from the case. Our experts have put together a complete guide for you to help you lose weight quickly and without harm to your body.

The first step to a perfect body is nutrition. Perhaps this stage will be the most difficult, but at the same time very effective. You do not need to go on a strict diet, otherwise during the New Year holidays you will gain even more kilograms than you lost. A simple and balanced diet is your weapon.

Leonid Elkin, doctor, author of his own weight correction method:

– Protein should be the main component of your balanced diet, but in the morning, do not deny yourself healthy carbohydrates. Boiled eggs, a few slices of baked turkey breast, black bread toast, half an avocado, and a cucumber are a good example of a balanced breakfast.

Drink no more than 2 liters of any liquid (including just water, liquid foods, and tea) per day. It is important not to overload the lymphatic system: the body must completely drive out all the fluid, preventing it from stagnating. At the same time, drink coffee without milk, black tea, but it is better to refuse green tea.

Vladimir Geraskin, master trainer of group programs World Class Tverskaya:

– Reduce consumption of simple carbohydrates to a minimum (such as sugar, baked goods, bread, white rice, sweets). It is necessary to include a sufficient amount of protein in the diet – about 1-1,5 grams per kilogram of weight, eat a lot of vegetables – lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.

Eat complex carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch (cereals, whole grains), but also in limited quantities. A serving of carbs should be about the size of your palm. Leave the amount of fat at 1 gram per kilogram of body weight and use nuts, avocados, eggs, and oily fish as a source of fat.

After you have built your diet and began to drink enough water, it is worth moving on to training. You need to understand that if you have not been involved in sports before, you will not achieve incredible results in four weeks, but you will still be able to tone your body. If you are a trained person and are slightly overweight, then the process of losing weight before the New Year will be easier for you.

Vladimir Geraskin, master trainer of group programs World Class Tverskaya:

– For beginners, start with simple cardiovascular workouts such as a treadmill, elliptical or ladder trainer, and stationary bike. Start your workout with 20-30 minutes on an easy mode, gradually adding 5-10 minutes. After your cardio workouts have reached about 60 minutes of time, you should turn on the strength training.

At the initial stage, these will be the most effective workouts. Try to include more multi-joint exercises such as squats, pull-ups, platform steps, push-ups. This type of workout will burn more calories. After a workout in the gym, do a cardio-short on any cardio machine for 20-30 minutes. Also, during cardio sessions, you should keep your heart rate in the first heart rate zone. This is the area where fat breakdown occurs most actively. For an approximate calculation of this heart rate zone, you can use a simple formula: (220 – age) * 0,6 – this will be the lower limit of the heart rate for you, (220 – age) * 0,7 – the upper limit. Keep your heart rate in this zone using the incline on the treadmill or ellipse, and the resistance on the stationary bike.

There should be about three workouts per week in the gym, and an additional 2-3 long workouts (from 50 to 70 minutes) on cardiovascular equipment on certain days.

In addition to proper nutrition and regular exercise, you need to go to a body specialist who will make your skin more elastic, elastic, and also save you a couple of extra pounds using various methods.

Felix Jesus, body specialist, spa therapist at Remedy Lab:

– A month before the New Year, it is recommended to start a spa program aimed at reducing the volume of liquids, preferably with a cooling effect. For example, so-called cold wraps, lymphatic drainage massage, hardware procedures based on endosphere therapy (for example, procedures on the Beautylizer apparatus), LPG procedures are suitable.

To improve microcirculation, pay attention to vacuum massage procedures, manual anti-cellulite massage, hardware infrared techniques, cryotherapy and mesotherapy (the course and frequency of procedures are selected individually).

Having received the first results, do not rush to eat sweets right away – in this case, the body can begin to store fat twice as fast.

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