Conferences for the Catering and Hospitality sector in the city of Valencia.
Innovation and the management of hospitality establishments have their appointment in the city of Valencia, tomorrow, March 4.
In an Express conference, as the program of its content so advances us, issues related to distribution, supplies, and daily management of hospitality premises, such as Restaurants, Hotels, etc … will be dealt with.
His goal has always been to help Horec business managersto, as well as to responsables de Food & Beverage, in the tasks of negotiation, supply management, supply chain optimization and cost optimization.
Each filtering bag Distributors of food products, beverages, equipment, furniture, kitchenware and other items, they will have a great opportunity to spend 24 hours with their potential customers to publicize the wide range of their companies and especially the specific solutions that the sector increasingly demands with greater insistence.
Hardware, software, work clothes and decoration are already fundamental pieces of the supply chain of a hospitality business that not only values the raw material but must make the same innovation effort in the other factors that help to be a benchmark and a trend channeler within the XNUMXst century consumers
It’s Jornadas Express, will be held throughout this year in various Spanish cities, and specifically this first, will take place in the Mediterranean city of Valencia.
Talks and workshops will be of great use to visitors to the meeting, where the latest consumer trends and current affairs in gastronomic marketing will be one of the fundamental pillars of these 2015 editions.