Exploring the vastu: a yoga-style house

Exploring the vastu: a yoga-style house

Wise Hindus, who gave the world Ayurveda, the science of long life, and yoga, the doctrine of the improvement of body and spirit, revealed another secret to humanity. Vastu is the art of arranging living space.

Vastu house

This is an ancient Indian teaching describing the layout of a house built in harmony with the laws of nature. This teaching originated long before the appearance of Hinduism, that is, more than 10 years ago. Its founders are considered to be Indian sages, the progenitors of yoga. Both yoga and vastu are designed to improve a person’s physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Only yoga is focused on the body, and vastu is focused on the environment surrounding this body.

Vastu and feng shui

Some scholars believe that feng shui has its origins in the vastu teachings. A set of rules that helps harmonize space most likely penetrated into China along with merchants and sailors who traded with India, and the monks then streamlined this knowledge and gave it a new direction. Both sciences really have a lot in common. In particular, the concept of the harmonious circulation of energy in the house. In vastu, this substance is called prana, in feng shui – qi. However, if the Chinese teaching is aimed mainly at the internal arrangement of the dwelling, then the vastu attaches great importance to the organization of the external environment – in particular, he is worried about the shape of the site and its orientation to the cardinal points. So, for example, according to ancient Indian canons, houses and plots on which they are built must certainly be rectangular. This, according to Vastu experts, allows you to concentrate vital energy coming from the north and east there, and at the same time protect the inhabitants of the house from negative influence emanating from the west and south. Even the taste of the vastu earth matters. You must try it before buying. Sour is good for those who are in business, bitter is ideal for the military, and sweet is perfect for teachers and scientists.

As in the Chinese teachings of feng shui, in the vastu, the main reason for the lack of harmony and well-being in the house is considered to be garbage and disorder.

Orientation on the ground

Vastu adherents believe that the thoughts and state of mind of a person directly depend on the harmonious circulation of energy in his home and on the site. The main goal of the teaching is to attract the positive forces of nature into the house and block negative flows. Based on this, the orientation of the premises in the house to the cardinal points is very important. Therefore, before starting to study vastu, it is worth equipping yourself with a compass. According to Vedic science, the north side of the house is responsible for work and professional activities, the southwest for relationships. The northwest is for walking and the northeast is for education. Guided by this division, the ancient Indian architects not only planned the interior space of the dwelling, but also erected entire cities… The main focus of the vastu is on the eastern and western parts of the house, since it is these areas that receive the largest charge of solar energy. And the more sun in the house, the more harmonious and prosperous the life of its inhabitants. North and South along the vastu “feed” from the energy of the earth and the poles of the planet. It is important that the interior layout of the house allows solar and magnetic energy to flow in a clockwise direction and accumulate in the southwestern part of the room. In a non-rectangular building, in which there are extensions or lacking corners, energy begins to stagnate, which, according to Indian sages, leads to depression and ruin. The main place in the house is its center. A stream of cosmic energy passes through it. So that nothing interferes with this process, the center of the house, according to the vastu, must remain completely empty (in India, a statue of Buddha is erected on this place) and perfectly clean.

The ancient Indians believed that everything on earth, including the human body, consists of five basic elements: earth, water, fire, wind (air) and ether. These elements and their energies exist both within us and outside. Their proportional relationship affects the quality of our life. The vastu set of rules teaches how to balance all five elements when building a house.

EARTH: the house is good to build on a hill. If the site has a slight slope to the west or northeast, even better. These cardinal points are associated with the energy of the sun and therefore are considered favorable financially.

WATER: the correct circulation of water in the home is just as important as the circulation of energy. Bathrooms, showers or the pool are recommended to be located in the northeastern part of the house. But water storage tanks (if any) are in the northwest.

FIRE: the place of fire in the house is southeast. In this side, you should plan a kitchen, a fireplace, install any electric heating appliances. However, the placement of electrical appliances in the northeast is also allowed.

AIR: the air flow must pass through the northeast side of the house. That is, this is where doors, windows, air conditioners and air cleaning systems, as well as balconies and verandas should be located.

ETHER: by this the ancient Hindus understood the boundless space of the Universe. All the other four elements exist in the ether. The main property of the ether is sound. It is very important that unnecessary things do not accumulate in the house that impede the propagation of sound waves. Of course, rebuilding an apartment or house in accordance with the canons of the vastu is an overhead task, and due to the geographical and climatic characteristics of our country, it is often simply impossible. Nevertheless, experts assure that there are no hopeless cases. If it is not possible to cut through windows and doors in the desired part of the house, you can use yantras. These symbols come from sacred geometry, which, according to the ancient yogis, have the ability to radiate and attract positive energy into the house and protect its inhabitants from negative ones. You can buy yantras in any shop of oriental souvenirs. As with Chinese feng shui, in vastu, trash, chaos and disorder are considered to be the main culprits for stress, as well as a lack of harmony and well-being in the home. Do not forget to “cleanse karma” not only for yourself, but also for your home, and then, as the ancient Indian sages assure, love and prosperity will flow into your home like from the Ganges. Namaste!

7 useful rules.

  1. Store valuables and money in the northern part of the house. Face north when paying bills and doing any other financial activity.
  2. Massive pieces of furniture should be placed in the southeast.
  3. The trash in the southern part of the house attracts negative energy.
  4. The bed in the bedroom should be positioned so that the head is facing west or south. You should get up with your right foot and move eastward.
  5. Sitting at the table while eating should be facing east or west.
  6. A small fountain in the northeastern part of the house will contribute to your prosperity.
  7. The front door should be located in the north or east. According to the vast, it brings fame, guarantees fertility and good luck in everything. If you are unlucky with the layout, just hang the image of the god Ganesha or the OM sign above the front door.

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