Any gas equipment carries a potential hazard. Can a gas stove explode? For some reason, many users believe that operating a boiler or column is much more dangerous than, for example, a gas stove. Is it so? Under normal conditions, there will be no explosion, but improper installation or breakdowns can increase this probability.
For what reasons does technology explode, how to avoid such a fate? Let’s consider in detail.
Why would an explosion happen?
Experts list the main reasons for such consequences:
- Self-connection. Note that it is allowed do-it-yourself column installation and installation. You can hang the device, bring a water pipeline to it. But you must entrust the connection to the gas main to a professional. First you need to collect documents and permits for installation. Then you contact the gas service, which will come to the call and connect the device. Only then can the column be put into operation.
- Soviet geyser. Why is it dangerous? Outdated equipment does not have a protection system. This includes control sensors, thermostats that monitor the operation of each node. In the event of overheating or fuel leakage, the old apparatus will not respond.
It has been proven that an explosion occurs at a concentration of gas in the air up to 5–15%.
- Unauthorized changes in the design of equipment. It is forbidden to change anything in the speaker device yourself. If the work is disrupted, not only a breakdown, but also an explosion is quite possible.
Can a modern gas boiler / column explode
Theoretically, for the technique to explode, the following reasons are necessary:
- An empty pipe is heated without heat carrier.
- The water in the radiator does not circulate, but stands and boils to critical temperatures.
Both that, and another is impossible because even in the cheapest columns of “Economy class” the security system is installed. Empty pipes will not heat up, because until you open the mixer to supply water, the burner will not start. And as soon as you close it, the heating will stop.
Heating temperature, liquid flow rate are controlled by special sensors. All models are equipped with these sensors:
- Thermal sensor. Monitors temperature rise. As soon as the water heats up to the set value, it gives a signal to the main module and it turns off the heating.
- flow sensor. Fixes the speed of pressure in the pipes.
- Flexible diaphragm. Serves to open the gas valve. If the pressure in the line is sufficient, then the membrane is bent and the fuel enters the burner. As soon as the pressure decreases, the membrane returns to its original position and the gas supply stops.
- Ionization sensor. If the flame in the burner goes out, the sensor gives a signal to turn off the equipment.
- Removal product sensor. Reacts to the lack of draft in the chimney. Ideally, the smoke should exit normally through the smoke shaft. If this does not happen, protection is triggered. Did you hear that it smells like burning? Then check the chimney. In case of blockage, the mine is cleaned.
Smell of gas from the boiler in the house? Close the shut-off valves and call the gas service to check.
Danger arises when technology gets out of control. What experts recommend doing to avoid accidents:
- Buy heating equipment only in specialized stores. Get a warranty so that in the event of a breakdown, contact the service center.
- Trust the connection to specialists.
- Once a year, carry out breakdown prevention and maintenance. Clean components and parts from scale, soot and blockages.
- If problems are observed during ignition (the column bangs, claps), be sure to contact the master.
Any technique can be dangerous if used incorrectly. Control the operation of your devices, then you do not have to deal with the consequences.